
  Chapter 2092 Experience

So the City Lord happily agreed, Xiao Guoguo wants to borrow one hundred People, and there are a hundred experts, he didn't hesitate at all, and even asked if there were enough people, which shows the sincerity of City Lord.

"A hundred people is enough." Xiao Guoguo said, giving the medicine pill directly to the City Lord. The City Lord is very satisfied. The medicine pill is in hand, so naturally there is nothing to worry about.

Lu Shan also didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo got one hundred people, one hundred experts! And listening to Junior Sister, do they want to answer sect?

"Junior Sister, what are we doing with so many people back to Sect?" Lu Shan asked, and Xiao Guoguo watched him remain silent.

"Junior Sister, what exactly are you going to do! You take so many people back, if Sect Master knows about it, he will definitely not spare you!" Lu Shan was very worried, for fear that Xiao Guoguo would be punished. .

"Senior Brother, do you think Sect Master can still bypass us now?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Lu Shan didn't know how to answer.

He can actually feel it. The Sect Master has always had opinions on them. Although I don't know why, he can feel that the whole sect seems to be aimed at the Master and a few of them.

"Junior Sister, do you know something?" Lu Shan felt as if he was the only one being kept in the dark.

"I don't know anything, I just want to be safe? If not, I'll step on sect!" Xiao Guoguo said with a decisive expression, and Lu Shan felt that he was becoming less and less aware This Junior Sister is now.

Xiao Guoguo took a hundred people. Although these hundred people belonged to the City Lord, no one wanted to die. In order for them to make an all-out effort, Xiao Guoguo gave three small Spirit Pills, and promised that they would give seven more after the work was done.

The price of today's little Spirit Pill is extremely high. They simply can't afford it, and even if they have Spirit Stone, they simply can't buy it. Only people with high status can get it.

I didn't expect to follow this time, they can have such a harvest, naturally one by one they are very making an all-out effort, and they are also very attentive along the way, not only Xiao Guoguo but also Lushan I can also feel that their trip was very easy.

At this moment, Yunxiang Daoist looked at his side array and smiled bitterly in his heart. This is his own business. The dignified Sect Master actually attacked behind him and calculated it with him.

"Junior Brother, do you want to understand?" The Sect Master asked while standing outside. Yunxiang Daoist raised his eyelids slightly, and then slowly shook the head.

"I really don't understand, what does Senior Brother want? Does it just want my life?" Yunxiang Daoist asked, then Sect Master some fly into a rage out of humiliation .

"Don't pretend to be confused with me, Master must have left you with unknown treasures! Master is too partial, they are all disciplines, why only leave these treasures for you? I am the Master. Eldest disciple, these should be mine! Sect Master’s position is mine, treasure is mine too!"

Hearing this, Yunxiang daoist laughed mockingly, and then asked indifferently: "This Everything is yours, so what is my Junior Brother? Senior Brother, you can't be so greedy. The position of Sect Master is given to you. Leave the treasure to me."

"No! It's all about it." Mine! You shouldn't show up, why are you coming back? Why!" Sect Master, who is normally in front of others, became very crazy before, and Yunxiang daoist sneered in his heart when he saw it. Where is the treasure? He said this just to save his life. What if he died and the two disciplines who were still in retreat?

So he has to hold on, hold on until the disciplines come out, leave here, he can let go.

"I will give you a few more days. If you are not telling the truth, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Sect Master yelled and finally left, he Reluctant to kill Yunxiang Daoist, or put it another way, he is reluctant to bear those treasures. He has already bought a poisonous medicine pill. Yunxiang Daoist is immortal and cannot use the cultivation base, so he is not afraid.

He didn't know that Xiao Guoguo was rushing back at the moment, she was no longer the silly girl she used to be, and she wanted to save her Master now. Xiao Guoguo always feels that Sect Master can't wait to do it, otherwise Master won't send them out in such a hurry.

Three days later, the entire group arrived in front of the sect, and the sect disciple did not respond. The huge spaceship entered the sect with a flag on it, but they didn't understand what the flag was.

In the end, Xiao Guoguo walked up and down the spaceship. Sect disciple still knew him, so someone immediately brought the news to Sect Master. Sect Master walked out and stared at Xiao Guoguo and Lu Shan. And the people behind them.

"What do you want to do?" Sect Master asked, Xiao Guoguo looked at him, and then slowly saluted: "dísciple has seen Sect Leader Uncle Master, and dísciple has returned from the experience of going out."

Xiao Guoguo said so, and Sect Master felt that blue veins jumped in his forehead. After less than a year, he said that he had come back from experience! How much has the cultivation base increased? Whose dísciple is so experienced!

Thinking this way, Sect Master went to see Xiao Guoguo again but looked surprised, because Xiao Guoguo's cultivation base has really increased, and it has increased a lot! How is this possible!

He remembers that the most disappointing among Junior Brother's disciplines is this little discipline. Isn't she normally...what kind of cultivation base is it? I didn't even remember it, which shows how low her cultivation base is!

But now, this girl turned out to be a fairy! She ascended successfully! During the experience outside, in this short period of one year!

I don't know why, Sect Master always feels that there is a plot against of his own strength, and he seems to be deceived again! Did Junior Brother give this girl the treasure of the year, otherwise, why did she improve her cultivation base so quickly? !

"Did your Master give you anything?" Sect Master asked, Xiao Guoguo naturally nodded.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the expectation in the eyes of the Sect Master, and smiled and replied: "Master taught me the principles of life. I think this is more important than anything. If people don’t know shame, they don’t know greed. I don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong, so it’s really pitiful.”

Xiao Guoguo’s words blocked the other party with nothing to say. Everyone looked at Sect Master, how do they feel This seems to have meant something, more like Sect Master?

Everyone is silent, they all know that some major events have happened in sect recently, that is, Sect Master has captured Yunxiang Martial Uncle! Moreover, no reason was given, which made everyone feel very uneasy.

Now that the discipline is back, is it to seek justice for the Master? Everyone thought so, and their hearts were up and down, always feeling that something major event was about to happen.

"You don't want to be stubborn, your Master killed your Master and stole the treasure. Now if you are willing to hand over the treasure, then sect will give you the opportunity to correct the evil, and you will not be blamed. But if you refuse to commit it Come out, then they will be dealt with all at once!" Sect Master said this, waved his hand gently, and a group of people around him surrounded him, all of them were Sect Master’s dísciple and subordinates. Will listen to his orders.

Xiao Guoguo is not afraid of seeing faintly smiled. I thought it was okay, but fortunately she came back.

(End of this chapter)

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