
  Chapter 2091 Rescue

The reason why Xiao Guoguo went down happily this time is not only Worrying the Master is also to find someone.

Yunxiang daoist is not quite right, Xiao Guoguo has already noticed it, she has also heard of the grudge between Master and Sect Master, and she can think of a general idea. So in order to prevent Master from worrying and embarrassing, she took the Third Senior Brother away so happily.

But one day, Xiao Guoguo clenched her fist secretly, she will definitely return to sect, and Master will get everything back from him. This is Xiao Guoguo's wish.

In addition to this, she hopes to find continuity. I don’t know if it’s because of part of the relationship with the woman in her memory. Xiao Guoguo feels that she wants to find that person very much, not even for a moment. delay.

But it is not difficult to find a person of the real plane. The difficulty is that she does not know who Chi Xuan is, what is the identity of Chi Xuan now, and her only clue is the Lord of the Earth.

Because she knows that their looks are different, their identities are different, and even their memories are not necessarily the same. Even if it is found, there may not be any results, but she still wants to do it.

So they settled in the largest city on the plane. Normally, Xiao Guoguo was in cultivation, and the Third Senior Brother went out to collect information and sell medicine pill.

Before leaving sect, the Spirit Stone on their body has been spent almost, and all the expenses on the way and the Spirit Stone needed for cultivation are earned by Xiao Guoguo. Medicine pill and magic weapon are absolutely indispensable to the cultivator of the cultivation world, and Xiao Guoguo's refined grades are very high and can be sold at a good price.

Lu Shan is very worried. Although they have earned a lot of Spirit Stone, their cultivation base is not high. If there is a case, it will be regrettable. So after Lu Shan saw how powerful the medicine pill refined by Xiao Guoguo was, he became so simple, for fear of being probed into the details.

For the sake of safety, they naturally found a big backer, and over there is the City Lord of this city. This City Lord controls the entire city's business. No one will be embarrassed by his people. Every time Xiao Guoguo offers the City Lord a bottle of Spirit Pill for free, the City Lord will naturally protect them.

It can even be said that if Xiao Guoguo is not the Pill Refinement Master, the City Lord will really take the person away. Who would let such talents go to others? However, the Pill Refinement Master has too many contacts, and most people will not easily offend it. Moreover, the medicine pill given by Xiao Guoguo is of very good quality, and City Lord does not want to really annoy her.

Therefore, there are not only people who protect Xiao Guoguo, but also people who monitor her. I am afraid that if they leave directly, the City Lord is the most distressed.

Xiao Guoguo didn't care about this, but instead became more and more diligent in cultivation. The cultivation base continued to improve, and Xiao Guoguo did not suppress it, because she just wanted to ascend.

The backside they are currently on is not the lowest level plane, even if they are Transcending Tribulation, they only undergo Thunder Tribulation and do not need to cross the plane. And Xiao Guoguo needs to accumulate strength as quickly as possible. The Master and Senior Brother are still waiting for her to return.

The City Lord didn't expect that Xiao Guoguo will be Transcending Tribulation so soon. The people he sent will protect Xiao Guoguo, and naturally they can also carry Thunder Tribulation for her. However, Xiao Guoguo doesn't need anything that everyone didn't expect. She has no magic weapon or medicine pill. Instead, she holds a sword in her hand and directly Transcending Tribulation.

I don't know who made the sword. It is of high grade and looks like an Immortal Artifact. Only Lu Shan knew that this magic weapon was refined by Xiao Guoguo himself.

But Lu Shan didn't understand that there was no high level magic weapon he could understand, but he had never seen the trick Junior Sister was using now. What is that? Is that spiritual power? Why not is Fire Spirit Power?

After Xiao Guoguo came here, she had a mental cultivation. Of course, in order to make herself stronger, she took the road of a sword cultivator instead of a normal road.

There are countless Sword Art tricks in her mind, not only subtle but also powerful, it is not difficult to kill by leapfrogging. In addition, she has long been comprehended sword intent and sword heart, and the path of sword cultivator is the easiest shortcut for her.

So after Xiao Guoguo's sword qi in the cultivation, although he has never soared, his strength is already extraordinary! Xiao Guoguo ignores the others and has only one pursuit, to protect the Master.

The people who photographed City Lord are very surprised, and they have never seen such a trick. But the cultivation world is so big, Sect doesn't know how many, and it's not surprising that there are any strange tricks on the side.

They only watched Xiao Guoguo fight Transcending Tribulation alone, and it was actually successful. When the gate of ascension appeared, they were also very envious and jealous, because Xiao Guoguo had three gates of ascension in front of him.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the sky and felt that there were a lot of flavours in his heart, and the same was true for her in my memory. You can choose any one of the three ascending gates, but this time there is no Spirit Beast to accompany him.

Xiao Guoguo opened the biggest one without the slightest hesitation, and then walked in!

Lu Shan is very envious. Although I don't understand why Little Junior Sister is so fast, but Junior Sister has become more powerful, and their lives will be much better. Recently, the hands of receiving gifts are soft. Even the City Lord sent someone to give gifts. Junior Sister's face is really great.

"Senior Brother, let's go and meet the City Lord." Xiao Guoguo said so, Lu Shan was stunned, didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to say so suddenly.

"Didn't you say that you should not get too involved with the City Lord?" Lu Shan asked, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled replied: "That was before, not now."

Lu Shan didn't understand what Xiao Guoguo meant, but he was used to listening to Junior Sister's instructions along the way. Junior Sister said what he said. Therefore, Xiao Guoguo and Lu Shan met the rumored Sir City Lord.

The City Lord was also surprised that Xiao Guoguo would take the initiative to meet him. He had expressed his desire to meet Pill Refinement Master many times before, but was blocked by her Senior Brother. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

And he has heard that this woman is not simple, and she does not know how to use it to achieve alone Transcending Tribulation. He felt more and more strange for this woman.

"Sir City Lord, we are here this time to ask for something." Xiao Guoguo said straight to the point. The first sentence made City Lord's heart settled. This woman is really not an ordinary person.

"I don't know what's up with Fellow Daoist?" the City Lord asked.

"If you want to borrow someone from City Lord, I have to go back to sect to deal with some personal matters. Of course, this person is not borrowed for nothing. I will give City Lord a medicine pill. As long as there is a breath, it can save my life. "Xiao Guoguo said so, and City Lord was moved.

It’s not that people can’t borrow, just look at the price of the other person. Now he understands that the Pill Refinement Master is going back to sect to settle the accounts, and this medicine pill is indeed exciting.

A medicine pill that can save your life is tantamount to having a life. Who would refuse? Anyway, Sir City Lord did not intend to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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