
  Chapter 2077 Sober

At this moment, Yuemu is fighting, and he is in front of Lingyue, not him Can't beat this Lingyue, but she is one of Xiao Guoguo's ancestors, and Yuemu is really a killer if she is not good.

And because of this, Yuemu kept his hands everywhere, so I can’t catch Lingyue until now, plus a Lei Hao, guarding the surroundings, for fear that Yuemu would really hurt people. , Making him very helpless.

However, Beibei was still there to help Yuemu, so after one hour, the two finally controlled Lingyue, but Lingyue was controlled and injured. Lei Hao hurriedly picked up Lingyue. Passed over, protected in my arms.

"If you do this, you will be the first to be killed after you wake up for a while." Yuemu coldly said, Lei Hao said with a smile bitterly: "I treat her as I am I owe too much, even if she lost her life, I am willing to do it."

Yuemu looked at Lei Hao, only to find it ridiculous, but it was his own choice and no one could interfere. If the boss knew it would definitely feel distressed, they lost a helper.

But Yuemu now has no strength to fight with him, because he has absorbed too much spiritual power in the previous battle, and now he only feels very uncomfortable.

"How are you?" Beibei was very nervous, but Yuemu just smiled indifferently, and then sat down to adjust her breath.

Beibei felt uneasy in her heart, always feeling as if something was going to happen, watching Yuemu refused to leave. After one hour, Yuemu's expression became worse, but Beibei didn't dare to help easily.

She is the only one who can guard Yuemu here now. She is not worried about Lei Hao, who knows if this guy is pretending, so she dare not show her hole cards to the other party.

And Lingyue, who had passed out of a coma, slowly opened her eyes at this moment. Her eyes were the same as before, and they were all red. She felt the bondage on her body, and didn't know what magic weapon it was, she went mad and wanted to break free.

"Yue'er, don't torture yourself. Back then, it was all my fault. It was my fault. It wasn't that you didn't know people clearly, but that I was too despicable. You are not responsible. Don't blame you. "

Lei Hao said that he was approaching Lingyue, trying to calm her down, but Lingyue looked at Lei Hao as if he saw an enemy, and violently mobilized all spiritual power to get rid of this magic weapon. Of bondage.

Beibei saw it, but she didn't move, and Beibei felt that she had changed. If it were in the past, she might really help, because she would feel unbearable. But now, she just wanted to guard Moonwood, not to let him have any damage.

"Lei Hao!" Lingyue shouted suddenly, and Lei Hao forgot to dodge.

He knows that now Lingyue is unconscious, and in her eyes and in her heart, there are people who she hates to the bone, but she... but she is calling her own name!

Lei Hao didn’t dodge or hide. He thought, if he really died in Lingyue’s hands, he should be happy. After all, if he could get her revenge, let her let go, his life would be too. value.

With a palm directly hitting his chest, Lei Hao felt that his heart was broken. Maybe he really had no way to survive. He didn't use spiritual power to protect his body just now.

A mouthful of blood was sprayed on Lingyue's face, Lingyue's face was confused for a moment, she didn't seem to know what was going on. And Lei Hao raised his hand vigorously, wanting to tell her, don't be afraid, you did nothing wrong.

But Lei Hao had no chance to do this. He collapsed a little bit, but Lingyue grabbed him subconsciously and prevented him from falling.

Beibei saw all this, sighed in her heart, looking at Yuemu, but seeing Yuemu staring into the distance with red eyes, and said: "Chi Xuan."

Beibei I was stunned, she didn't expect anything, the deepest resentment in Yuemu's heart turned out to be Chi Xuan, and the person he wanted to kill was Chi Xuan! why is that! This is impossible! They are partners, and they have walked till now, which is impossible.

A huge mechanical beast appeared fiercely, and the mechanical beast grabbed Lei Hao, and Lingyue roared, as if not allowing anyone to touch the person in her arms.

Xiao Guoguo shot a medicine pill into Lei Hao's mouth. This guy is really desperate. Death is not impossible, but it depends on the occasion. It is worthless for him to die like this.

The sudden appearance of Xiao Guoguo made Beibei react, and Chi Xuan and two giant mechanical beasts followed her, and she had found a solution.

"Chi Xuan." Yuemu tried to stand up, but Beibei held her back.

Yuemu looked at Beibei in a puzzled manner. Although he was not very conscious of Divine Consciousness, he knew that the person in front of him could not be hurt. He didn't break free, but looked at Beibei.

"If you hurt Chi Xuan, she will be sad, very sad, and will lose her life." Beibei said so, in Yuemu's ear, she told him word by word .

Yuemu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Xiao Guoguo with a pair of eyes. At this moment, she was already controlling Lingyue with the cooperation of the mechanical beast. The previous Lingyue frantically attacked the mechanical beast and wanted to take Lei Hao back. Now Xiao Guoguo is struggling to fight her.

Fortunately, Chi Xuan's help, and then the five elders also came, and everyone took control of Lingyue, and Xiao Guoguo swallowed a medicine pill for her.

Lingyue seemed to have lost strength, staring blankly at the front, and after a while, spit out a red crystal, exactly the same as the one he had seen in the pool before.

Xiao Guoguo sighed, it seems that Old Ancestor has been affected the most. This bead is so round and so big. So Xiao Guoguo thought, maybe the hatred in Old Xu's heart is too deep.

"Lei Hao, Lei Hao!" Lingyue's eyes finally moved, as if suddenly thinking of what she had done, she rushed forward, where Xiao Guoguo and her mechanical beast were.

"Old Ancestor, don't worry, your life is guaranteed." Xiao Guoguo said so, this sentence fixed Lingyue in place, and she did not dare to go forward.

She shouldn't be like this, and she shouldn't worry about it, that's her enemy. Her big brother wouldn't die if it weren't for this man! How could she forgive him!

"It's fine if you don't die." Lingyue finished speaking, turned and walked forward, she sat down, as if she was meditating and adjusting her breath.

But Xiao Guoguo knows that this is impossible. She really sinks her heart. She can't figure out her own heart, and she is probably still entangled.

And Xiao Guoguo next moment also ignored other people, went directly to Yuemu and stared into Yuemu's eyes, which was affected.

"Eat." Xiao Guoguo said. Yuemu swallowed the medicine pill without hesitation. He can really control himself, but it doesn't mean he really has no problems. .

Yuemu swallowed the medicine pill and slammed his mouth, knowing that he also vomited a red crystal. He grabbed his hand and said with a smile: "This can be taken as a souvenir, I almost got recruited."

"Are you okay? Are you uncomfortable?" Xiao Guoguo asked with a look in his eyes. The worry in it is as real.

"I'm fine." Yuemu said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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