
  Chapter 2076 Crazy

Slowly they walked through the jungle, and then they saw a floating red In the foggy place, it seems to have become quieter, and the venue is also very open.

"Here is different from the outside, everyone must be careful." Xiao Guoguo said, everyone raised their spirits, and Lingyue frowned forward, wondering why the murderous aura in his heart couldn't help but roll Want to do it.

Xiao Guoguo didn’t notice the changes in Lingyue, but kept looking around all around. She used Divine Consciousness to check over and over again, but it’s really strange here. She can check the range at any time. Constantly shrinking, you can only see within a hundred meters here, and you can't see anything outside.

And at this moment, they heard the sound of ticking, Xiao Guoguo followed the sound to search, and saw a small pond with a red bead inside.

These beads are very round and dazzling red, like the purest rubies. But no one thinks this thing is beautiful, just feel very chilling, these... should be the crystallization of blood energy.

Of course, this is not simple blood, but all the power contained in bloodline. The big tree just now grows by absorbing water spiritual power. Why doesn't this one here grow according to the routine? It's really worrying.

Human cultivator and monster beast cultivation absorb most of the spiritual power of various attributes of nature within the realm. Of course, many people also improve the cultivation base by robbing each other’s cultivation base and hunting monster beasts. These are now recognized cultivation methods.

But the massive killing of monster beasts is not a glorious thing in the cultivation world. Here, killing monster beasts and absorbing the cultivation base of monster beasts seems to be very common.

Then Xiao Guoguo has to think about whether such a situation happened a long time ago, or that such a situation is unusual for them!

However, Xiao Guoguo suddenly felt an irritable factor. She looked back at Chi Xuan and only saw Chi Xuan holding her chest very uncomfortable.

Xiao Guoguo's heart was chilled, she and Chi Xuan's mind were connected, so they immediately discovered that there was something wrong with Chi Xuan, but others did not.

"Yuemu, be careful!" Xiao Guoguo yelled eagerly. Yuemu grabbed Lingyue who had attacked him suddenly, and grabbed her neck with one hand.

"Don't anyone tell you that you can't get too close to me?" Yuemu said this, but Lingyue opened her mouth to bite. She seemed to have lost her mind, and expressions all were flushed red.

Xiao Guoguo didn't care about Yuemu, but grabbed Chi Xuan and put spiritual power into his body. Sure enough, the spiritual power in Chi Xuan's body was chaotic.

Xiao Guoguo's spiritual power suppressed Chi Xuan's spiritual power. Chi Xuan's mind became clearer, so he sat down quickly and didn't dare to care anymore. If Guoguo hadn't discovered this time early, he might have become like Lingyue.

"You let Lingyue go, it was not her intention to attack you." Lei Hao said so, but Yuemu flew up violently, taking Lingyue away.

In this way, Lei Hao naturally wants to chase him. Beibei also went with him, and Beibei cared more about Yuemu's safety. She knew why Yuemu took the people away, because if Lingyue used spiritual power to attack here, she was afraid it would interfere with Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo.

But the five-ethnic elder never followed Beibei, he had already noticed that Beibei was not what he used to be, and now he is not Beibei's opponent. In comparison, he is the right choice to guard Xiao Guoguo.

At the same time, he has to take care of the worry-free old man and Luo Zhen. These two guys are also madly attacking each other, as if they regard each other as the greatest enemy.

"You kill my clansman, the account should be forgotten now!" The worry-free old man shouted and struck Luo Zhen, the magic weapon in his hand showing no mercy at all.

"You kill my parents, you wicked man!" Luo Zhen also yelled like this. They seemed to be unable to hear each other's words, but fell into their own world.

In order to prevent the two from hurting each other, the five elders can only control both of them, let them unable to move even a little bit, can only stare at each other, although their eyes have not recovered their senses , But can only struggle but unable to move even a little bit.

"The two of them bother you." Xiao Guoguo said, the five-ethnic elders are nodded. They have been together for such a long time, naturally, they are affectionate, and he will not look at the worry-free elderly. Ignore the danger.

Xiao Guoguo Looking at the current situation, these people are clearly affected by their minds. The worry-free elders are also happy, including Luo Zhen and Chi Xuan, they are all people with blood and blood, so they are affected very badly.

In fact, Xiao Guoguo could see that Yuemu was also affected, but fortunately, Yuemu's reason was there, and his strength suppressed this thought. I hope he can stay suppressed forever, otherwise I am afraid that he will cause a big trouble.

As for the people who are not affected, the Five Clan elders are mechanical generals, and there is no possibility to change them, but Beibei and herself...they are both more minded, and it is normal for them to be unaffected.

Xiao Guoguo thought so, and released two more mechanical beasts. In their current situation, they need the help of two mechanical beasts, because they will not be affected by this and will always remain rational.

The five clansmen admire Xiao Guoguo very much, her choice is correct, because the mechanical beast is the best helper at this time. Just doing so can only temporarily control, how to solve this problem is the key, they have to find a solution.

"What should you do? Can you see where there is a problem?" The Five Clan elders asked, and he was also looking all around to see what made everyone so crazy.

Could it be this red mist? The five clansmen looked at all around, the fog was still very thick, but there were barriers around them, and the fog did not touch at all.

"I think it's not the mist or medicine, but the spiritual power suspended here." Xiao Guoguo said, the five clansmen looked at all around and suddenly felt that they would not be affected. It should be, he has not absorbed spiritual power a long time ago.

"You mean, there are things that make people fall into madness in the spiritual power all around here?" asked the Five Clan old man, following Xiao Guoguo's gaze and looking at the red crystal.

"These should be the condensation of the surrounding spiritual power. If they have been disturbed for a long time, they will also have this in the body." Xiao Guoguo said, with a finger movement, a red crystal When she arrived in front of her, her spiritual power was pressed, and the red crystallization became a powder.

"Then what should be done?" The five clansmen know that the cultivator will absorb spiritual power at any time to ensure that their spiritual power is sufficient. I don't want to be like this.

"What should be done then? Do you want to force out the spiritual power in their bodies?" The five clansman asked, but Xiao Guoguo shook his head.

If you want to force this power out, you must first catch people, and secondly, you may not be able to completely clean it up. It is not good if you leave hidden dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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