
  Chapter 1929 Legendary

Thanks to the help of golden carp, the place for everyone’s Transcending Tribulation has been fixed , They sat around the holy pond, and everyone was surrounded by a green bubble. It's just that the bubble is not completely sealed, there is a hole at the top, which allows the tribulation thunder to fall.

Everyone is preparing for Transcending Tribulation. The spiritual power absorbed in the deep sea over the years, and the spiritual power absorbed in the source of the deep sea are now being released. They are afraid that they will continue to Transcending Tribulation.

The natural risk of continuous Transcending Tribulation is not small, but everyone has already discussed it. If they can carry it by themselves, they must carry it by themselves. The reason is simple. They want to see their current ability and also want Challenge yourself, Transcending Tribulation is a rare opportunity.

Of course, Xiao Guoguo and the others are not unprepared. In order to guard against the unexpected, three Saint Realm mechanical beasts are guarded by everyone. If someone really can’t hold it, there are machinery. The beast helps.

In addition, their most powerful plug-in is the golden carp. So Chi Xuan rejected Shiran's suggestion to guard their Transcending Tribulation. They have this confidence.

The people of the Juli clan watched the Jieyun appear on top of each other in the air. They were surprised. They had never seen someone like Jieyun like this. Now that the sky is covered by robbery clouds, it seems that it is dark. Just now I can see a trace of light, and now there is nothing.

"Is the King Transcending Tribulation so powerful? What level of tribulation thunder is this?" Someone was so surprised that no one could answer.

Heard of Wenwen Transcending Tribulation, everyone gathered outside the royal city of the Juli clan. They actually wanted to look at the preface around the holy pool, but the old king sent a large number of horses and horses to guard, no one could approach it, so they could only watch it in the area between the royal city and the holy pool.

Even so, they still feel very excited, their new king, Transcending Tribulation, is very unusual.

"By the way, this new king is so powerful, it is understandable that the Transcending Tribulation movement is a little bit bigger." Some people are happy, this tribulation thunder shows that their king is powerful, and the king is powerful. It is their Juli clan that is amazing!

"Yes." Everyone agrees with this view.

Therefore, for a while, everyone felt that the tribulation thunder was great, and they refused to leave, wanting to watch the Thunder Tribulation. It's just that above the black clouds, the lightning of various colors is shining rapidly, everyone is still shocked, why is the color of this lightning so complicated? This is really peculiar.

The tribulation thunder did not fall together. The tribulation thunders of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan fell almost at the same time, while the tribulation thunders of Wenwen were a little bit late. Finally, the worry-free old man, Yuemu and Qingyun daoist The tribulation thunder.

But, because of this, it gives people a feeling of thunder and lightning one after another, simply without gaps. At this moment, the Juli clansman who was waiting to read the Transcending Tribulation was completely shocked.

Is this Transcending Tribulation? Isn't this irritating the tribulation thunder? How can it fall continuously without any gaps at all!

"Is this normal?" Second Prince asked his father, the old king was already stupid.

"Does your younger sister say that she is ready, and I don't want me to prepare anything?" The old king couldn't help asking Second Prince.

"Yes, she said everything is ready." Second Prince was stupidly nodded.

"That's okay. Now that we are in this situation, we can only trust her."

The old king is very helpless. He has really seen everything after living for so many years.

This child who doesn't worry about it, how can anyone do Transcending Tribulation? This is not Transcending Tribulation. Isn't this a death-seeking? But the old king still believes in his own writing with an extremely firm heart. She must be very strong, and she will definitely be able to hold this tribulation thunder.

Naturally, everyone’s Transcending Tribulation method is different, and everyone has their own characteristics. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan used sword qi to carry Thunder Tribulation, while Wenwen directly used the body to resist. Moonwood spread its wings and stood in midair to welcome the baptism of Thunder Tribulation.

And the golden carp looked at everyone's Transcending Tribulation, and was amazed. I feel very pleased. Young Lord has a good vision of choosing friends, and these friends are also amazing.

The tribulation thunder fell one by one, facing the progress of Transcending Tribulation, this tribulation thunder became more and more powerful. The Juli clansman outside the city looks like the tribulation thunder is uninterrupted, and the tribulation thunder is getting stronger and stronger. They can't help feeling anxious, but they are the king, won't the Transcending Tribulation be unsuccessful?

"The king is very difficult to deal with, right?" Someone asked, but the person next to him was nodded.

Yes, the king is very difficult to deal with, and so many of them can't bear the acknowledge allegiance, such a king can definitely succeed in Transcending Tribulation. Because the robbery cloud is too thick, a little light will not show up, and this tribulation thunder is so dazzling, it looks even more frightening.

Under such circumstances, there has never been a giant clansman moving for several hours in a row. This is the most unreliable and thrilling Transcending Tribulation they have ever seen, and no one is willing to leave. .

The Juli clansman are just in a nervous mood. The king of Juli clan over there has been paralyzed on the chair, and a few people behind him take turns to wipe his sweat. It is really cold and sweaty. Who can understand this feeling? . He felt that such a tribulation thunder, anyway, he would definitely not be able to handle it.

"This must be a Transcending Tribulation of several people together. It must be. Wenwen is impossible to invite such a tribulation thunder alone." Said the old king, Second Prince twitched his lips, this is for the younger Sister is making an excuse.

Didn’t he say that Wenwen is an ordinary person? She is Transcending Tribulation alone, and this tribulation thunder is also scary. He is the one who can see the most clearly here, that group of people, none of whom is easy to deal with, at the time Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan stirred up Heaven and Earth turning upside down the Juli clan.

Later in Sea Clan, hehe, two people almost took down the entire Sea Clan palace.

He won’t say anything. They don’t know the horror of the group of people, especially the power of Wenwen. Think about her that she lost an Earth Demon clansman by herself, Second Prince felt his back tightened, so he better be honest.

One day, six full hours passed. Everyone looked at the thunder and lightning as if they were a little weaker. Although they hadn't stopped yet, there was a glow in the black clouds, and there was a spiritual power rain falling.

This makes everyone feel very surprised. This glow and spiritual power rain are obviously the symbol of the completion of Transcending Tribulation. Why, why does the tribulation thunder fall while the glow appears, and does not affect each other?

"Are there many people Transcending Tribulation together?" Someone said this, and was slapped.

"You are stupid! If this is a Transcending Tribulation together, so close, wouldn't it have to affect each other! That is not courting death, you are as stupid as you are the king!"

"Then tell me, how do you explain the current situation?!" The speaker was not convinced.

"Hehe, who knows."

If they can explain it clearly, if they can figure it out, are they still guessing here? Don't say it was them, it was the soldier who was closest to the thunder and lightning, and probably didn't know what was going on.

Such a magical scene, rarely seen for a hundred years and millennia, they are still watching well, and speaking of which will probably become a classic in the future. They have witnessed the King’s Transcending Tribulation with their own eyes, and they are thrilled to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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