
  Chapter 1928 Transcending Tribulation

"Since you are going to the Juli clan, then we will separate here Right." Boss Zhou said so, but he didn't see any sadness.

"Master, don't you really go out with us to have a look?" Chi Xuan asked Shiran, he hoped Shiran would go out with them, after all, only Shiran among these people I could get out of the barrier, but Shiran shook his head.

"Wait until Sea Clan is stable, I will find you again. Don't worry, I will definitely go, I want to go out for a long time." Shi Ran didn't want to go out, but Now Sea Clan still needs them.

Shi Ran told Chi Xuan privately that he, Mu Sen and Zhou Boss, they plan to build a batch of mechanical generals in a hundred years.

You must know that seapeople still need to rely on the mechanical general to leave the barrier. Although the three of them are not ready to tell seapeople that the mechanical will pass through the barrier, there is always nothing wrong with preparing early. of.

However, their three people do not want to have that day, because at that time it really means one thing. Sea Clan can produce the barrier, but the Sea Clan family will not be able to continue, because they have already Abandon the ontology.

Therefore, they hope not to have this day, but hope that after the fall of seapeople, their Divine Soul and machinery will merge. At that time, go out and take a look at the world outside, which is fine.

They just make mechanical generals that can go out. They need materials for the cultivation world, so they came out this time not only to send Xiao Guoguo off to them, but also to collect materials. The best choice for collecting materials is of course the trading market closest to Sea Clan. Their destinations are different and they are about to be separated at this moment.

"In this case, if the Master is looking for me, go to Sword Sect in the cultivation world. Just go there and you can find out about me."

Chi Xuan said Solemnly salute Shiran, Shiran satisfied nodded. He missed the only discipline very much, but he also understood that Chi Xuan impossible stayed by his side, otherwise there would be no future for him.

"You have to be careful yourself, and don't push your head when you are in danger. That girl, if you can't control her, just listen to her. She is a smart person." Shi Ran couldn't help but confess to Chi Xuan. , I also took a look at Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo smiled, how could she be a smart person.

"Girl, don't always bully Chi Xuan in the future!" Shi Ran explained Xiao Guoguo again.

"This is natural, and I can't bear to bully you, your discipline." Xiao Guoguo said. Shi Ran shook his head. He could see it through. Xiao Guoguo had controlled his stupid discipline for the rest of his life.

"Let’s go, hurry up and go to Transcending Tribulation." Shiran originally wanted to protect Chi Xuan and their Transcending Tribulation, but Chi Xuan refused. They seem to have confidence in Transcending Tribulation, so Shi Dye is not forced.

"Transcending Tribulation must be careful by yourself. If it doesn't work, throw the mechanical beast to carry it." Shi Ran explained, Chi Xuan nodded with a smile. With Saint Realm's mechanical beast, there is no risk in their Transcending Tribulation, but this is not what they want, they want to carry it down on their own.

"Let's go, let's go." Shiran waved, and said sadly, Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo faced Shiran one after another saluted, and everyone left.


The old king of the Juli clan was stunned when he heard the news, didn't expect Wenwen came back so suddenly, naturally very pleasantly surprised. Ever since Wenwen and they went to Sea Clan, and experienced the battle between the Earth Demon clan and Sea Clan, the old king always worried about Wenwen's safety.

Fortunately, I finally came back. Although I have waited for so many years, it is good to come back safely.

Seeing Wenwen behind Xiao Guoguo entire group, the old king smiled, but it seems that the number of people is wrong. Why are there three fewer? Could it be that something happened to them in the deep sea?

The old king thought so, but never asked aloud. He just looked at Wen Wen with a gratified expression: "Just come back, just come back!"

"Let You are worried." Wenwen only said dryly, but Xiao Guoguo knew that this was already Wenwen's very enthusiastic performance, and she was very gentle with her father.

"Let’s go, let’s go back and celebrate. Whatever you say this time, you have to stay with the Juli clan for a while."

When the old king said that, his side Second Prince would bear it. He couldn't help shaking his leg. Although he and Wenwen are bloodline relatives, he is really afraid of this younger sister.

Although I don't know why I am afraid of Wenwen, Second Prince is as honest as a mouse seeing a cat when he is in front of Wenwen, and he dare not move. The king let Wenwen stay with them for a while, and the inner activities of Second Prince can be imagined.

"I'm afraid it won't work anymore. I'm coming back to see you, but also to make you feel at ease. We are going to the Transcending Tribulation of the Holy Pond, so don't worry." Wenwen said that, the old king said slightly. Frozen, Transcending Tribulation?

"Transcending Tribulation is a good thing, but what do you need to prepare?"

There is really no emotional foundation and lack of communication between father and daughter, so that now the old king does not know what to do Face this only daughter. He knew what to do with his son, so he had a fight if it didn't work, but with Wenwen, he didn't have the confidence.

"No need, we are all ready, this time we are afraid that we are going to Transcending Tribulation together." Wen Wen said helplessly, coming over to say hello in advance is afraid of scaring the Juli clan, come here first Say it.

"Well, then you go." The old king did not understand why they want to Transcending Tribulation together, why they want to go to the Holy Pond Transcending Tribulation. But he didn't understand these things and kept asking, lest he be annoying. All in all, Transcending Tribulation is a good thing.

Yes, Transcending Tribulation is a good thing, unless it is continuous Transcending Tribulation, or several people continuous Transcending Tribulation.

When Wenwen appeared in the holy pond, he immediately sent the guarding soldiers away, let them leave as far as possible, and no one was allowed to enter within a hundred miles.

Although the soldiers are puzzled, they are still very obedient, because Wenwen's identity is the king of the Juli clan, so they naturally dare not violate it.

And soon, the news of Return of the King Transcending Tribulation spread throughout the Juli clan, and everyone was very curious about what strength their king is now.

"Golden carp, come out and meet me!" Wenwen shouted, and he saw the green water tumbling, and the golden carp appeared.

"Young Lord, you are back. I think you are going to Transcending Tribulation." Golden Carp said, Wenwen laughed.

"You are right. Not only I want Transcending Tribulation, but they also want Transcending Tribulation. You separate us so that the tribulation thunder does not affect each other. Can you do it?" Wenwen asked. Now, Golden Carp hurriedly nodded, this is an opportunity for performance, it will naturally not be missed.

"Master, don't worry about it!" Golden Carp said, Wenwen laughed.

'Besides this, I want you to help me watch my friends. If they can't hold the tribulation thunder anymore, please help. 'This text was spoken to Golden Carp in the heart, and he could hear it and responded.

'Young Lord, rest assured, I will ensure that they are safe. 'Golden Carp guarantees that Wenwen also believes that it has this ability.

(End of this chapter)

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