
  Chapter 1897 is calculated.

The king only feels that the internal organs are hurting at this moment. The black demonic energy thinks To escape, but the power of the rays of light with thunder and lightning trapped all the demonic energy, and finally forced to exit meridian and dantian.

Although the king did not open his eyes at this time, he was very clear in his heart that this time he should have taken the right medicine pill and it has already started to work. The king's heart did not relax. Although he was very grateful, he still tightened his mind. The concentrated one's mind will force the demonic energy out of his body.

The king thought for a while, it should be Xiao Guoguo and they are back. If not, where would the medicine pill come from? Hope was ignited in the king's heart, and he trusted Xiao Guoguo and the others very much.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone watched as the black demonic energy began to fade, even very weak. It seemed that the medicine pill really had an effect. The old man was unsure, he didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to be so bad, and this kind of injury could be treated.

And at this time, the king opened his eyes abruptly, and then sat up straight, fiercely sprayed black blood in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

The bloody queen was extremely frightened. Before she could help her, she saw the king flexing her body abruptly, spitting out mouthfuls of black blood. The sea water was stained with this blood, with a fishy odor.

"Asshole, you actually poisoned the king!" The old man said angrily, stood up abruptly, and looked at Xiao Guoguo with murderous aura in their eyes.

Everyone was stunned, what he said was a bit far-fetched. The king was already poisoned, the blood vomited out is black or it may be detoxification.

The queen understands this, let alone a big elder. However, he was quite unreasonable, and even said this upside-down, which shows how deep the big clan elders are towards Xiao Guoguo and their prejudices.

"You mean, we poisoned the king! Those of us who refining medicine pill poisoned the king!" Xiao Guoguo stared at the old man and asked, imposing manner with cold light flashed in his eyes. Full.

The old man sneered and said: "Isn't there anyone else? Is it the queen?"

The words of the old man made the queen suddenly raised his head and looked at the old man’s eyes. With resentment and humiliation. This guy even humiliated her because he refused to stand on his side. Such a person is not worthy of being a clan elder.

The big clan elders are too much. The remaining three clan elders are a little bit blind, and wanted to speak out to relieve them, when I heard Xiao Guoguo ask: "You mean who touched the medicine pill, Whoever poisons the king and kills the king!" Xiao Guoguo asked again, the old man felt a little strange, but he still said with certainty: "Yes, who is the medicine pill from? Whoever killed the king is the one who harmed the king, and this person is you! Now I will take you, the one who hides the evil heart!"

"Hehe, the one who hides the evil heart? If you insist on saying that, You have to catch a talent line. After all, I did not find the medicine ingredient alone. I did not manage it alone. I didn’t refine the medicine pill alone.” After Xiao Guoguo finished saying that, the elders found it strange, no matter what. Whoever catches it must be her side. Is this woman crazy?

"Musen senior, how long do you want to see the excitement? The old man suspects that he will participate in you and murder the king." Xiao Guoguo said so, Mu Sen touched his nose and could only leave. Came out.

He came a long time ago. He came when the old man appeared. He just watched such a good show and didn’t want to come out. He didn’t want Xiao Guoguo to use him as a shield, so he always There was no sound.

But who would have thought that this girl would give every word to the big clan elders, and this idiot stepped on all of them, and it won’t work if he doesn’t come out at this moment.

Seeing Mu Sen walked out from behind the great hall, the clan elders were stunned. This is Musson senior who takes care of the herbal Secret Realm. Why is he here? What happened during this time?

"Now I can tell you responsibly, this medicine pill was not made by me alone, but by me and the Musson senior. Now, arrest us all Well, it’s better to expel Sea Clan as the old man just said, or kill us?"

Xiao Guoguo asked with a smile, the queen wiped the blood from the king’s mouth while squeezing Mouth smiled. She thought in her heart that this big clan elder deserved it, and it was necessary to provoke Xiao Guoguo, so she didn't have a long memory!

Because of the ridicule of the big clan elder, because the big clan elder couldn't save his life, she looked down on this very much, and was full of resentment. At this moment, seeing him embarrassed by Xiao Guoguo, she felt that Very refreshing.

"Senior, you really refined this medicine pill?" The old man couldn't believe it, he thought Xiao Guoguo was lying.

"Why, do you think I can't refining medicine pill?" Mu Sen was upset. I didn't face this big clan elder just now. I felt it through this conversation. This person really doesn't. say. He has been able to pill concocting, he even dared to doubt.

"No, Junior doesn't mean that. Senior is the best pharmacist in Sea Clan, so he can naturally pill concocting." The old man felt the pressure from Musson, so he didn't dare to say anything, this senior absolutely not to be trifled with.

"I think your clan is not qualified at all. Not only can you not help the king to solve problems, but you are always making trouble for him. This is not what the clan veteran should do."

Mussen is not polite to teach this, because he has a high status, a high seniority, and a high cultivation base. How dare you to say a word, and bow your head obediently, this is him. Duty.

Musson is also interesting. He does not speak dirty words, but from all angles, he scolds the old man time it takes to drink a cup of tea from all angles. After the scolding, he still has some meanings that are still unfinished. And not only the big clan elders face deathly pale, but the remaining clan elders also blushed and looked very guilty.

Xiao Guoguo really admires talents like Mu Sen. He always knows how to grasp the painful feet of the enemy, how to dig out the dark side hidden in others' hearts, fiercely poked a finger. Not only is it unbearable, but I have to admit it, and even feel ashamed.

Such ability Xiao Guoguo feels that she can't learn it anymore, she is better at solving problems with her fists.

"Do you agree with what I said?" Musson looked at the clan elders and asked, which clearly meant that someone would like him if he scolded someone.

"I agree, what senior said is really right. When I heard senior's words, I felt very ashamed, and I didn't even deserve to be a clan elder." The big clan elders were scolded the most and felt the deepest. At this moment I almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Since you have this sentiment, I will fulfill you. Come out from the clan elders and go on patrols. As I said, contribute to Sea Clan regardless of age or seniority. , You should do your best for Sea Clan." Musen was nodded after he finished speaking, feeling that what he said made sense.

(End of this chapter)

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