
  Chapter 1896 Trap

The queen is naturally towards Xiao Guoguo, although the status of the elders is very high, But the queen was plotted against the tribal elders once, and her impression of the tribal elders became very poor, and she naturally did not want to offend Xiao Guoguo for them. In the Queen's mind, the few clan elders together are not as important as Xiao Guoguo alone.

"You counted on a Human Race to save the king, but you are still the queen of Sea Clan! How important is the safety of the king, how can it be so trifling?" The old man did not directly attack Xiao Guoguo, but instead confronted Xiao Guoguo. The queen frigid irony and scorching satire, referring to the sang shuhuai.

The queen's face gradually sank. She was the king's apex. She had never suffered such grievances before, and coupled with her dissatisfaction with the clan veteran association, the queen was not polite at this moment.

"What about Human Race! When Sea Clan is facing the disaster of extinction, if it weren't for someone else's action, no one will have your turn to show off one's military strength with me here, I'm afraid our bones are rotten." Now!" The queen didn't show any mercy at all when she said this, so that the old family never thought that such a violent woman turned out to be the queen of Sea Clan!

"You! How dare you talk to me like this!" The big clan elder never thought that the queen had such a strong temper.

"How do you say it? I am the queen of Sea Clan, who are you? I respect you and call you a big clansman. If you don't respect you, it's just the clansman of Sea Clan!" The queen protects herself from her arrogance. In the past, when she met someone she didn't like, the queen always used this oblique glance to press the other party and couldn't lift her head.

The queen is naturally not as deep as the Great Elder cultivation base, but when it comes to embarrassing people, she still has several points of experience. Whoever makes her the queen, the entire Sea Clan is the king in front of her, and there is no Outrageous capital.

After the queen said this, she ignored the big clan elder's flushed face, but directly put medicine pill into the king's mouth, simply ignoring the big clan elder's objection. She didn't believe it anymore, this clan veteran would still be able to take action against her!

She was right, even if the elders of the big clan were arrogant, they would not dare to openly attack the queen. What she said was not wrong. The clan elders' associations are just very famous, but in fact they have no real power. If the king is like this, they can still give a lesson, a woman, they can't really beat people, they can only be aggrieved.

Xiao Guoguo wanted to laugh when he saw this, but tried his best to endure it. It was really ugly to see the face of the old man. But the second tribe veteran hurriedly turned his attention, looking left and right, just ignored the clues from the big clan elder, and never helped him to say a word. At this time, the old man seemed helpless.

"Okay! Then I'll just wait here to see if this Human Race medicine pill can save the king. If it can't, I see how you can explain it to me!" Sitting down, he looked like he was going to find Xiao Guoguo to settle the accounts.

Xiao Guoguo saw simply improperly, instead he asked with eyes moving: "If this medicine pill can't save the king's life, should you punish the pill concocting person like this?"

The big clan always sees Xiao Guoguo asking such a question, and he has a bottom in his heart. This woman is afraid or has no confidence, otherwise why is she asking? It seems that the situation of the king is indeed not optimistic. After all, he was injured by the demonic energy. How many people know how to treat it? He didn't know anyway.

"Naturally expelled you from Sea Clan. If the king loses his life after eating the medicine pill you refined, then you will all pay for it!" The old man made this decision and looked at Xiao Guoguo. His eyes were very cold.

"You also said, this is my refined medicine pill, if something goes wrong, you just trouble me alone. Why do you want to implicate innocent people and make them follow suit?" Xiao Guoguo looked at the old man with an angry expression, wondering what answer he would give this time.

"They are with you, naturally impossible has nothing to do with medicine pill, as long as there is a relationship, then they can't escape!" The old man laughed, and he was very happy at this moment.

Although the king’s life and death are uncertain, the elders of the big clan begin to take pleasure in other people’s misfortune uncontrollably. Seeing that, it seems that instead of looking forward to medicine pill not working, they can take this opportunity to punish Xiao Guoguo. His behavior not only made the second race elders and the others very dissatisfied, but the queen's eyes looked at him full of anger.

This shameless person hopes that the king will not get better. Such a person is actually the big elder of their Sea Clan. Is there any way to make this big clan go away!

The Queen thought so in her heart, just seeing Xiao Guoguo's mouth with a smile, as if she was in a very happy mood, and was not frightened by the elders. The queen was taken aback for a moment, she always felt that Xiao Guoguo had any way to deal with the person in front of her.

For a moment, the king's body trembled violently, and the black demonic energy on his body began to dissipate little by little. But the demonic energy has been in his body for a while, and it is not easy to remove it. Therefore, at this moment, the king's lips are black, his whole body is trembling, and he looks painful.

"Look at what you are doing!" The old man said that he was about to get up, and he wanted to help, but Xiao Guoguo stayed in place with a single sentence.

"If the old clan intervenes, the king's life and death have nothing to do with my medicine pill. After all, who is sure what the old clan did to the king?"

Xiao Guoguo's words hindered the footsteps of the old man. The queen looked at him in disbelief. This person, because of a bit of personal grievances, really didn't care about the king's life or death! Is this still their clan elder?

"The old man!" Seeing the queen's eyes, the second clan sighed in his heart. This is to make the Royal Family be separated from their clan elders.

"She's right. If I do, who knows if I will help. If that's the case, let's trust her. Anyway, the queen believes in her." The old man really sat down. Now, watching the king's changes, there is a hint of resentment in his heart.

This resentment is against Xiao Guoguo. If it weren't for her to stop him, I could have gone to see the king's situation, but now I can only sit here in a hurry. He doesn't even know what he thinks in his heart, whether he hopes that the king will be good, or is it bad for the king!

The second clan elder was very dissatisfied when he heard this. Looking at Xiao Guoguo's expression, he did not move. He had a different idea from the big clan elder, and naturally it was not for selfishness. It's because he doesn't understand medicine, and it's useless to see it. He believes that Xiao Guoguo can heal the king. After all, she is the most powerful pharmacist here. If she can't do it, then there is really no one else.

"In that case, let's wait and see." Xiao Guoguo said without fear. They certainly didn't know that this medicine pill was not made by her alone, who stood outside to watch The lively guy is obviously in a bad mood.

Yeah, who would have thought that the big clan is always such a person. She is a Human Race, they naturally can't ask for too much, but his clan elder, regardless of the king's life or death, only cares about the face of the individual, which owes it to clean up.

(End of this chapter)

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