
  Chapter 1894 The King is Injured

It’s only now that Boss Zhou realized that Beibei just refused on purpose. Only then let him relentlessly agree. But looking at Beibei's smile, Boss Zhou's anger instantly dissipated, and he felt helpless.

"Let's go, I'll be with you." The boss of Zhou pulled Beibei, and Beibei quickly nodded.

Yuemu saw this scene heart relaxed, anyway, he didn't want to be with this girl anymore, and he was very tossed along the way.

But just now I saw Beibei's efforts to find mother and to come out to see what she had done. Yuemu didn't know what was wrong, and she felt a pain in her heart. Perhaps it was because he could see his own shadow on Beibei, and he didn't know where his biological mother was.

"Where are we going now?" Boss Zhou asked Shi Ran and Mu Sen, and the two looked at Xiao Guoguo.

"We originally planned to return to Sea Clan, the king is still waiting for us, and after we go back, we have to repair his mechanical general for the stone dyed senior." Xiao Guoguo said, Zhou boss nodded.

"Let's go then." Boss Zhou raised his hand to open the tunnel, when Beibei pulled his hand down.

"Father, it’s so boring to go straight ahead. I’ve never played in seabed. Let’s walk over slowly." Beibei suggested so, and the boss of Zhou understood what Beibei meant, naturally not Refuse.

So, they really walked back slowly, and even the spaceship was useless. On the way, Beibei was surprised to see everything. Of course, Xiao Guoguo and the others are also novel. After all, they are also the first time to visit the seabed abyss, but they have followed Beibei for a good tour.

It's just that among everyone except Yuemu, he felt that Boss Zhou was extremely dissatisfied with him, and he did not dare to stroll outside, and returned to the artificial space to begin secluded cultivation. The last time the retreat was forcibly interrupted by Beibei, this time he felt very obedient, and felt that there was nothing wrong with the retreat.

Xiao Guoguo is naturally happy to see the result, just look at Beibei, it seems that there is no mood swing due to the departure of the golden retriever, but recently really followed Boss Zhou honestly. The father and daughter were very happy along the way. It looks happy.

After walking for three full months, they reached the fifth Sea Territory from the edge of the fourth Sea Territory, which was already extremely slow. When they returned to Sea Clan, they clearly felt something wrong with the atmosphere of Sea Clan. It didn't look as cheerful as it used to be, but it was a little more low-pitched.

When they approached Sea Clan, they found a group of soldiers patrolling. They seemed to be very nervous. Seeing Xiao Guoguo's return, his expressions all brightened.

Not only the soldiers on patrol, all the seapeople who saw them took the initiative to salute along the way, as if they were very happy with their return, but they looked at them with light in their eyes, full of expectation. Xiao Guoguo doesn't know why, but instinct tells her that Sea Clan must have something wrong.

This is the first time Beibei has come to Sea Clan. It is the first time she has seen so many seapeople, so she feels very surprised, but she doesn’t seem to feel the tension around her. I just feel very happy, watching everything is full of novelty.

At the gate of the palace, Xiao Guoguo saw Princess Xiuya. Feisha was standing beside her. They saw Xiao Guoguo entire group rushing over, and Xiuya caught Xiao even more. Guoguo's hand was full of excitement.

"Elder sister, you are finally back! Isn't that grumpy Old Ancestor trouble you? Is he very unreasonable?" Xiuya asked, Xiao Guoguo's eyes blinked quickly Then, Huya looked at Xiao Guoguo in confusion, what happened to Elder Sister Xiao's eyes?

Boss Zhou is very helpless, the grumpy Old Ancestor in this little girl's mouth should be him right! Hehe, he really didn't expect his reputation has spread like this. And Huya's words caused Shiran and Muson Fiercely to cough twice, but Huya didn't understand what it meant.

"Princess, let everyone go in quickly, the king is still waiting." Huya was innocent, but fortunately, Feisha accompanied him. He saw the crowd standing in the middle of the crowd at a glance. The person in front of Ran and Musen senior can tell who the two seniors are. You don’t need to guess.

"That's right, Royal Father is waiting for the elder sister and the two seniors. There have been many bad things in Sea Clan during the time you left." Xia said so, Xiao Guoguo followed inside. My heart is tight when I walk, what happened to Sea Clan?

Xiao Guoguo is anxious, and the three seniors are even more anxious. At this time, I can't ask Xiuya, just thinking that after seeing the king, everyone will discuss what is going on. Walking into the palace of the king, Xiao Guoguo obviously felt that something was wrong. The guards here seemed to have become a lot less, even a little deserted.

The king's palace shouldn't be like this. The queen hurriedly greeted her from inside, grabbing her hand tightly, with tears on her face. Xiao Guoguo's heart shook all of a sudden, and now I finally understand why Xiuya looked like crying outside, obviously because she was afraid that the people outside would be too confused and dare not speak. The expression of the queen at the moment proves that something must have happened to the king!

"Miss Xiao, you have to save the king!" As the queen said, Huya's tears also came down. She managed to control her emotions just now, didn't expect to come in Can't hold it anymore.

"Elder sister, please save my Royal Father. He did this to save me." Xia said, Xiao Guoguo patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't worry, let me take a look. Don't worry, I'll be there." No matter what the situation, Xiao Guoguo comforted Xia first, and these words made Xia and the queen feel full of hope.

And Zhou Boss also didn't expect, he ran into an accident as soon as he came back. Is this king hurt? But what do you find a Human Race for after being injured?

Huya felt a person holding her hand, and when she looked up, she was a beautiful girl who looked very cute, about the same age as her.

"Don't cry, let's go and see, it must be fine." Beibe comforted Huya. Although Huya didn’t know Babe’s identity, she felt kindness, so she nodded and hurryed up. Bei's hand. The friendship between two girls of similar age is established very quickly.

Feisha: "..." There is a feeling of congestion.

Xiao Guoguo walked into the palace. The Second Prince and Third Prince were both present. The two saluted Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo nodded, and hurriedly walked to the king's side. It looked stared wide-eyed fiercely, and the king was surrounded by black demonic energy.

"How could this happen!" Xiao Guoguo looked at the queen, and the queen's eyes were full of resentment.

"Speaking of which king is just to protect us. He was secretly calculated and seriously injured. From then on, this demonic energy took the opportunity to invade the king's body!" After saying that, everyone squinted their eyes. The Earth Demon clan became bolder and even attacked the king directly.

(End of this chapter)

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