
  Chapter 1893 Compromise

Everyone looked a little surprised and a little puzzled, but more about Beibei’s The girl's admiration, this girl really dares to think and dare to do it, this is the brat from Zhou Lao Major Sect.

"Babe!" Boss Zhou yelled in a low voice, apparently restraining his anger. Even if Boss Zhou is a leader in protecting the calf within the realm, he can't help feeling a bit embarrassed. His own daughter is tied up. A big man who doesn't want to have so many days, it doesn't sound good to say it.

"Father." Beibei kicked Yuemu with her foot. When she shouted, Mr. Zhou felt relieved. This child normally calls him father, and he calls his father only when he makes a mistake.

"Are you really willing to let Beibei be tied up by yourself?" Boss Zhou pointed the finger at Yuemu unprincipled.

Yuemu: "..." Is there still a bottom line for being a human being? Can he be willing? is it possible?

"Yes, I am willing to do it myself, please senior to unlock it for me." a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him The boss's coercion was too strong, he didn't need to have trouble with his own life.

Boss Zhou walked over and got off the rope twice. This is a mechanical rope. Naturally, Yuemu can’t untie it, otherwise he can’t take Beibei so obediently. road. Yuemu gained freedom and quickly came to Xiao Guoguo's side. He really missed this babe. This girl was not only bold but also powerful, he really couldn't afford to offend.

After Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen, Yuemu finally found the third girl who made him think he couldn't afford to offend, and at this moment, the girl looked at him with aggrieved and condemned expression. Yuemu's back was chilly, but he didn't do anything.

Boss Zhou fiercely glared at Yuemu, and looked at Beibei and said: "Follow me back."

When the words came down, he stretched out his hand to catch Beibei, but Beibei Bei quickly stepped back and shook his head firmly and said: "I won't go back. I finally came out this time. I will never go back like this with you!" Beibei's answer made Zhou Zhou The boss's brows frowned fiercely, it seemed like a ninja angry with all his strength, but Xiao Guoguo didn't think it was good at all. I was afraid that the father and daughter would really have a quarrel this time.

"Go back." Zhou Boss angry roar, the surrounding sea is rolling, obviously also affected.

Shiran and Mu Sen looked at each other, and both wanted to go and persuade them. How can you really get angry with the child? In their eyes, Beibei is a child who has not grown up.

"Don't go back!" Beibei angry roar, the calm sea water rolled again, this time the influence was greater than that of the boss, Xiao Guoguo and the others hurriedly stabilized the silhouette.

Everyone: "..." The tempers of the father and daughter are really similar.

"You!" Boss Zhou pointed at Beibei with a finger, now speechless.

The people who watched this scene sighed, the cow boss Zhou who has no friends, the boss Zhou who stands by one's word, looks like a paper tiger in front of Zhou Beibei, and I don’t know the angry half-dead. What to do, Xiao Guoguo feels a little sympathetic to him.

Seeing Boss Zhou look like this, Shiran and Mu Sen hurried over, one took Boss Zhou's arm and put his fingers back easily, while the other patted him on the back and said: "Boss, just say what you have. Beibei is still a child. You can't beat a child. She can't help you."

After hearing Musen's words, Zhou Boss looked at him. I glanced at Beibei again, and asked with a look of fly into a rage out of humiliation: "Who told you that I was going to beat a child? Do you think I can afford it?"

Boss Zhou was very dissatisfied , When did he hit a child! This child he has raised since he was a child is reluctant to touch with a finger. Who dares to let him be wronged, he will never forgive him!

Everyone: "..." Well, they understand, this is my father.

"Babe, let's go back, the world outside is too dangerous." Boss Zhou walked up to Bei Bei, begging for mercy.

"Father, I am already in the late stage of Xianzun, Saint Realm's Sea Beast doesn't know how many killed, what's the danger outside?" Beibei asked, everyone couldn't help it. Look at Boss Zhou, yes, just your child’s sturdy appearance, is it someone else who is in danger when she comes out?

"There are a lot of bad people out there, it’s not because your cultivation base is high. You don’t know how cruel and cunning they are! Especially men, there is no good thing!" When Boss Zhou said that, Looking at Yue Mu with a sense of meaning, and seeing Yue Mu's legs are soft, what does it have to do with him? He was forced to follow him.

Yuemu thought of Beibei to visit him, thinking that this girl had a conscience and was thinking about herself in retreat. It turns out that he thought too much, this girl simply didn't know what conscience was.

She just gagged and took him away, just because she felt that it was not exciting to run away alone, so she decided to take a partner to experience it, and at the same time witness her success.

He didn't want to go, but Beibei didn't give him a chance, gagged and tied hands, and just lifted it away. The boss didn't even find out, nobody found out that he was gone. Yuemu felt a bit sour.

"You are also a man." Beibei pouted. She didn't know how many times she had heard this.

Boss Zhou was speechless, looking at Beibei very worried, how could this child not understand his painstaking efforts! The real reason cannot be said. Boss Zhou suppressed the bitterness in his heart and refused to tell the real reason.

"You said, I haven't been out of that huge stone Secret Realm for so many years. Do you know my mood? And who is my mother? I want to find her!" Beibei shouted. Then, tears fell crackle, and everyone present felt a little bit sour.

They also don't understand why Beibei hasn't been out of Secret Realm until now. It's because Boss Zhou is worried that she will go out alone and can't let go of that Secret Realm, so they have been waiting. And now, the things in Secret Realm have been taken away by them, why doesn't Boss Zhou come out with Beibei to take a look?

"Babe, I told you that your mother is already not in." Boss Zhou said so, Beibei fiercely turned his head.

"You lied to me! My mother is still alive!" Beibei yelled, completely rejecting Zhou's statement. This made Zhou's heart very bitter and she didn't know what to do. good.

"Boss. Can't let Beibei come out to play, just watch it with you! No one has a cultivation base higher than you in the whole seabed, and has more minds than you." Shiran said. , Boss Zhou gritted his teeth, is this a persuasive attitude?

"No, I don't want father to follow, he is by his side, what fun is there in my adventure." Beibei immediately yelled unwillingly. The complexion ashen, the boss of Zhou, made up his mind after thinking about it for a while.

"Either I will be with you, or I will go back, you can choose one." This is already a compromise for Mr. Zhou.

"Then you come with me." Beibei made a quick choice, with a smile on her face, Boss Zhou felt like she had been fooled.

(End of this chapter)

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