
  Chapter 1772 Self-confidence

They are responsible for guarding the coral tree cluster. I feel bored during this time. , The pastime that was suddenly delivered to the door can't be given up. Therefore, when Xiao Guoguo and the others got nearby, these two people walked out.

"I said, let's get up a few." A seapeople said so, the Fuxia lying on the ground did not move. He always felt that he would not be discovered so quickly. He pretended I also left my heart!

"Get up, the coral cluster will not move so fast, nor will it move so fast!" Another seapeople lanced fiercely, and the coral camouflage was completely broken.

"Don't kill me, I'm Juli clansman!" Fuxia stood up shivering and said as she looked at the two seapeople.

"Are you from the Juli clan? Why do the Juli clan come here?"

"I said I was lost, do you believe it?" Fuxia asked. Then, two Sea Clan coldly smiled, they are about to do it directly.

Fuxia also wanted to run, but he remembered Wenwen's explanation that he couldn't run, and he couldn't run under this water! So Fuxia raised her hand, and two pink crystals appeared in her hand.

Sea Clan is stunned, this is a few meanings! Is he benefiting them?

"Two big brothers, I’m not coming back this time for anything else, but to save our Second Prince. We don’t know or control what happened to you Sea Clan, but, our Second Prince, you have to give it back to us!" Fuxia said, Xiao Guoguo and several people quickly rose up and attacked the two seapeople.

The two seapeople were taken aback and reacted quickly, but it was too late. They were caught and caught by a group of Human Races.

"Do you think that if you have captured the two of us, you can get inside to save people through this heavy defense?" Then one of the seapeople asked.

"This is naturally impossible, so we still have to ask you to do things! These I know are things that you like Sea Clan." Fuxia talked to the two in the tone of a businessman.

"What do you mean?" The two Sea Clan are also stupid. They are arrested now. Isn't this person going to deal with them?

"I have no choice but to catch two of you. Please forgive me! I only have one request. Two people can let me meet the people above you. Let go of the Second Prince! If I can't bring the Second Prince back, I won't be able to live when I go back!" Fu Xia looked sincere, and the two Sea Clan hesitated a little, but they just took a message.

"These are benefits for you, and I will thank you after the matter is done!" Fuxia saw that the two were shaken, and quickly gave them a few more pink crystals, and let them go. .

"It's not impossible, but our ability is limited, and we can only show you our Captain." One of the Sea Clan has already figured it out, and the benefits of this can't be extrapolated.

"Natural and natural! Then many thanks to both of you." Fuxia said that, really didn't expect it to be so easy.

They were originally going to be caught inside, but they never thought they could walk inside by themselves. It seems that the king is right, this pink crystal is Sea Clan's favorite thing.

With the pink crystal, the two seapeople can be regarded as keeping their promises. They really took them to Captain, but when they arrived at Captain, they were not so easy to talk. This time Captain was only sneaked.

"I want to get your Second Prince back? It's a good idea!"

This Captain is not a fool. At this critical juncture, any second Prince of the Juli clan has to go Later, what matters most to them now is the position of the king. As for the Juli clan, I will talk about it later.

"Please, my lord, I will really lose my life if I don't take the Second Prince back!" Fuxia said pitifully.

"In that case, you don't have to go back, you also go to the prison and stay there!" Captain waved his hand, Fuxia was taken along to withdraw, and was taken away along with him. There is also Human Race that he invited to help.

"Let us go, we are just helping! It has nothing to do with us!" Yuemu shouted so hoarsely, Xiao Guoguo looked at him, this guy cried so miserably! This is too hard!

"hmph! When is this, you still want to save people, are you crazy?" Sea Clan Captain said, covering his ears, and ignored it.

Xiao Guoguo entire group Looking at this big jail of Sea Clan, it really didn't expect to get in so easily. It's also unbelievable smoothly.

"Let us go, we belong to the Juli clan!" Fuxia shouted.

"Let us go, we were wronged!" Yuemu shouted like this, and Xiao Guoguo sighed. Who on earth was wronged him!

"Go in, it's a bunch of lunatics!" Sea Clan's guard was tortured all the way, his ears hurt, and seeing that he could get rid of this burden, I felt relieved.

Juli clansman looked at Fu Xia who was thrown in and was stunned. What's the situation! Didn’t you run away? How come back after being caught!

"Second Prince, I am useless. Not only did I not save you, I was also arrested! I failed you, the king and the entire Juli clan!" Fuxia With that said, sitting on the ground and patting his legs.

"Don't cry! Why are you caught back!" Second Prince really feels heartbroken. What can I do? The only hope is sent back. Can his biological younger sister come to save him?

"I am coming back to save you!" Fuxia said, Second Prince really wanted to beat him. Stupid, is this the one who came back to save him? Is this coming back to piss him off?

"Heh, what are you talking about, how are you going to save me?" Second Prince asked. Fuxia wiped away her tears and pointed to Xiao Guoguo in the dark.

"I found a helper." Fuxia replied. Second Prince was stunned. He found a great helper, and he went to prison.

Wenwen and the others walked out of the shadows. In an instant, the entire cell was quiet, and the Second Prince dared not say anything. Although biological younger sister appeared at this time a bit scary, but it feels very reliable.

"Younger sister!" Second Prince yelled out, and Wenwen glanced at him and swallowed all the words behind him.

"Are you okay?" Wenwen cared about Second Prince after all.

"I'm okay! It's okay, they know that we are from the Juli clan, and they still have special treatment. I eat and sleep well here." When Second Prince said this, the surrounding men were fast She covered his mouth.

Don’t say if you can’t speak, who doesn’t know that this new king has a bad temper, eats well and sleeps well, what else to leave, just live here.

"That's good." Wenwen's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at the Second Prince in front of him. He seemed to be really fat. What a heart!

"I mainly think that you will definitely come to save me. When you come, they will know they regret it!" Second Prince said confidently, to his younger sister Wen Wenna It is a mystery with confidence.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This is a pure second product!

(End of this chapter)

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