
  Chapter 1771 Fleeing in

Xiu Kai thought that his thoughts did not know the other party, and twitched his lips seemed to be right The Lord of Disorder is very disdainful.

But for the Lord of Disorder, even if he didn’t know exactly what Hugh Kai was thinking, he could guess a general idea. However, he never said a word, his expression didn’t move, but he was steady. Sitting. He didn't want to care about a foolish man, this Hugh Kai was just a pawn of him, the more unbearable he was, the more incompetent he was, and the better it would be for the Lord of Disorder.

"They are not enough." The Lord of Disorder continued to say this, which made Xie Kai very dissatisfied.

"Holy Lord Infinite, didn't you say you want to bring that girl back to Huya as a bargaining chip? Why not see you bring people back?" Huo Kai looked dissatisfied with Chaos. Deliberately irritate him.

At this moment, the Lord of Disorder opened his eyes and looked at Hugh Kai in front of him. He was very impatient to talk to such an idiot, but, what can be done, they still need this guy now.

"This is my mistake." Since he still needs this guy now, he can't kill him. If he can't kill him, he has to be obedient. Only wait for the matter to be done, and then let him vent his anger. .

"Mistakes? How could the Lord make mistakes? Could it be that some terrible enemy has been encountered?" Huojie is now a little ecstatic, even daring to talk to the Lord of Disorder like this, apparently forgetting her own identity.

After the king left this time, he saw the opportunity, and simply rebelled without saying hello to the Lord of Disorder. Fortunately, his luck was good, and his people were very capable, and he actually controlled the First Prince and Queen. This time he has mastered the power of Sea Clan.

Therefore, it is really the time when Xiugai feels most proud of it, and wants to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. However, the Lord of Disorder has always been reluctant. If it weren't for the clan elder to make him listen to this person, he would not be willing to deal with a Human Race.

"The timing is not yet ripe." The Venerable Disorder said again, and Hugh Kai was already very impatient. What happened to this person, he was not obedient at all after he said so much. .

"No matter what you say, I'm going to go to war now. I have waited so long and can't wait any longer!" Xio Kai said and walked out, but found a force suddenly coming from behind , Controlled his body all at once.

"You dare!" Huo Kai angry roar, he never thought that a Human Race would really dare to do something with him! Although this person is Saint Realm, he is on the site of Sea Clan.

"Please forgive me if I have offended you, but according to the elder's explanation, you have to wait." The Lord of Disorder looked at Xiu Kai slightly smiled, this useless thing, sooner or later Let him pay the price for today's disrespect.

"When will you wait?" Xiujia broke free for two times and couldn't move, then immediately changed his attitude, and asked the Lord of Disorder with some compromise.

"Wait for your Brother Wang to come back." The Lord of Disorder loosened the spell, and the Hugh armor could move freely. Look at the other party, and then he was coldly snorted and turned away.

Seeing Xiujiai walk out, the subordinates of the Lord of Disorder were very angry. When did their master suffer such a grievance! This seapeople simply doesn't know life or death.

"Holy Lord, do you want me to teach him a lesson?" The subordinate asked this, but he didn't get an answer for a long time, and his heart tensed, knowing that he was impulsive in asking.

"Don't think about things that you shouldn't be concerned about." The Venerable Chaos said so, and his subordinates rushed to admit their mistakes.

"The subordinates know that they are wrong."

"Don't worry too much, this foolish guy is easy to deal with. He is just a chess piece, and he has to use it up before throwing it."

The Lord of Discord had finished speaking slightly and smiled slightly, closing his eyes again, and he was waiting for Sea Clan's Return of the King. He was looking forward to seeing the angry and helpless expression of the king.

Xiao Guoguo and their entire group returned to Sea Clan first, but the king and the army did not return. They would not appear until Xiao Guoguo and the others rescued the First Prince and Queen.

According to Xiao Guoguo's calculation, as long as the king does not appear, the First Prince and the queen are safe. They are of great value and will not be easily injured. So what Xiao Guoguo can do is to prevent the king from appearing, and quietly rescue the First Prince and Queen.

It’s just that it’s troublesome how they get in. After all, the Sea Clan site is already under martial law. Because the two sides are going to fight, let alone the Human Race, even Sea Clan can’t walk around at will, otherwise it will There is a risk of life.

"How to get in? Look at the defense, it's almost impossible for mosquitoes to fly in." Wenwen said that, Xiao Guoguo's mind changed, thinking what to do.

"I can't get in here, can we consider entering from the back, after all, this Sea Clan site is not the only side." Yuemu suggested that Xiao Guoguo felt feasible.

"However, we can't break in like this. We need an identity." Xiao Guoguo said so, and took people around behind. Anyway, they really need an identity.

In order not to beat the grass to scare the snake, Xiao Guoguo dare not get too close, they waited a long way to think about what to do. Suddenly Xiao Guoguo divine light flashed, and she thought of a way.

"Perhaps, we don't need to pretend to be in, we just need a reasonable identity." Xiao Guoguo said, everyone wondered what a reasonable identity is.

"Fuxia, didn't you escape?" Xiao Guoguo looked at Juli Clansman Fuxia, and was stared at by so many eyes suddenly, Fuxia was really a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, it took me a lot of effort to escape!" Fuxia always felt that Xiao Guoguo's eyes looked a little scary.

"Then escape in again." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile.

Everyone: "..." Flee in? Boss, how skinny you are!

Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo laughed, and he knew that Guoguo was always so smart, and even thought of such a good way, it really is not what ordinary people can think of.

Although Fuxia was reluctant, Wenwen gave an order, and that was his king. As for the weak opposition in his heart, it was simply useless.

"The king, do you have to be like this?" Fuxia made the last effort, he really didn't want to be caught again.

"For the Juli clan, you should have this spirit of dedication!" Wenwen said, and Fuxia knew that there was no room for negotiation.

"Everything is for the Juli clan, I, Fuxia, must fulfill the king's instructions and complete my mission!" Since I can't go, I have to go devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

Wenwen nodded, patted him on the shoulder, this guy is a shrewd man, and he can do things at ease.

The entire group sneaked close to the territory of the Juli clan, because the disguise was too careless. The Sea Clan soldiers patrolling the coral tree forest would find it hard to find them.

"What are those doing? They really think we can't find them?" said a Sea Clan soldier.

"Who knows, look at that big one, it should be from the Juli clan. I heard that their Juli clan is a guy with well-developed limbs and simple minds." said another soldier. Watching a group of people lurking in a way full of loopholes.

(End of this chapter)

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