
  Chapter 1768 Knowing the news

I tried so hard when I came, how easy is it to go back? It seems that everything is the point as long as the right solution is found. Xiao Guoguo sighed, everyone moved forward quickly, never seeing everyone in Sea Clan.

"Did we go in the wrong direction?" King Sea Clan asked. He was very sure that they came out in a different direction this time.

When the king entered, there were two Saint Realm guards by his side, but they didn't have the opportunity to walk into the Secret Realm. They were all left in the secret room by the stone dyed senior. And now they look at the king in front of them, and they really don't know why the king is so polite to Human Race, which is very unusual.

"Are you from here?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, and the king shook his head.

At this time, before the king could speak, he saw a group of people galloping from a distance. They are the cultivators of Human Race, with excited expressions on their faces.

"Boss, you guys are finally out!" The people under you cheering excitedly, because Xiao Guoguo and Mu Xiao returned safely.

"Are you all okay?" Mu Ji was also very happy to see his men. It was very worrying that he hadn't seen him during this time.

"We are all okay, boss, don't worry!" The crowd said so, and they also looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. They were also very happy to see that they were safe and sound.

"Where's the ship?" Xiao Guoguo saw people coming, but what about her spaceship?

"Boss, don't worry, we hid the boat. A group of Sea Beast appeared not long after you left. We definitely couldn't beat it and ran away, and then hid the boat!" The deputy said so, blew a whistle, and saw someone running up to a hill.

Xiao Guoguo had a bad feeling. Sure enough, dozens of people released the spiritual power together, and they saw the sea spinning rapidly, and then the sand flew up, and only then saw her spaceship. .

"Well, I hope that the waterproof of my spaceship you did good." Xiao Guoguo released the water spiritual power and completely cleaned the spaceship. It looked good.

"We can't get this spaceship away, so we figured out a way to hide it!" The deputy said so, with a look waiting for praise.

"Able to adapt to changes and respond quickly, you are very good." Xiao Guoguo praised this without his conscience.

Xiao Guoguo naturally knows who the people in the past are, except for them, there is only Yinyun. And he shouldn't have found it, it should be that she simply didn't care about her spaceship, that Yinyun only had Secret Realm in her eyes.

Seeing such a Human Race, whether it is Sea Clan King or Shiran feels incredible. These Human Races are really weak and a bit stupid. Are they really Xiao Guoguo's men? Isn't it a test when you accept it?

Xiao Guoguo entire group has entered the spaceship interior, but fortunately, the interior is not affected, and spaceship can be used. They now need to go directly through this area to find Sea Clan people. If Xiao Guoguo used to go around, but now they have a red sea flute in their hands, they naturally don’t need it. Just blow it gently, spaceship It flew over smoothly.

Seapeople has been waiting anxiously, especially the Third Prince. I don’t know what’s going on inside, and there is such amazing news outside. I don’t know how to judge the truth or not.

But this king's entire group has been in for such a long time and there is no news. Third Prince can't violate the father's explanation, and can only hope that the king and them will come back soon.

"Third Prince, look, what is that?" The Sea Clan guard said so, everyone looked up, it seemed to be the spaceship of Human Race?

When the voice fell, the huge spaceship quickly approached them, and everyone began to prepare for the battle. At this time, it is not a good thing to see the spaceship of Human Race.

"They are chasing, everyone is ready to fight!" Third Prince ordered this, and everyone in Sea Clan took out a lance.

So, when the king and the others came down, they saw such a scene. Thousands of people were prepared to attack them just like that.

"Royal Father! Royal Father, you can be regarded as coming back!" Third Prince rushed away, and the one who was faster than him was Juli Clansman Fuxia.

"King, you can be regarded as coming out, let's go back to the Juli clan!" Fuxia said, Wenwen glanced at him, what's wrong?

"What happened?" Wenwen had an impression of this person, who was the most respected person around her father of the Juli clan king.

"Sea Clan is in turmoil, and they are fighting with their own people! Let's go back to the king, but the old king confessed before leaving, let me protect your safety." Fu When Xia said so, the King of Sea Clan was shocked.

Wenwen turned out to be the king of the Juli clan, not Princess? And what did he say! Sea Clan civil strife!

"Royal Father, it is the news brought by this Juli clansman that the Second Uncle Xiugai has rebelled!" Third Prince said so, the king only felt his head shook, and he was stunned.

"What the hell is going on!" The King of Sea Clan didn't expect Third Prince to understand, but looked at Fuxia.

Fuxia, who was trembling in fear along the way, finally felt calm when she saw Wenwen, and calmed down at this moment, and then she said the whole thing.

"Reporting back to the King of Sea Clan, Sea Clan is in turmoil. Originally, First Prince managed the affairs of the clan, but there was no half a month, but First Prince suddenly fell ill. At this time, your younger brother is dead. Kai was elected to replace First Prince, and I felt that something was wrong, so I asked someone to see the queen.

But I didn’t expect, the queen avoided meeting somebody! They said the queen was taking care of First Prince, I So I kept my mind, and quietly left Sea Clan and hid. Then, as expected, Sea Clan still fought, and the people who supported you and the people who supported your younger brother started fighting. When I came, they had been in a stalemate for a while. "

What Fuxia said, the king still doesn't understand, he just didn't expect, his younger brother, who didn't accomplish anything, had the courage! Who gave him the confidence, the king didn't believe it, that counselor had this courage.

"Royal Father, let's go back quickly, mother and big brother must be controlled by them, we have to go back and save them!" Third Prince said, the king patted his shoulder, this child It's not afraid of life and death.

"Going back is naturally going back, and I will also save your mother and big brother." The king said so, look at his men and horses, although they came out this time with the power of Peak, but Some are understaffed.

"King, I am willing to follow and quell the rebellion!"

The king's guards knelt down. They are the king's most loyal supporter. At this time, they abandoned Life and death, when fighting for the Royal Family.

"Okay, I have such a warrior, why not be afraid of crafty plots and machinations! Let's go back, we have to quell the rebellion!" The king raised his arms and everyone followed. They were not afraid to fight, as long as it was for them Sea Clan's warrior.

Xiao Guoguo sees this feeling uneasy, why is it such a coincidence, is there a contradiction in Sea Clan itself? Why did that so-called younger brother dare to rebel like this when the king came out?

(End of this chapter)

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