
  Chapter 1767 Leaving

Although she is a little lonely, Shiran still doesn’t want to leave here. He has Getting used to this place, it seems that there is nothing to do when going out.

"Shiran senior, why don't you want to go out? This Secret Realm has been discovered, and your game is over." Xiao Guoguo said, Shiran seemed to be shaken by fiercely. Is his game over?

"It's over?" Shiran didn't quite understand that it was over?

"Of course it is over. From now on, this place will be guarded by the King of Sea Clan. They will come to mine the powder crystals and transport them back to Sea Clan continuously. You think you can still be like before. Is it the same quiet and comfortable?" Xiao Guoguo is right, it may become very messy here.

"Then what should I do?" Shiran was a little confused. This area is actually a separate area within Secret Realm. It is the place where he normally moves. If this place is also disturbed , When the time comes what should he do?

"I know that you are now storing Divine Consciousness in the mechanical general. Although you have fallen, this mechanical body can take you around and take a look." Xiao Guoguo said. Shi Ran was stunned for a moment and looked outside.

"Actually, I have always wanted to look beyond the deep sea, but I don’t know whether the machinery with my Divine Consciousness will be able to walk through it? That barrier will connect the Sea Beast and Sea Clan in the abyss of the deep sea. They were all blocked inside." Shi Ran said in a melancholy voice.

"You can try it! I think it might be possible, otherwise why the king is reluctant to come to Secret Realm for so many years." Xiao Guoguo said, Shi Ran was slightly taken aback.

"You mean the king is not willing to come to Secret Realm because of these mechanical beasts? He is afraid?" Shi Ran is also a smart person, and naturally understands the meaning of Xiao Guoguo's words.

"I think he should have been evading Secret Realm because of fear. I guess this mechanical beast can only rush through that barrier, otherwise why has Sea Clan been studying mechanical beasts all these years? Wasn’t your original intention of learning to make mechanical beasts for this? Wasn’t it for the breakthrough barrier?"

Xiao Guoguo asked Shiran, Shiran’s eyes flashed a little evasively, he was a genuine Master Mechanic will definitely know some things. He will prove his guilty conscience if he doesn't look at Xiao Guoguo.

"We Sea Clan don't have the heart to fight the whole world, but we are not reconciled to being limited here all the time. We are just to leave a way out for future generations." Shi Ran said this, and admitted Xiao Guoguo. The argument.

"I knew what mechanics did Sea Clan study for no reason? You are the overlord of seabed. Do you still need mechanical beasts to help you rule? I definitely want to go out!" Xiao Guoguo said. Shiran gave her an angry look, this woman was really cunning.

"So you guessed everything. Then why bother to ask me?" Shi Ran said grimly, and then glared at Chi Xuan. This discipline is too good-for-nothing.

"I'm here to verify with you. But I don't think this king is a wild ambition person. He is willing to let Sea Clan live under the sea, so he has been reluctant to come to Secret Realm. . So, you guys are in vain.” Xiao Guoguo said that Shi Ran quickly retorted.

"He is short-sighted, he has never thought that if there is danger, the abyss can no longer survive, what should Sea Clan do? When the time comes, you can only take refuge when you go out!" Shi Ran said that, Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"I originally thought that you studied mechanical beasts to dominate the world. It turned out to be self-preserving." Xiao Guoguo's words made Shiran feel looked down upon.

"What world dominates! How many people do we have in Sea Clan? One person leads a planet!" Shi Ran said grimly, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"Yes, what you said is right. We are short-sighted. But, let's go out with us and take a look at the world outside." Xiao Guoguo said, Shi Ran really felt tempted. .

He knows that the mechanical beast with Divine Consciousness Imprint can pass through the barrier, but the mechanical general with his entire Divine Consciousness, if he can't make it through, he is likely to be destroyed. But no matter what, he wants to try and see the world outside! Therefore, stone dyeing is still nodded, very reluctantly.

"I didn't go out for anything else, I have to look at my silly discipline, don't let you fool around." Shi Ran said so, Chi Xuan slightly smiled quickly nodded.

"What you said is right, it's all for me." Chi Xuan stood beside Shi Ran, looking very obedient, which made Shi Ran's mood a little better.

"But I have to take something out. The things here are all my treasures."

Shi Ran started to clean up as he said, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at each other Don't dare to help at a glance, this baby can't be touched, if it breaks, they can't afford it.

The king really did not expect that this senior would actually come out and follow them back to Sea Clan. Sure enough, these two people were still great, and they even moved them.

It's just that the King of Sea Clan doesn't understand why Shiran senior's eyes are so subtle when he sees him, it seems to be indisputable. However, the king couldn't control so much. It was more important to go back now and arrange for someone to guard this place.

The entire group walked out of Secret Realm. Xiao Guoguo looked at the green plants and asked: "Senior, what are these things?"

"I don’t know These are the blood sucking vines. We planted them here back then because we were afraid that someone would come in by accident." Shi Ran said so, Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"Then what else is this thing afraid of besides being afraid of fire?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Shi Ran took a long time from his body and took out something.

Xiao Guoguo is a little silly, this thing looks the same as the red sea flute he picked up! This senior has such good things on him.

"Just blow this." He gave to Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo was helpless.

"I'm a Human Race, I can't blow it." Xiao Guoguo said, and handed it to Xia.

Huya was taken aback. This kind of red sea flute is very precious. It can only be found in the deep sea black hole. The entire Sea Clan also has one in the hands of father and big brother. Now she actually Got one too!

Xiuya was surprised, and the king's expression was very subtle. He was wondering if Xiao Guoguo knew the preciousness of this sea flute? Then, the king saw Xiao Guoguo blinking at Xiuya, and Xiuya reacted and hurriedly stood up.

"Junior Huya would like to thank Senior as a gift." Princess Huya is well-behaved and cute. Ishiran can't get the sea flute back, only nodded, which is regarded as agreeing to give the sea flute to Huya.

The king understood from this look, this Xiao Guoguo is really shrewd, so he just asked casually and got a red sea flute from Shiran senior.

But in the end this sea flute was given to Huya, and he was even more happy. His youngest daughter also has a red sea flute.

Huya took a sea flute and took a deep breath. With a light movement of her lips, she saw the green trees and vines lower their heads, as if they were hypnotized, and fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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