
  Chapter 1752 Rebellion

At this moment in the abyss, a team of horses is galloping, and their mounts are The huge Sea Beast, the waves brought by these Sea Beasts destroyed many things under the seabed. Huge rocks, tall marine plants, and some Sea Beast that can't dodge are all involved in vortex.

Most Sea Beasts hide shiver coldly in their nests. They feel the huge vibrations caused by the waves hitting the stone wall. They hide in the nests and are still affected. The stones keep coming from the top of their heads. It fell on the body, but they didn't dare to move.

Only when the army passed by did the Sea Beasts stick one's head around to look for and swim out of the lair. It has been a long time since Sea Clan went into such a big fight. The scene where thousands of Sea Clan were dispatched at the same time made the Sea Beasts trembling in fear. I don’t know who provokes Sea Clan this time.

Sea Beasts are still like this, let alone Human Race cultivator. Although there are not many Human Races in the fourth Sea Territory, they are all high-level cultivators, and their goal is to hunt high-level Sea Beasts.

But after experiencing the formidable power of seapeople, they didn't dare to come out in a short time. They were buried deep in their Cave Mansion, and wanted to inquire about the news after a period of time. They dare to provoke Sea Beast, but they dare not make Sea Clan upset.

The King of Sea Clan and his men have been on this fourth Sea Territory for three or four days, and they have to stop and rest. Seapeople are strong and can’t stand the long-term submarine. It's too exhausting to go. And their Sea Beast mounts also need to rest.

The King of Sea Clan looked at the jade slip in his hand. It was it absolutely that could not be lost. The rays of light above showed the position of Huya. Maybe soon, their father and daughter will be able to see each other, when the time comes, he wants to ask his Princess, why did he run away from home?

"Royal Father, don't worry too much. Since you can send the message back, it means they should be safe." Second Prince said, also very worried about his younger sister, but he must remain rational .

"You are right, Huya should still be safe." The king said that, meditating and adjusting her breath. No matter what enemies they encounter, they must maintain a good condition.

At this moment, within Sea Clan is Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Who would have thought that such a big thing would happen in just three or four days. No one knew what the king was going to do with the horses, but First Prince was in a coma. The queen stayed with First Prince all day long, and simply did not show up. No one in the entire Royal Family came out to be a director.

Although Sea Clan has only a few hundred thousand people, they need someone to lead them, otherwise there will be chaos. In just a few days, many small tribes are already fighting against each other unstable.

"Today I have to see First Prince!" An old man said. They are all Sea Clan nobles, and their strength should not be underestimated.

"But First Prince is in a coma now, and we are also utterly distressed, how can we let you bother?" said a man with red hair and red scales on his face.

The red scales are the logo of the Sea Clan Royal Family. But this person can only be regarded as an ordinary Royal Family, because he is always impossible to become the king, and he is the younger brother of the king.

When the king left, he gave Sea Clan's affairs to his eldest son, but he didn't do anything to this younger brother. But after First Prince fell unconscious, he stood up and said he wanted to represent the Royal Family. How could this be convincing.

But now apart from him, Royal Family does not have who, and the rest are youngsters, which makes them even more inappropriate. Sea Clan is very loyal, even the nobles only believe in the king, so they suspect that this uncle Wang is afraid that First Prince is under house arrest, and they are not allowed to meet.

"Hugh Kai, don't you think we don't know your mind, do you want to take advantage of the king to lead the army to fight, when First Prince is unconscious, to occupy the throne?" An old man stood up When I asked, the imposing manner was full, but the opposite Hugh Kai was only slightly laughed.

"Everyone, you underestimate me! Am I that kind of ungrateful villain? I just have to stand up and take charge of the overall situation now. When my big brother comes back, everything will naturally have him Call the shots, I'm still happy to be free." As Hugh Kai said that, someone spoke to him.

Everyone can see clearly now, this one is not without helpers. At this moment, among the dozens of people present, a small percentage turned towards him.

The people from the Elder Council looked at this scene in shock, thinking about when this happened? How could Huo Kai manage to buy so many people!

"Hehe, don't worry everyone, I am not a fool. I will let you see you when First Prince wakes up." Hugh Kai finished speaking and stood up without waiting for everyone to say anything. Turn around and leave.

They were helpless looking at this kind of Xiu Kai. Now the surrounding area of ​​the palace is controlled by the people of Xiu Kai. There are nearly 10,000 people who don’t know when they bought it! Moreover, they also have to consider the safety of First Prince and Queen.

At this moment, everyone did not dare to take a fluke anymore, but hurriedly sent a message to the king. In any case, they can only make up their minds what to do when the king is back.

And Xiujiai walked into the palace, where First Prince was sleeping, and it was his poison that made First Prince unable to wake up, but he would not lose his life.

And the queen sat peacefully, because she knew that she had no ability to resist, the life of First Prince was in the hands of this person, and her resistance would only harm her son.

"The queen is really clever, if so, I don't need to let someone lock you up." Hugh Kai said that, and saw the queen look at him, but her eyes were very calm and there was no fear. And worry.

Xiu Kai doesn't like this feeling, this woman looks down on him. hehe, what if you look down on him? He still controls the entire palace, and soon the entire Sea Clan is his!

Thinking like this, Xiu Kai walked out happily. He wanted to send someone to stop him. Someone must send the news today. He can’t let the news reach his stupid Brother Wang. In hand!

Everyone didn't expect. The people they sent out to send the news never returned, and they were killed by Xie Kai a long time ago. Moreover, he is not alone. Sea Clan has his assistants, and Sea Clan also has his assistants. The Saint Realm man hiding in the abyss looked at the news in front of him and was very pleased. At last there was something worthy of his joy.

"Let's go, let's enter Sea Clan." The man said so, and his subordinates were very surprised that they were going to Sea Clan?

They don't know what they are going to do this time, they just need to follow orders. However, when they go to Sea Clan, they also know that it is a terrible act.

But the master had ordered them, they had to obey, and they could only follow to Sea Clan. As for the result, no one knew.

And the man seems to no longer want to go to Xia Princess, his goal has been achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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