
  Chapter 1751 Reward

Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes, everyone’s heart was also relieved, and it seemed hurt It's not heavy, otherwise the impossible will be restored so quickly.

Only the worry-free elders are deeply looking at Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen. The physique of these two people is a bit weird, so how can a serious injury heal so quickly? The wound healed almost instantly. Is it really the magical power of medicine pill?

"Really all right? How are your legs?" The worry-free old man looked at Xiao Guoguo and asked, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled, and took two steps to show everyone.

The worry-free old man and everyone believe that Xiao Guoguo is no longer a serious problem, and Wenwen also walked over, the broken wrist no longer hurts, it seems that the water of the saint inside the pool, yes The impact of her body is very significant.

"That's good, that's good." Wuyou old man said so and looked at Wujian Old Ancestor, this person appeared too suddenly, they did not dare to ask who this expert is.

"Martial Uncle ancestor, this time I am rash. It is not about Han Meng Senior Sister. I also ask Martial Uncle ancestor to punish me." Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone understands that this one The person who appeared suddenly turned out to be the senior of Xiao Guoguo sect.

Xiao Guoguo is already so good, what kind of cultivation base is this guy in front of you? Because even the worry-free old man can't see through the cultivation base of Wujian Old Ancestor, at least it should be Saint Realm Early-Stage.

"Sect Master, why are you wrong? Treasure hunting is inherently dangerous." Wujian Old Ancestor said, Han Meng's eyes widened. How can you be like this? He didn't say that yesterday!

When she apologized, she also said this reason. How can treasure hunts easily find treasure? It must be risky! How did he answer? He said that since he knows that treasure hunting is risky, he should understand that he has how many catties and how many taels. She encountered such a situation because she herself did not know the severity and was too arrogant!

How did it change when I got to Junior Sister? This double standard is too obvious! Isn't this bullying her?

"No, didn't you say that just now?" Han Meng couldn't help refuting, Wujian Old Ancestor glanced at her.

"What did I just say?"

Han Meng: "..." Is this the ancestor of Martial Uncle for such a straightforward rogue?

"Martial Uncle ancestor saved our lives this time. Senior Sister and I are very grateful." Xiao Guoguo said this and grabbed a handful of Han Meng's clothes. Han Meng took a deep breath, Forget it, it's useless to beat him and say anything.

"You are welcome, I am your Martial Uncle ancestor after all." Wujian Old Ancestor said so but looked at Han Meng, Han Meng pretended not to see this guy.

They quarreled and separated, and she was not prepared to bow her head first. He came, and it didn't mean she had to talk to him. Han Meng flicked the tassel on the jade pendant without saying a word.

Xiao Guoguo knew that Han Meng's temper was offended by seeing this, and he never said anything. She is very grateful for the life-saving grace of Wujian Old Ancestor, but she can't interfere in this matter between Han Meng Senior Sister and Wujian Old Ancestor, and she doesn't want Han Meng Senior Sister to be wronged.

"Old Ancestor, let's go in and take a look." Xiao Guoguo said Old Ancestor nodded without sword, as if he didn't care about Han Meng's attitude.

Chi Xuan squatted down, he was unlocking, thinking in his heart what would be inside, whether it was the extreme grade pink crystal they had previously speculated. If

it only took a quarter of an hour to open the door, Chi Xuan's mechanics also surprised Wujian Old Ancestor. Seeing the huge door lock and the continuous changes of the entire door, it finally disappeared like a split, which made him feel very surprised. This was the first time he saw such a mechanical technique.

Everyone walked in and saw a pink patch at first glance. Sure enough, there are dozens of boxes of extreme grade powder crystals at the entrance, each of which is very huge, and it is packed to the top, and the weight is sufficient.

"Sure enough, here, it seems that it is worth coming in this time." Xiao Guoguo said, and estimated that there are about 10,000 extreme grade powder crystals here.

But Xiao Guoguo believes that these should be just a small part of the pink crystals. Xiao Guoguo believes that there should be more pink crystals in this Secret Realm. Otherwise, Sea Clan will not be able to drive those powerful machines. beast.

"Junior Sister, look, you see what this is!" Han Meng shouted in surprise, Xiao Guoguo looked up, although Han Meng was in darkness, she saw that it was a mechanical beast!

"Senior Sister, be careful!" Xiao Guoguo is really worried. If these mechanical beasts are equipped with powder crystals, it will be troublesome.

"It's okay, it's not moving anymore!" Han Meng said, the excitement was very obvious.

And Wujian Old Ancestor frowned. Just now he had been with the robot. Its ability to be equivalent to a Saint Realm powerhouse is already very precious. I didn’t expect it to be inside. there's still one.

Thinking like this, the sword qi of Wujian Old Ancestor flew over the house, illuminating everything here. Everyone looked up and was shocked. It was not a mechanical beast, but Three.

There are three mechanical beasts equivalent to Saint Realm powerhouse!

"This is impossible!" Yin Yun said so quickly, and he never thought that one day he would see such a colorful snail-colored mechanical beast.

"These all are real?" The White City Lord felt very imaginary, this place turned out to be real, and these treasures turned out to be real.

"How do you divide this!" Yin Yun asked when he turned around, everyone looked at him, and this guy wanted to divide these things now.

"You can divide as you want!" Xiao Guoguo said with a single finger, and three huge mechanical beasts disappeared before his eyes.

"Hey? How can you pick it up! There is also one of mine!" Na Yinjun shouted, Xiao Guoguo simply ignored him.

Whether there is his share or not is not said now, but can only be decided after Sea Clan. It depends on what plot against this guy is and whether it hurts them.

Xiao Guoguo accepts things so simply that no one opposes it. It seems that except for Yinjun, everyone is not too concerned about such a mechanical beast. The worry-free old man did not speak, nor did the later Wujian Old Ancestor. He felt that even if this mechanical beast was powerful, it was not as powerful and reliable as himself.

"Let's go, there should be nothing on this floor, we should go to the next floor." Xiao Guoguo said, everyone is nodded, there is indeed nothing left here. But the next level, is it really so good?

At this point, everyone had doubts in their hearts. When they saw the huge door, everyone recognized the reality. They followed to make soy sauce. The real protagonist is Chi Xuan from start to finish, he is alone, and there is only one mechanical Great Grandmaster here.

"Can't this door be opened with a spell attack?" Wujian Old Ancestor asked, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled.

"Martial Uncle Ancestor can give it a try, but as far as I know, all places on this floor can absorb spiritual power attacks." Xiao Guoguo replied, "Old Ancestor without swords" laughed, thinking Very interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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