
  Chapter 1747 Conch Color

"It’s a bit exaggerated, but these mechanical beasts can’t move yet. Just adjust it. And we still need something." Chi Xuan said so, sighed.

"What are we missing?" Xiao Guoguo asked, looking at Chi Xuan.

"Extreme grade powder crystals, you may not have noticed that these high level mechanical beasts require extreme grade powder crystals to drive, and ordinary powder crystals are not acceptable."

Chi Xuan said so and stretched out his hand. In his hand is a piece of extreme grade pink crystal. In the middle of the pink is something like golden quicksand, which looks very beautiful.

"Okay, very good, the extreme grade pink crystal must be in... the next palace, right!" Xiao Guoguo asked through gritted teeth, Chi Xuan nodded.

Xiao Guoguo thinks this should be the style of stone dyeing, which is forcing them to go to the next palace. If they don't go to the next palace, the seventy-two powerful mechanical beasts here are just furnishings, and they are of no use at all.

The mechanical beasts are in front of you but can't be used. Is there anything more worrying and depressing than this? It's so exciting.

"Shiran senior is probably watching us laughing now." Wenwen said this, and looked up all around, Xiao Guoguo became even more depressed.

That's right, the old man must be smiling, and he smiled very proudly. Xiao Guoguo was heartbroken when he thought about Shiran's appearance.

"Haha, didn't expect, right? Where can my things be so easy for you to take away!"

Shi Ran finally got back a round, feeling very much in his heart Comfortable. It's a pity, Chi Xuan can definitely break the next level, otherwise that would be interesting.

With a light wave of Xiao Guoguo's palm, these seventy-two mechanical beasts disappeared in front of them, and they were all sucked into the artificial space.

And this made Yinjun's eyes fiercely shrink, it was equivalent to the late Xianzun mechanical beast, who didn't want it, he felt heartache when he looked at it. He won't get any of them!

"Let's go, let's open the next door! I don't believe it, we can't get this thing!" Xiao Guoguo said, everyone went out one after another, all aroused anger. They are also angry when being fooled like this.

Chi Xuan laughed at Xiao Guoguo like this. His Guoguo is like this. He won't give up when he encounters difficulties, but he has more fighting spirit. Then he would have to fulfill Guoguo's wish, so he could only be sorry for Master.

Watching Chi Xuan and their entire group go out, Shiran is coldly snorted, this unscrupulous discipline, can't he be proud of it for a while? Sure enough, the discipline is not reliable at all.

"The next level, I don't know what a powerful mechanical beast is, we have to be more careful." The worry-free old man said so, everyone understood.

This last level is the eighteen mechanical beasts equivalent to the late Xianzun, this level is estimated to be more difficult.

It's just that they didn't expect, the number of mechanical beasts has not increased this time, it's just...whether you want to make it so big and fierce!

The mechanical beast that appeared in front of them was very huge. If the mechanical beast they encountered last time was tens of meters high, this one was 100 meters high.

The size of this mechanical beast is seven or eight times that of other mechanical beasts, and its eight huge antennae make it more aggressive. Each of these tentacles is more than ten meters thick, and has a hundred meters long and eight hundred meters long tentacles. This is the biggest killer!

"Does anyone know this Sea Beast?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and everyone was silent, because Huya didn't know what Sea Beast it was, so this guy was not an easy mess. And the color of this mechanical beast is also very strange.

"It's not golden, nor silver. What color is this? Gradient color?" Wenwen asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded, it is indeed gradient color.

The rays of light of this mechanical beast are constantly changing, and the whole body seems to be covered with a layer of colorful quicksand. As it moves, the quicksand changes its position. This may be more cool in the water, it is worthy of the aesthetics of Sea Clan.

"Cailuise, this is a colorful mechanical beast! Let's run away!" Yin Yun was shocked for a long time, only said this sentence tremblingly, then turned and ran away.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the back of Yinjun's escape. This person cares about his life the most. Now that he is running away in disregard of his face, the mechanical beast in front of him must be very powerful.

"silver, golden, color snail color. This color snail color is the most powerful of all mechanical beasts. Moreover, this is a Sea Beast that I have never seen before, I'm afraid It’s hard to deal with."

Although the worry-free old man knows Sea Clan’s mechanical beast well, he has never seen this one before him. It seems that this is the most powerful level test on this level. .

"Can't you fight?" Han Meng grabbed the sword in his hand and looked at the mechanical beast in front of him.

She looked at the huge tentacles of the mechanical beast, and she felt the power of destruction. It seemed to be a little out of control. The huge tentacles slapped on the palace in front and started to destroy.

The mechanical beasts of this layer discovered that even in the process of fighting, they deliberately avoided those palaces, because they knew that all treasures in this palace could not be destroyed.

However, the last one that came out was very different. It didn't even care about destroying one of the palaces with its huge tentacles. It seemed to be out of control, not as rational as the previous mechanical beasts.

Its temper is very violent, they have not attacked, this mechanical beast began to attack actively.

"It's a bit unwilling not to fight!" Xiao Guoguo said so, and the White City Lord was also nodded.

"Yes, how can you be willing if you don't fight! That's equivalent to the mechanical beast of Xianzun's late stage!"

The White City Lord came in this time to look for relics and the like She did not expect her cultivation base to be improved, but she found a mechanical beast. Even if one or two are brought out, it is an extremely powerful boost!

"It's just that, I'm afraid this mechanical beast is already equivalent to Saint Realm. You can't beat it." The worry-free old man said so, and everyone was not too surprised.

They are actually mentally prepared. After all, the mechanical beast in front is equivalent to the late Xianzun. Only one mechanical beast is placed here in the last level. It must have a stronger attack power and a higher cultivation base. .

"However, we are just constraining. As long as the mechanical beast can't take care of Chi Xuan, we will be considered! Chi Xuan, how long will it take you?" Han Meng asked Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan looked at the machine beast.

"Half a quarter of an hour!" Although he has never disassembled this mechanical beast, he has confidence in himself, especially the mechanical beast made by Shiran.

"Okay, let's go, we should be able to stand it for a quarter of an hour!" Han Meng didn't make this decision impulsively, but thought it over.

After all, this is a mechanical beast equivalent to Saint Realm. If it can be controlled, then they will have a lot of protection in the future.

It's worth it if you think about it this way! Han Meng decided to fight, and she believed Xiao Guoguo would also agree with her.

"Senior Sister, thank you." Xiao Guoguo knew what Han Meng thought, and thanked Han Meng for helping her make up her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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