
  Chapter 1746 Induction

"Be careful, everyone, the barrier is going to break!" This is the worry-free old man, Can't withstand the non-stop attacks of these dozen mechanical beasts, and finally the barrier broke.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo feels that Chi Xuan will be able to take out all the pink crystals in a few moments. Seven or eight mechanical beasts have already fallen, but half of them are fighting.

"Senior Sister!" Xiao Guoguo yelled this, and Han Meng understood that it was going to be true now.

"Let's rush!" Han Meng rushed up. She knew that the two with the highest cultivation base were Xiao Guoguo and the others. Moreover, they are sword cultivators, and their defenses are even stronger.

Now that the worry-free old man has no spiritual power, Han Meng and Xiao Guoguo quickly stand in front of everyone. Their sword qi forms a huge barrier to resist those fast-moving attacks.

And Wenwen also stood up. She stood in front of Qingyun Daoist and Yuemu. She was deep in one's heart to protect them.

The sword qi layer by layer is very powerful, but those mechanical beasts are after all the cultivation base of Xianzun's late stage, and their desperate fight is very terrifying. A large part of the powder crystal's energy was extracted by them and turned into an attack, so although these sword qi's blocked a part, they still did not block all of this attack.

This sword qi broke one layer and another layer. When Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng's three layers sword qi were both broken, Xiao Guoguo did not dare to delay, and Life and Death Sword spun quickly. , Keep everyone in it.

Suddenly, everything fell silent. Watching the pink crystal fall down, Xiao Guoguo and everyone sighed in relief, and finally everyone was fine. Fortunately, the pink crystal was taken down in time.

Chi Xuan did not pay attention to the movements of the people around him, and tried his best to remove the powder crystals of the mechanical beasts, and finally all the powder crystals were taken down, Chi Xuan suddenly opened his eyes. Only then did I see that the attacks of the mechanical beasts had arrived, and later, I was afraid that they would all be injured. Fortunately, his speed was fast enough.

"Old man, are you okay?" Xiao Guoguo asked while looking at the worry-free old man standing.

"It's okay, I will absorb some spiritual power and restore it." The worry-free old man looked at the eighteen golden mechanical beasts, didn't expect anything, and unexpectedly encountered this situation one day .

But having said that, he is the ultimate in Half Step Saint Realm. These mechanical beasts are actually Half Step Saint Realm! Eighteen, they actually broke through!

Sure enough, Sea Clan’s mechanical beasts are unmatched, and only they can destroy them. Thanks to Chi Xuan being here this time.

"Everyone, take a break." Xiao Guoguo said. Everyone sat down and meditated. This time it was thrilling. If Chi Xuan couldn't take apart so many mechanical beasts at once, wouldn't they? Just hang up here?

Thinking of this situation, the White City Lord grasped the side Xue Shu tightly, and only felt that this would make him feel more at ease. And that Huya was also close to Feisha, Feisha was holding Huya's hand, and their cultivation base was even more inadequate to fight against Xianzun's late mechanical beast.

"This is the most Xianzun late stage I have ever encountered in my life." Han Meng sighed, and lightly touched his face with his finger, and saw a little bloodshot eyes.

Just now Xiao Guoguo used Life and Death Sword to block the final attack, but in the end some fine spiritual power penetrated in, and these spiritual power left one on their bodies. blood stains after another.

Fortunately, the injury is not serious, these minor injuries only need to adjust the breath. However, Han Meng knew that although there was only one blood stain on her face, there were still some on her body.

Looking back at everyone, everyone's situation is similar, except for Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen, the two defensive ones. There are somewhat blood stains on everyone's faces, which shows the overbearing attack of this mechanical beast.


In the Valley of Sword, Wujian Old Ancestor opened his eyes, he touched his face lightly, bloodshot appeared on it, look again There were also two slight wounds on his hand, and he knew there were more wounds on his body.

"What's wrong?" Wujian looked at his body blankly. This is what danger Han Meng has encountered!

He has already set up protection on Han Meng's body. If Han Meng is injured, he can also feel it. Now that there are so many wounds on his body, it must be Han Meng's problem.

This made Wujian Old Ancestor unable to sit still, he stood up and looked into the distance. Han Meng is in danger now, how can he cultivation at ease! No, he is going to find her!

The swordless Old Ancestor walked out of the house and stood in the middle of Jiangu, sitting cross-legged. He clicked his eyebrows, and saw a drop of blood swaying with his fingers, falling on the ground in front of him, seeping into the mud, and disappearing.

And the ground began to sway when it touched the blood. From under the soil, a huge metal array rose slowly and appeared in front of the eyes.

The circle is round, right in the middle of the sword valley. At this moment, one after another rays of light flashed from the circle, and the countless swords above the sword valley were shaking. It seemed to echo, but in fact, this was what Jian Gu really looked like.

"What's wrong in Jiangu? Why is it emitting light?" A dísciple was shocked when he saw such a scene. It was more scary than the thunder and lightning every day.

"Hurry up and report it to the Elder Council!"

Another dísciple is about to cry in his heart. What has happened to the swordless Old Ancestor in the past few years? It's stranger, and every time there is more movement, it's too scary.

Han Meng didn’t know what happened in Jiangu, just looking at the gate in front of him, Chi Xuan was opening this gate, and this time, Chi Xuan only took a quarter of an hour to see that The door opened slowly.

Everyone: "..." If this goes on, there will really be no friends.

They understand now that Chi Xuan used those two hours to open the door of the great hall just now. He obviously slowed down the speed deliberately, but this time it is estimated that he felt threatened so he spare no effort. .

Everyone didn't know what to say, so they could only remain silent. A group of people walked in very quietly, and was shocked by the scene in front of them.

The house is very big, larger than the seven houses in front of it, and the things in this house are more powerful than those in the front. The materials given to them were Sea Beast inner core, Spirit Stone, powder crystal, ore... all materials, but this time they were directly given to the finished product, and it is a very powerful finished product!

"If I am not mistaken, this is the mechanical beast we were dealing with outside just now!" Han Meng asked, looking at Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan slowly nodded.

The character of Master Shiran that he guessed was the most arrogant. The outside test is so difficult, and the reward inside will definitely startled. Sure enough, as long as you pass the eighteen mechanical beasts outside, there will be 72 mechanical beasts waiting for you inside.

"I'll count." Wenwen counted silently, seventy-two, not a few.

"This is too exaggerated!" Yuemu felt this was too arrogant.

In other words, if they didn't pass that level, these seventy-two mechanical beasts that were equivalent to the later stage of Xianzun would not belong to them.

(End of this chapter)

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