
  Chapter 1654 Persuasion

The night of the Juli clan is no different. Xiao Guoguo looks at the night The starry sky in the sky shines equally. It's just that they are not who they used to be after all.

Now they are cultivators. They have seen the broader Heaven and Earth, and their pursuit of nature has also changed. Of course, some things will not change after all, for example, Wenwen their three people are still friends.

"Are you really okay?" Xiao Guoguo asked Wenwen, with Yuemu beside him.

At this moment, there are only their three people, neither Qingyun Daoist nor Chi Xuan are there. The three people have a drink in the yard, as if they used to be the same...just without the skewers.

"I'm fine, this Juli clan is not much different from what I imagined." Wenwen said so, his expression was indifferent.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Yuemu, this guy didn't say a word at the moment, he didn't know what he was thinking. However, the identity of their three people is bitter, so Yuemu should be able to understand Wenwen's mood at this moment.

"Are you really not looking for it?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, then Wen Wen shook his head.

"I don't need them anymore. Why bother to find them if you don't need them." Wenwen replied, and Xiao Guoguo felt a little uncomfortable.

Why didn't she think so? It's just that she was lucky. Father and mother didn't abandon her deliberately, but were forced by the situation and had to do so. But compared with her, Yuemu's situation is much worse, and it is better not to find his father.

So, even the decisive Xiao Guoguo now doesn't know whether Wenwen should go to find relatives, because the result may not be as good as they thought.

"I said Wenwen, you should look for it. Maybe you are good luck, at least it should be better than me." Yuemu said so, Wenwen glanced at him.

"Your luck is bad enough." This is a sigh with feeling, Yuemu nodded, he knew Wenwen would not comfort people, so he didn't take it to his heart.

"What did you find? Be with them? I never thought about leaving the boss." Wenwen said, Xiao Guoguo's eyes were slightly hot, Wenwen wanted to go on with her, she knew of.

"Perhaps just to ask to understand, I always have to know why they abandoned you?"

Yuemu said this, he also had this idea back then. It was a pity that he lost the bet. It's just that he doesn't regret it, no matter what the result is, there is finally a result, and his heart is at ease.

Wenwen considered for a moment, and then nodded and said: "Yuemu, you never say reliable things, but this time it has several points of truth."

Wenwen It was actually solved by Yuemu, Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, but thinking about it, Yuemu made sense. They always wanted to ask why. Moreover, she was also worried that Wenwen would be troubled by Heart Demon because of this matter, and that would not be a good deal.

"Since I have arrived here, I will look for it by the way. If you find the best, you will be bad luck if you can't find it. Anyway, I tried my best. I don't regret speaking of which." Xiao Guoguo continued to persuade him. Wenwen, Wenwen nodded.

"I mean the same thing with the boss. What's the fear? We are with you anyway, and the Qingyun, he will also be with you." Yuemu finished, hehe smiled and had a drink Wenwen glanced at him, but did not turn his face on him.

Xiao Guoguo looked at these two living treasures and asked: "Is there anything in you that can be used as a clue?"

Xiao Guoguo's words made Wenwen stunned for a while , And then slowly raised his finger to point at the void, and saw a black hole appearing out of thin air, and Yuemu was subconsciously away from Wenwen, this woman was so crazy that he would not let it go.

"I almost forgot about this." Wenwen searched for a while and found a stone. Xiao Guoguo saw that it should be a pendant, but the chain was broken and the pendant below was very small. , Light green.

"It's really beautiful." Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen nodded.

"Because of being beautiful, I was almost robbed back then, so I hid it." Wenwen thought about the time when it was too long, and the memory was about to fade.

"Hehe, your function of hiding things is the best, as long as you don't hide them and lose them." Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen laughed.

Back then, she really had hidden and lost things, but now she doesn't. With the improvement of the cultivation base, her ability to control space has become stronger.

"In that case, let's find it by the way." Xiao Guoguo said so, Wen Wen nodded, and the three seemed to have returned to the past.


Then Old Hu moved very fast, it seems to be to get rid of them early, but I really worked hard, and even found an errand for them in the royal city. .

"I finally asked someone to find this work of sweeping and sweeping. Don't trouble me. If you find someone, come out and I will do it for you."

Old Hu was afraid that the worry-free old men would come around. Before going to the royal city, they would continue to explain to them, don't provoke the nobles inside, don't make him trouble. From Xiao Guoguo's point of view, the worry-free elderly simply did not take these taking seriously.

They don't want to cause trouble, but if they are really unavoidable, they can only do it.

"Get off, here." Old Hu used a huge cart to send them to the king city gate. A Juli clansman was already waiting.

Half a quarter of an hour later, they entered the royal city of the Juli clan in such a grand manner, and their identities were simply no one doubted. The people of Sansao were all inferior.

Song Xing looked around curiously all the way. He was shocked. The people and buildings here made him want to observe.

"Look down! Don't look around!" The man who led them in shouted.

He brought them in only for the Spirit Stone. Anyway, the king's city needs someone to clean it. If they are given a quota, they can get a thousand high grade Spirit Stone, so he took the deal.

Of course, he has to watch them all the time, for fear that these people will cause trouble for himself. He simply didn't know the identities of Xiao Guoguo, he just treated it as a serious business.

Xiao Guoguo none of them said a word, as if they were very quiet. They looked at the soldiers of the Juli clan walking back and forth, and they didn't want to cause trouble now, at least they had to find the Sea Clan first.

In the end, Xiao Guoguo and the others were arranged to take care of the garden. It seemed that because Old Hu had given a lot of benefits, they were left with such a clean job.

Xiao Guoguo Look at this huge garden, Juli Royal Family will enjoy it. Where is this garden? This is almost a small forest.

"Are we really going to clean this garden here?" Han Meng looked at the broom in his hand. They were serious and gave them a broom each.

"Hehe, go find someone." Xiao Guoguo looked at Fei Zhuo, Fei Zhuo nodded. Of course he is the most anxious, as long as he can find the Young Lord, he will lose his life at all costs.

(End of this chapter)

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