
  Chapter 1653 Helper

Can’t sneak in, it’s not easy to do, they are anxious now To save people, there is no time to make detailed plans. Therefore, it seems that they can only use tactics.

"Let's find the way." The worry-free old man said so, everyone looked at him, what does it mean to find a way?

"Speaking of which I know someone, he might be able to take us in." The worry-free old man said and walked back, and everyone followed him.

Xiao Guoguo feels that the worry-free old man is really a magical person. He not only knows Sea Clan, but also knows Juli clansman. It seems that there is no place around him that he can't mix with. They were able to get his help, and many things became much simpler.

The entire group has been hiding in the east for two hours before reaching the gate of a big house. The house looked like a wealthy man. Two guards stood at the door, tall and strong. They didn't go to provoke them directly, but found a corner and flew in directly.

Entering the yard, everyone followed the worry-free old man and walked round and round, before they arrived in front of a house.

The room was very tall, and the worry-free old man slapped the door open, and saw a giant clansman sitting inside suddenly stood up.

"Hehe, friend, long time no see!" The worry-free old man finished his greeting. Xiao Guoguo saw the Juli clansman in the house rushing towards the outside. Begin to shout: "Come on! Help!"

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Is this your familiar friend?

The worry-free old man and the others quickly covered their ears. The clansman's voice was loud enough, and their ears buzzed, and it took a while to feel better.

"My friend, it's not the first time I've dealt with each other, so why are you still so uncomfortable."

The worry-free old man walked in, found a chair and sat down, scared to the other side Juli clansman leaned on the door to move out, and then ran swiftly.

He wanted to run, but the worry-free old man set up a barrier when he arrived here, otherwise someone would have come to rescue him when he shouted.

Xiao Guoguo watched that Juli clansman hit the barrier directly, and then sat down on the ground. The floor tiles were broken into two pieces. The worry-free old man sat calmly on that huge chair, although his figure was small, his aura was strong enough.

This is the so-called height of 1.7 meters and an aura of 7.1 meters, right?

"Can't you find someone else? Did you just remember the way to our house?" As soon as the Juli clansman couldn't see it, he felt desperate, so he couldn't get up on the ground. .

Xiao Guoguo: "..." What did this guy do to make the family fall apart like this?

"Old Hu, what are you talking about, where did I harm you? Which time did you say that didn't let you take advantage!" The worry-free old man asked seriously, Xiao Guoguo saw the ground Sitting Juli clansman Old Hu suddenly jumped up.

"You are ashamed to say! I was originally a very important person in the Juli clan! Now I let you bring them to be a businessman!" The Juli clansman pointed to the worry-free old man's nose With that said, he felt like he was going to force a good into a prostitution.

"Are your seven or eight little wives rich?" With the words of the worry-free old man, Xiao Guoguo instantly became honest when he saw Old Hu, who was still angry.

"Look, I told you that you have to be rich if you want to raise a little wife. If you don't follow me to make money, you can raise these little wives?" Asked, Xiao Guoguo sat down with the dust on Old Hu's quiet patted clothes.

Everyone was speechless. It turned out that this one who seemed so wronged and angry was not sincere. His shortcomings were caught by the worry-free old man, and the worry-free old man was too. It's really amazing. But is it really worth it for yourself to have a few more concubines?

"Let's talk about it, what do you let me do this time?" Then Old Hu asked, the worry-free old man smiled.

"We are going to Wangcheng. Surely you have a way?" The worry-free old man asked, then Old Hu's eyes widened and he looked at the group of them with caution.

"Don't even think about it, it's simply impossible to enter the Royal City! And, I'm not the one who betrayed the Royal Family for money!"

As Old Hu said, Xiao Guoguo is I feel a little admired, it's okay, no matter when it comes, at least this one still knows that he can't forget his roots.

"I heard that you are going to marry your tenth wife recently?" Wuyou old man asked so, he saw Old Hu gritted his teeth, and then gave Wuyou old man a look.

"What are you going to do when you go in?" He let go. It is estimated that the tenth wife must be very beautiful.

"Go and save someone. Don’t worry, we don’t dare to mess around. We know how powerful this clansman is."

They are sitting and drinking tea. They are in a hurry now, but they can't let the other person see.

Everyone didn't gnaw. To be honest, they were very curious about who would win this time. They couldn't be sure, in this Old Hu's mind, which of the Wang Cheng and the little wife was more important.

"Okay, but my price is high!" Then Old Hu finally let go. It seems that in his heart this little wife is a bit heavier.

"You will quote a price." The worry-free old man said with a smile, then Old Hu thought for a while before reaching out two fingers.

"200,000 high grade Spirit Stone?" Wenwen asked, when he saw the opposite poker.

"Two million high grade Spirit Stones! You and I will bring them in, but you have to take a lot of risk." Old Hu said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him, it was still nodded.

"Okay, I'll give you so much." Xiao Guoguo is really happy, then Old Hu didn't expect, and at the same time regretted a little bit in his heart, is it less?

The price is definitely not cheap, but Xiao Guoguo thought for a while, and when he went to Seabed Abyss, he could get reimbursement from Sea Clan for the money. Therefore, in line with the principle of spending other people's money without distress, Xiao Guoguo agreed.

"Okay, you guys wait here for a day, I'll go find a way!" Now that Old Hu agreed, he no longer hesitated, but directly arranged it.

Everyone didn't expect, this person has changed so much before and after, this character is really...unreliable!

"Is he really reliable? Will people come to arrest us?" Chi Xuan couldn't help but began to doubt.

"Don't worry, he didn't dare to do this. I know too many secrets about him. If I get caught, it will be of no benefit to him." The worry-free old man replied. Everyone was convinced.

No one would be willing to expose their secrets to others, and the worry-free old man caught Old Hu's greed and fear, and this controlled him in his own hands.

"Then let's go to Wangcheng." Xiao Guoguo is full of domineering, she thinks this must be an adventure.

(End of this chapter)

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