
  Chapter 1649 tells

"It seems that Sea Clan is most afraid of lightning attacks. You didn't t expect I am a Lightning Spirit Root, do you dare to be so arrogant? All my advice is forgotten." Xiao Guoguo asked, and the Sea Clan man stared at her with hatred in his eyes.

Xiao Guoguo looked at and shook his head and said: "I have no interest in you. No matter how powerful your Sea Clan is, it has nothing to do with me. I promised to send you back and you won't break your promise. But if you do it again Dare to act rashly and do our things badly, i will not show any mercy."

Xiao Guoguo is a small punishment and a big admonition this time. She wants this seapeople to understand that if you want to follow them, you must be obedient. Otherwise, after reaching the abyss, if this guy uses any means, wouldn't it be troublesome for them.

Moreover, she can tell from the black tower's method of dealing with Sea Clan, this Sea Clan must be afraid of lightning. She happens to be the Lightning Spirit Root, so she is not afraid of being disobedient.

Then Zou City Lord looked at Xiao Guoguo and swallowed, knowing in his heart that this woman is also an experienced character. Just now he kept telling him that he shouldn't hurt Sea Clan, for fear of incurring a fight between the two clans, he just turned his head and taught Sea Clan a lesson.

"Let's talk about it, why are you arresting him." Xiao Guoguo asked. The City Lord Zou actually felt more pressure than the worry-free old man. This woman's Divine Consciousness is so powerful!

"I do it for the treasure. It is said that Sea Clan is full of treasures. I want to tame this Sea Clan, and then let him take us to find the treasures!" said City Lord Zou. , Xiao Guoguo coldly smiled.


With these two words, the worries-free old man’s crutches came quickly, and this time, the worries-free old man was merciful at all, and he fell on him all at once. On the body of Zou City Lord, he was shot away for a long time before he stabilized his silhouette, turned around and fled, and the worry-free old man chased after him.

Xiao Guoguo and the others did not help, but watched from the sidelines. Xiao Guoguo looked at the controlled seapeople and walked up to him and said: "Now if you are willing to tell the truth, I might help You. If you don’t want to, I can tell the truth sooner or later this City Lord Zou. However, when the time comes, I will not change my mind and throw your big troubles to him, I can’t guarantee. "

Xiao Guoguo's words made the Sea Clan man look at her, and asked with suspicion in his eyes: "Why are you helping me?"

"This question is a good question." , It’s no good to help you. Why should I help you? Actually, I don’t care if you are the best. It’s a pity that I am a softhearted person and I can’t see the two races fighting. When the time comes, the dead and wounded are still innocent people. I will let you go back. I only hope that this grievance can be wiped out, but can you agree?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, the seapeople looked at her, and after a while, he was nodded. He hoped he didn't misunderstand the wrong person.

"Then tell me now, why did they catch you by fair means or foul? A Sea Clan shouldn't be worthy of their two City Lords joining forces, and they are still holding on with us now. "

Xiao Guoguo looked at the Zou City Lord in the distance, knowing that he is also resisting now, so the part he wants to conceal must be of great interest.

"That's because they want to catch the real nobleman through me, which is my Young Lord! If they catch what the Young Lord wants, Sea Clan will give them something!" The seapeople With that said, Xiao Guoguo understands it.

"In other words, you are just a guard, and what they are looking for is your master!" Xiao Guoguo said, Sea Clan man is nodded, this is his biggest secret.

"Yes, I'm just an ordinary seapeople, and my master is the nobleman of Sea Clan! If they find the Young Lord, they will ask for countless treasures from Sea Clan! They have done this before. Yes, and it succeeded!"

"I'm afraid I asked for treasure, and you won't let you go back." Xiao Guoguo said with emotion, Sea Clan man nodded.

"At the beginning, Young Lord was caught by them, and they wanted a lot of treasures, and we Sea Clan gave it too! However, they didn't believe it and refused to let us go back. If it weren't for our cleverness, I escaped this time, I’m afraid it’s still in their hands!” The Sea Clan man obviously didn’t have too much thoughts. He gave a rough idea of ​​the matter in a few words, and Xiao Guoguo pieced it together. I understand.

"Then you escaped, why not go back to the sea!" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the Sea Clan man was very angry.

"They are too despicable. They blocked the entrance to the abyss and waited to catch us back. We want to go back to Sea Clan, but it is extremely difficult. Simply can't do it! "The Sea Clan man said so, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him.

"Since they arrested you, they must be guarded very closely. How did you escape?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously. The Sea Clan man looked embarrassed and never answered.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, I guess someone must have helped you. After you escaped, you chose a way to entice the people you were looking for, but unfortunately, you were caught by the black tower again. I found it."

Xiao Guoguo asked, the Sea Clan man was nodded.

He was originally responsible for leading away the chasing soldiers, but after being seriously injured, he was spotted by the black tower and was finally auctioned off. But fortunately, they always felt that Young Lord was with him, so they only stared at him instead of looking for Young Lord.

"That's why they didn't hesitate to spend a lot of money to take a picture of you, just to inquire about the whereabouts of your Young Lord."

Xiao Guoguo took a deep breath. Yes, it's really troublesome! Where did I think that it was such a tortuous story? Originally thought was just to rescue a seapeople at hand, and how did I think that two City Lords were involved.

In other words, Sea Clan has already been deceived by City Lord Zhao and City Lord Zou. The reason why they have not done it now is definitely because they want to save the lives of the two. In this way, this Sea Clan's grudges may not be easy to resolve.

Look at Xiao Guoguo's question here, and the worry-free old man brought back Zou City Lord. He threw the Zou City Lord to the ground. At this moment, the Zou City Lord had been taught by fiercely, and he was willing to say anything without the arrogance just now.

"I said, I will tell you everything, I just ask you to let me survive." The City Lord Zou said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at him.

"We don't want your life, we only need money." Xiao Guoguo replied. Then the City Lord Zou is stupid, why, why does he want money after he has to say? He didn't know, just now the Sea Clan man had already confessed, he said nothing more.

Xiao Guoguo didn't say anything any more, and Yuemu directly searched Zou City Lord's body up and down, and left nothing.

Zou City Lord is stupid, but the Sea Clan man has a look of excitement. Seeing Zou City Lord's end, his heart was really relieved.

And the worry-free old man sees Xiao Guoguo as just faintly smiled, and simply doesn't stop it. He felt that there was nothing wrong with this. It's all easy things anyway, and it's good to make a small profit.

(End of this chapter)

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