
  Chapter 1648 is forcing you to ask

What do you want to say that the worry-free elderly do? Everyone really can't tell why. The most famous one is that he found a way to deal with the Sea Beast inner core.

It is said that the Sea Beast inner core could not be absorbed back then, or this worry-free Old Ancestor didn’t know what luck, but found a way to deal with the Sea Beast inner core and shared it with The powerhouse of all planes.

Although this method is still controlled by several major forces, the identity of the worry-free elders is also very special, and many cultivators will also seek his door. And Great Family never embarrassed him, even has several points of active protection in it.

So this old man has been walking on the plane for so many years, no one troubles him, naturally no one knows the depth of his cultivation base. Everything is a legend, and what Zou City Lord has heard is limited, so he suffered this loss.

"Old man, really didn't expect you to be deeply hidden." Zou City Lord said that with some anxiety in his heart. But fortunately, after all, he has an advantage here.

He is waiting now, waiting for his two men to come and attack together. Although the cultivation base of both he and the worry-free old man are on the same level, if the two subordinates join forces with him to attack, they will definitely be able to win this guy.

"I'm actually not deeply hidden. The ones who are really deeply hidden should be them." The worry-free old man said with a smile, and pointed his chin to the distance with a kind face. Then City Lord Zou was afraid of something Strange, didn't dare to look back.

Seeing him like this, the worry-free old man shook his head and stopped, and stopped fighting with the Zou City Lord. The City Lord Zou really couldn't understand why he was like this, and when he turned his head violently, he saw that his two powerful men were actually trapped.

"This...what's the situation!" Zou City Lord looked at the worry-free elderly man in shock.

If he reads it right, are those two fairies? How did they trap the two immortals!

"Don't ask me, I don't know what the situation is. These two people are really deeply hidden. I didn't expect to have such a surprise." The worry-free old man finished talking and smiled. , And then asked: "Do you still expect them to join you in defeating me? I think you have to find another way."

The worry-free old man's words are clearly provocative, but Zou City Lord There is no way, because this is the situation right now. It was originally a situation of winning stably, but I don't know why it has become the current situation of fierce battle? What is going wrong?

Zou City Lord was thinking about this, when he heard a scream in the distance, he went to see that it turned out to be City Lord Zhao, he was killed!

"Hehe, you are missing a powerful ally!" The worry-free old man stood there and stopped attacking at all, but seemed to be watching the excitement.

"This is impossible! How could she...her cultivation base is not that high!" Zou City Lord only felt that his eyes were dark. Although that woman is a sword cultivator, her cultivation base is lower than that of City Lord Zhao!

"Their sword cultivator is really not so powerful, and leapfrog killing is not a lie. Hehe, I have learned it today." The worry-free old man laughed and said with a lively expression on his face.

"Damn it!" Zou City Lord angry roar, all his strength has been displayed, and he no longer dare to have any fluke. The only chance now is for him to rush out, or wait for others. Together, he is really dangerous!

However, the expression of the worry-free old man remains the same. No matter how the City Lord Zou displays, he doesn't seem to be afraid, and he can do tricks. At this time, City Lord Zou also understood that the previous worry-free old man simply didn't use his full strength.

"Are you...really going to kill me?" Zou City Lord asked, and the worry-free old man smiled.

"Remember that I asked the City Lord just now, do you really want to take this Sea Clan away, regardless of the safety of so many cultivators? The City Lord answered me too."

The worry-free old man answered like this, and the City Lord Zou just wanted to ask for mercy. He looked all around, Han Meng had actually helped Bai City Lord to kill the man.

He didn't expect anything, things will be discovered to this point, he knows that there is only one way to beg for mercy, and maybe he can save his life! After all, there is not much interest entanglement between them.

"How can the old man agree to let me live!" The City Lord Zou stopped the attack and asked, the worry-free old man smiled and said: "As long as the City Lord Zou tells us all the secrets you know, Then why do you have to get Sea Clan!"

This question made Zou City Lord complexion changed, and at the moment Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan’s Life and Death Sword method is half applied, two senior and junior The brothers can't hold it anymore.

They never thought that these two cultivators should have such a powerful strength. Now they have scars everywhere, all of them are wounded by swords.

They also have protective magic weapons, but they must be high level magic weapons in their hands. These protections are of no use at all. There are more and more injuries on their bodies, and the fatal injuries are also increasing!

"No way, Senior Brother, we are going to fight to the death!" The man's voice fell, and the senior and junior brothers began to change their bodies. Although there was no change in their size, their appearance was unbelievable. Dare to believe it.

It is the first time that Xiao Guoguo has seen someone become like this. Not only is his face covered with scales, but also a fishbone thorn appeared on his back. At this moment, Xiao Guoguo thought of Wei Feng, his bones can be used as a weapon for wounding. However, Wei Feng is the influence of Bloodline Power, and these two people have absorbed too many negative teaching materials of Sea Beast inner core.

"Kill!" The senior and junior brothers quickly fought against Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. They wanted to rush out of the scope of the Life and Death Sword method.

But Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are so easy to deal with, not to mention that their side sword qi is extremely sharp, but the Life and Death Sword method is also infinitely variable. They simply can't get out.

Even relying on the improved defense power, this Life and Death Sword still left wounds one after another on the senior and junior brothers. The strength of the two is getting worse and worse, and finally Under the Life and Death Sword.

The City Lord Zou originally wanted to carry it, but seeing that his two most powerful subordinates had also been killed, he knew that the situation was over. Therefore, he can only clenched the teeth to tell the truth.

"I caught this Sea Clan, not for him, but for other Sea Clan!"

Only when Zou City Lord said such a sentence, I saw that it has been quiet. Sea Clan jumped up sharply. A bone spur suddenly appeared on his arm and rushed towards the City Lord Zou, apparently wanting his life.

However, Zou City Lord stepped back abruptly and avoided the attack. He also knew that Sea Clan was difficult, and he didn't dare to love war, but moved towards the worry-free old man.

Xiao Guoguo Seeing this, the thunder and lightning in his hand condensed, and a lightning net fell directly. Sea Clan, who had been very fierce before, immediately lost the ability to move.

Sea Clan clansman looked at Xiao Guoguo. His body was paralyzed and he couldn't move, and his reaction speed was very slow. He wanted to talk but didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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