
  Chapter 1641 Sea Clan

The White City Lord seems to have become accustomed to this man’s indifferent attitude. Thinking of it, but turned around and went in. The door was closed to isolate the investigation from the outside, and everyone's gossip was extinguished.

"This Young Master is too unreasonable, the White City Lord is all about him! The magic weapon of 13 million yuan, even dismissive, is there something wrong with this man!" Someone said so. , That's because my heart is sore.

Think about it, the 13 million high grade Spirit Stone. What is the concept? A City Lord who has money doesn't need to spoil her little male pet so much, right? The key is that this male pet hasn't been grateful yet, but has a disdainful expression. It is really unacceptable for them to eat such a cow on the face.

Xiao Guoguo originally thought it would be over here, but she was wrong. After everyone left in the audience, Xiao Guoguo discovered that the VIPs had not left. Then the sexy beautiful woman stepped onto the stage again. She seemed to be waiting, waiting for six layers to be guarded, and no one appeared again.

"It seems something is wrong." Han Meng said so, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked down at the bottom without saying a word, they also wanted to see what the black tower was doing.

"Look, someone moved something here." Yuemu looked down curiously, Xiao Guoguo's eyes tightened, and her Divine Consciousness had already seen through the black cloth. , That is a cage.

"How could they!" The worry-free old man also stood up and looked at the cage below with a very angry expression.

"What's the matter? Is that an ordinary person?" Han Meng watched several brawny men unfold the cloth on the cage, and there was a man curled up inside. And the outside of the cage is a protective array, and the lightning flashes are obviously to prevent the people inside from escaping.

"Everyone, I don't need to say anything if you want to come." The woman said, taking a look at the person in the cage, and quickly left, as if she was very jealous.

At this moment, the doors of several surrounding rooms opened one after another. Xiao Guoguo frowned watched. Those who came out of it, they had no scruples at this moment. Xiao Guoguo thought, are these people all here for the men in the cage?

The appearance of the man in this cage is very similar to that of human beings, but if you look closely, you will find that there are still some differences. For example, his ears are pointed and there are several scales on his chin.

"Sea Clan! They caught Sea Clan!" The worry-free old man said angrily. Xiao Guoguo could feel the old man's anger by looking at his hand.

"What is Sea Clan?" This is not the first time Xiao Guoguo has heard this word. Xiao Guoguo understands that Sea Clan's identity must be extremely special.

"They are the mysterious clan in the sea, and Sea Beasts also want to listen to Sea Clan. Their identities are very noble. How could a Sea Clan be caught!" The worry-free old man is very worried. Emoji.

Xiao Guoguo seems to understand that this Sea Clan is a special family of Deep Sea Abyss. These people are afraid that they are noble, and it will be a big trouble if they don't. And this Sea Clan didn't know what happened, but was arrested.

"Why? How did you catch Sea Clan!" The White City Lord asked this and took two steps back, as if he didn't want to be involved in this matter.

She saw the black tower auction item list, but there was only a sea water pattern on the last spot, and nothing was written! She was just wondering what the last treasure was and didn't leave, but she didn't expect it to be Sea Clan.

At this time, a person walked downstairs, Xiao Guoguo saw that it was the black tower Elder just now, and he seemed to be one of the members of the black tower.

"I’ll tell you, when this man arrived, we never thought that he was Sea Clan. He concealed his identity to sell things. If we were not clever, he would run away."

Then Elder said, Xiao Guoguo frowned, he always felt that something was wrong. A Sea Clan, not staying obediently and honestly in the seabed abyss, why did he come here? Why did I ran to the black tower to sell things so accidentally, and I was caught by them!

As soon as Xiao Guoguo's eyes moved, he saw that the White City Lord kept backing away, as if a little unwilling to blend in, and the worry-free old man also clenched his fists and was very angry.

What Sea Clan came to sell... Xiao Guoguo thought of the shield on his body. Is it the shield that he photographed about the relics of the seabed abyss? Many things seem to make sense.

"Senior, what should we do now?" Xiao Guoguo thought for a moment, and looked at the worry-free old man asking, the face of the worry-free old man changed slightly. He didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to ask this question suddenly, and he didn't know what to do!

"Anyway, this Sea Clan must be saved first!" Said the worry-free old man, Xiao Guoguo nodded, without any hesitation, this made the worry-free old man totally unimaginable.

They didn’t know each other for a long time, why would she believe him so much! He said he wanted to save the seapeople, so she believed it? Worry-free old people have mixed feelings in their hearts for a while, and don't know what to say.

"Do you believe me that way?" The worry-free old man still couldn't help asking.

"No doubt about employing people. Although we have not known you for a long time, we still have some understanding of your character."

Xiao Guoguo said this not because Believe in the worry-free old man, but she intended to do it, even for the shield in her hand, this Sea Clan should be saved. The shield in her hand is very mysterious. If this Sea Clan is rescued by them, many things may be easily solved.

"Hehe, you are very straightforward. Okay, I tell you, I asked you to save this Sea Clan not for any good, but because these seapeople can’t get into trouble here. If not, then Sea Clan I am afraid that the human cultivator will have a catastrophe."

As the worry-free old man said, Xiao Guoguo agrees very much. She does not want to see Sea Clan driving the seabed and powerful Sea Beast. A group of people climbed up to find a human cultivator to fight.

"This is Sea Clan, you are making trouble for the plane!" White City Lord said so, the man behind her looked at her with a milder look.

"Hehe, don't worry about the White City Lord, this is just an ordinary seapeople, he disappeared and there is nothing at worst, no one cares!" said Elder of the black tower. If the seapeople are so powerful, he wouldn't dare to accept it like that.

"Whether it is ordinary Sea Clan or not, you should know that if they get angry, the consequences will be terrifying!" The White City Lord did not want to mix these things, and stated his position.

"White City Lord, if you don't have the guts, please leave, I have always wanted a Sea Clan to be a subordinate!" Then City Lord Zhao said that with a look of excitement, and didn't want to give up at all. the meaning of.

When everyone looked at the City Lord Zhao, they were all silent. They also wanted to see what is so great about Sea Clan. They had heard that if they could use a Sea Clan. Once Clan’s cultivation base is absorbed, he can immediately become the Immortal Venerable!

(End of this chapter)

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