
  Chapter 1640 The Shield

Everyone was also stunned. They increased the price by one hundred thousand at a time, which was too stingy. A little bit. They didn't even know that Xiao Guoguo originally wanted to call 6.01 million, so he added 10,000 at a time.

"6.3 million!" The White City Lord was unwilling to give up and shouted again.

"Six hundred and three hundred and ten thousand!" Xiao Guoguo decided, it is better to increase the price by ten thousand each time, which is the most insurance.

Sure enough, everyone was silent again. This one didn't know whether it was this interest or what, anyway, he only added 10,000 yuan to the price of the White City Lord each time. In the end, the White City Lord yelled seven million high grade Spirit Stones, and they still increased the price by ten thousand yuan, seven million yuan.

The White City Lord looked at Xiao Guoguo. So she gritted her teeth and gave up. She didn’t see what was on the shield just now. There was an array across which she couldn’t see the contents clearly. Going on the black tower allows them to feel comfortable, and she doesn't want to spend a lot of money here rashly.

In the end, black's shield was sent to Xiao Guoguo. Xiao Guoguo only took a look and put it in the storage bag. She didn't put the shield directly into the artificial space because She was vigilant about the things in the abyss, while Xiao Tai and Ling Shu were still in the space.

"Next, is the finale item of this auction." The black clothed woman was very excited to introduce this, and everyone was intrigued. None of the shields on the relics of the Deep Sea Abyss became the final item, so what is the last thing to be taken out?

The White City Lord was robbed of the shield. He had been staring at the room where Xiao Guoguo and their entire group were located, guessing their identities, but in the end there was no clue. After hearing this introduction, she also took Divine Consciousness back and looked at the huge box that was brought up on the court.

That box looks like a sword box? The White City Lord thought about the light flashed in his eyes, and saw that the black clothed woman of the auction opened the box, and a sword was lying in it, very dazzling.

"This is an Immortal Artifact, and it is a sword. Everyone should know that such an Immortal Artifact may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, please don’t you please Hesitated. In the end, the starting price of this magic weapon was 8 million high grade Spirit Stone!" The woman said so, and Han Meng raised her eyebrows. This black tower is really good at doing business, and it has increased the price of her magic weapon.

The White City Lord glanced at Xiao Guoguo's house again, looked thoughtful. This auction is very unusual. They have already received the invitation from the auction, and they have also received the auction item list provided by the black tower. I believe that many people today are looking at the shields of the deep-sea relics on the list.

She is so, and so are many people, and they also want to go to the deep sea to hunt for treasure. But who would have thought that what they wanted was taken away by an unknown person, who was obviously strong and financially rich.

Then there was a sudden addition of content on auction. First, the Black Shark group was photographed, then the bottles of medicine pill that could improve the cultivation base, and then...this Immortal Artifact. These are not on the auction list, and they have obviously increased suddenly.

She has been observing that the Spirit Stones obtained from auctioning the black shark and medicine pill were all sent to that room. So, is this Immortal Artifact in front of them, is it that they also brought it out?

I have never heard of it before. What incredible person has come during this period of time? But now it seems that this group of people are not only powerful, they can catch the black sharks, and their ability is very good. Among them, there must be Pill Refinement Master and high level Artifact Refining Master!

Such a pair of people, no matter which plane they are in, they should be guests. She was thinking about taking their shields after going out, but now it seems that this idea is not working.

"Immortal Artifact! It's really Immortal Artifact!" Everyone was very happy. They can't afford Immortal Artifact, but they can take a look! There are not many magic weapons here, and there are not many Artifact Refinement Masters. It is very incredible to be able to produce an Immortal Artifact.

The worry-free old man looked at Han Meng and Xiao Guoguo, and realized that there is no simple role in this group of people.

"I have nine million high grade Spirit Stone!" A man walked out of the private room, and he opened the door directly, just to show that he was bound to think about this Immortal Artifact. It's as if the White City Lord took the initiative to identify himself just now, and it all meant to suppress others with power.

"If you pay nine million, I will pay ten million!" The white City Lord is obviously not afraid of each other. They are both City Lords. Who is worse than who? If it doesn't work, just fight!

Xiao Guoguo stood on it and watched the excitement, but wanted to see how all influence this plane is. She can't see through the cultivation base of these two people, so it proves that their cultivation base is much higher than their own.

"Senior Sister, can you see through each other?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Han Meng frowned.

"The woman is weaker, it should be Xianzun Early-Stage. And the man is stronger, I can't see clearly." Han Meng said, Xiao Guoguo probably knew it in his heart.

"Then it depends on which one of them pays the higher price." Xiao Guoguo said.

"Hehe, why is this White City Lord? It's just an Immortal Artifact. Isn’t there no Immortal Artifact by your side?" The man said so, obviously he didn’t want to tear this white City Lord. Broken face.

"City Lord Zhao is really a big tone. I am not as big as yours. There are several Immortal Artifacts. I really need this sword, so I can’t give in. Let’s go for the price. Look at the level." The White City Lord replied, without giving the other side this face, they were not in harmony.

"That's good, the higher the price is, no matter who gets this Immortal Artifact, don't get angry." The City Lord Zhao finished raising the price again, which was obviously provocative.

Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng watched the price of this magic weapon soar, but no one else spoke except these two City Lords. The main reason is that these two people have already clearly identified their identities, and the competition is so fierce. If they have to intervene at this time, wouldn't it be a blatant provocation?

They are reluctant to deal with a City Lord. If the two offend together, no one can afford it. Although everyone wants Immortal Artifact, the profit and loss must be calculated.

"Fifteen million." The White City Lord yelled, and City Lord Zhao couldn't bear it.

Although Immortal Artifact is good, the price is too expensive and not worth it. Besides, the money in his hand is still of great use, so he only looked at the woman and smiled.

"Since the White City Lord likes it so much, I will reluctantly give up my love and let it go to you." This person has to get his face back if he loses. Then the White City Lord is just coldly snorted and simply ignore him.

"Congratulations, City Lord, for taking this Immortal Artifact." The woman who presided over the auction was very smart. With one hammer drop, Han Meng gained 15 million high grade Spirit Stone.

The White City Lord was very excited holding the sword. Although there was no expression on his face, his eyes were bright. Then she changed hands and gave the sword in her hand to the man over there.

"For you." Bai City Lord said. The man's face became stiff, and Fiercely flicked his sleeves and walked into the room, as if he didn't appreciate him.

Xiao Guoguo licked melon seeds and looked at this scene. He was coldly snorted in his heart. He was really catching up and not buying and selling. He spent a lot of money to buy Immortal Artifact, but they still look down on it.

(End of this chapter)

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