
  Chapter 1635 Scanning goods

"Let’s find out who they are." Elder ordered. The black tower network started to move, and I wanted to know the details of this group of people.

Sure enough, the news that the black shark pirate was going to be auctioned went out, but within two hours, many people came here. There are also those who watch the excitement, those who want revenge, and those who hit a person when he's down.

And when Xiao Guoguo got on the five layers of the black tower, they found that the things inside are much more refined than the four layers below. Here are no longer private leased booths, but individual counters. At first glance, the goods collected by the black tower itself.

Xiao Guoguo turned around and did not speak, and the worry-free old man pointed to the cabinet selling Sea Beast inner core and said: "Those are all processed inner cores, but the price is lower. I am a bit more expensive here. Although the remaining these things look exquisite, they can be found as long as they go down the abyss."

Xiao Guoguo knows that the worry-free old man is pointing them, so nodded Thanks, go straight to the cabinet where Sea Beast inner core is sold. She doesn't want the treasures of the abyss, what she wants is the Sea Beast inner core.

There is a Great Immortal Master standing in this cabinet, because the most valuable of the five layers is this cabinet, and it can be regarded as an expert. This cabinet is more than ten meters long, and inside it is the Sea Beast inner core of different grades. The rays of light shine one after another, which is very beautiful.

"Worry-free senior, I haven't seen your old man in some days. This is our newly collected Sea Beast inner core some time ago. There are a few high-level ones. I will show it for you?"

The cultivator greeted the worry-free old man while saluting very respectfully. It was clearly Xiao Guoguo who were looking at things, but he only greeted the worry-free old man.

As the saying goes, good, peers are enemies. This worry-free old man and their black tower are actually peers. There is a competitive relationship. Although they can live well in face, they are not in harmony in private. Seeing that the worry-free old man came, the cultivator in this cabinet wanted to find out what he meant, so he ignored Xiao Guoguo.

Xiao Guoguo eyebrow raised, and you can see that there are indeed a few large and round Sea Beast inner cores in the cabinet, which must be a higher level.

"Hehe, this time is not that I want to buy Sea Beast inner core, but these little friends, don't greet the wrong person." The worry-free old man said so, the cultivator looked at Xiao Guoguo entire group, I dare not look down upon it.

But he was very curious in his heart. This worry-free old man also bought and sold Sea Beast inner cores. There must be a large number of inner cores in his hands. Why did they buy them here instead? Is it for comparison?

How did he know that Xiao Guoguo had bought all the Sea Beast inner core in the hands of the worry-free old man, and then he came here to scan the goods.

"Hehe, a few experts take a look at our Sea Beast inner core. It is not only high in grade but also very affordable." The man said, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled.

Here is the black tower, here is the black market, tell her what the price is affordable.

"What grade are these big ones?" Xiao Guoguo pointed to the Sea Beast inner core in the cabinet and asked. The high price is acceptable, as long as they get enough Sea Beast inner core.

Xiao Guoguo is not a cultivation alone. Naturally, I want to prepare enough for everyone. She is not bad at Spirit Stone now, but what she lacks is resources. This Sea Beast inner core is still useful to them.

"This is the Sea Beast inner core of Level 39 and Level 10, which is equivalent to the Great Immortal Master cultivation base of human beings." The man was also happy when he said that, really didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo What they were buying turned out to be these High Rank Sea Beast inner cores.

"Apart from these, is there anyone with a higher level?" Han Meng asked suddenly. The male cultivator was taken aback for a moment, and his heart was even more ecstatic, with a feeling of encountering a local tyrant.

"Naturally there are!" The male cultivator said and went back, whispering a few words with the people behind, and then he carried a box up.

Xiao Guoguo saw that the Sea Beast inner core in this box is indeed more rounded, and the spiritual power is obviously more abundant. It's a pity, there is only this one in this box.

"This is the Sea Beast inner core of Level 13, you see, this is almost equivalent to the Sea Beast of Xianzun Early-Stage." The man said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at Han Meng.

Han Meng really valued this inner core. He looked at it and asked: "How do you sell it?"

Xiao Guoguo never gnawed at all. Such an inner core is scared. Yes and only Han Meng Senior Sister can absorb it. And why she wants to buy this inner core now, Xiao Guoguo can probably guess why.

They are about to enter the abyss. The most powerful is Senior Sister, but now it seems that the abyss is more dangerous than they guessed. The cultivator here is also an immortal with the lowest strength, but they still don't dare to go down the deep sea abyss alone, it can be seen that the level of the Sea Beast inside will not be too low.

Therefore, Senior Sister is now buying the high level Sea Beast inner core to seize the time to absorb and improve the cultivation base. However, Xiao Guoguo remembers the words of the worry-free old man, it is best not to absorb two in a month, so I don't want Han Meng to buy more, so as not to risk her.

"This one is one million high grade Spirit Stone." The man said so, Xiao Guoguo felt that the price was fair.

Song Xing has the final say, this huge Sea Beast inner core can buy more than 1,000 Sea Beast inner cores for the worry-free elderly. I think the increased cultivation base for this one should not be as much as the one thousand.

However, for cultivator, time is very important, especially since they are going to the abyss now, they must be very anxious too? Otherwise, why look at Xiao Guoguo's meaning that she is going to buy these high-level Sea Beast inner cores.

"Be cheaper." Han Meng has become accustomed to Xiao Guoguo's bargaining skills.

As soon as Han Meng spoke, the male cultivator on the opposite side was stunned. This...this is the first time I met a buyer who made him cheaper.

"What I mean by Senior Sister is that we buy more, you should always have some discount." Xiao Guoguo said, the male cultivator just realized that they really planned to Buy more.

They have never bought inner cores from Worry-Free Elders, which is a good thing. Now they have to buy more, so naturally they have to give them a discount. It's just how much they want to buy. Their cultivation base doesn't seem to be too high. Can they have so many Spirit Stones?

How did he know that Xiao Ying is a holy figure who knows how to refine tools, and the wealth she left to Xiao Guoguo is beyond their imagination.

"How much does the expert want to buy?" The male cultivator asked, Xiao Guoguo thought for a while and asked again: "Do you still have such a big Sea Beast inner core?"

"This...really is gone. The previous ones are all sold. Only this one was collected."

That male cultivator said that Xiao Guoguo probably can understand it. , Such a good Sea Beast inner core, I am afraid that this black tower will not be sold, and the good thing is naturally left to my own people.

(End of this chapter)

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