
  Chapter 1634 Set up a stall

Han Meng’s cultivation base is Xianzun Early-Stage, which is better than him Lower, this Elder is not too jealous. But Xiao Guoguo made him a little uncertain. This woman actually defeated a powerful Sea Beast with her fist? This is simply... let him think of a reason.

"This senior, Junior offended." Xiao Guoguo said so, respectfully and politely, no one can tell that she just pulled out one of Sea Beast's venomous teeth!

Then Elder's face is dark and translucent, but seeing Xiao Guoguo like this, there is no way at all. This group of people was too complicated, and he didn't want to rashly be an enemy before they knew their details.

"This girl, why did you hurt my Sea Beast, the gatekeeper!" Elder asked, Xiao Guoguo laughed.

"This can't blame me, this unreasonable thing not only prevents us from entering the door, but also actively attacks. It not only cuts your financial way, it will also cut my life! In order to save his life, Junior can only protect himself."

The people around Xiao Guoguo talked spiritedly. Even if the black tower is not based on reputation, if it is this matter. It is always bad for them to be rendered. After all, not only the black tower is the only black market on this plane, but there are other auctions and black markets. If they don't, their interests will be damaged and it will not be worthwhile.

Being able to do this business here is naturally of interest. Xiao Guoguo said that Elder is really not easy to pursue. Look at the poisonous tooth that Xiao Guoguo is holding in his hand again. It's all broken off, what else can he do!

"putting it that way, but this damned bastard is ignorant. Don't worry, I will let people teach it!"

That Elder said that, Xiao Guoguo understands it. It's over here, and he won't be like Sea Beast. Sea Beast people also spent a lot of money to buy it to visit the gatehouse, and they must be reluctant to kill it.

Xiao Guoguo just wanted to say something, and saw Chi Xuan suddenly come out at this time, and salute the Elder of the black tower: "Senior is so insightful and righteous, Juniors really admire it. But this After all, Sea Beast is not a human being. It’s normal to have no brains. It’s normal for a senior to be reprimanded, so you don’t have to kill and get the inner core."

Han Meng twitched his lips, Chi Xuan's face was this time. It is getting thicker and deeper and deeper. By doing this, he didn't see Junior Sister Xiao being wronged, and he ran on the other side along the way. Thinking about it this way, Han Meng feels that Chi Xuan is caring.

"hmph, come in!" Looking at Chi Xuan's pie, Elder of the black tower feels even more embarrassed and wants Bring them in quickly and ignore it.

"Also please Elder wait a moment." Xiao Guoguo said so, turning his head and walking to the deep pit in front of the black tower, the look of Elder was suffocated, pressing his heart. The murderous intention.

Xiao Guoguo stretched out his hand, a flame burned in his hand, the ice layer melted for a while, and a thin ice wrapped the green venom in front of her, Xiao Guoguo hurriedly filled the venom in a container .

This thing Xiao Guoguo wanted to collect as soon as he saw it, and then it was frozen by the ice layer, otherwise it would be evaporated directly with flames, without so much effort.

Watching Xiao Guoguo do this, he really caused Elder to flick his sleeve and leave. Then Elder thought angrily, this group of people is really enough, hitting their Sea Beast, pulling out Sea Beast's fangs, even if they don't even let this bit of venom go. This is the first time he has seen such a stingy and difficult person.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't care what the other party thinks, as long as the other party doesn't attack them, they don't care about their attitude. After putting away the bottle, they walked in.

They made such a big noise as soon as they appeared, and it is always that people inside and outside the black tower are curious, wanting to know where Xiao Guoguo and the others borrowed the courage to find trouble with the black tower.

But they also found it strange that the Elder of the black tower has always been seldom domineering, but this time it was really unreasonable to let them in instead of directly destroying this group of people.

"Everyone, what are you buying and selling?" The person in charge came out to entertain Xiao Guoguo entire group.

The Elder of the black tower has left long ago. He lost such a big person and was run on another sentence. If it weren’t for worrying about the carefree old man and not knowing Xiao Guoguo’s bottom line, this Elder It is estimated that the lesson has already been taken.

This is the abyss of the deep sea. Where there is any truth to say, strength is respected. It's just that they are traders, and making money with harmony is what First Layer wants. As for the others...then wait until after making money!

Xiao Guoguo laughed, grabbed the rope in his hand, and everyone appeared in front of him, and said to the man in charge: "These guys, we want to sell it."

Xiao Guoguo came here this time just to deal with the black sharks. I never thought that Sea Beast would make things difficult for him before entering the door, and had a holiday with this black tower.

"This is?" The manager is responsible for the business registration. Naturally, he is very familiar with the black sharks and the group of people. I took off the mask and saw that it was a group of black sharks, the heart startled face. It does not show up.

"This is a black shark, do you know it if you want to come?" Xiao Guoguo asked, but the manager smiled and said nothing.

"How do you want to sell? How do you set the price?" After all, the steward was experienced and knowledgeable. After being shocked for a while, he adjusted his mentality and asked calmly. They only ask about buying and selling, not about favors.

"Just auction it, the price is the one." Xiao Guoguo actually doesn't care how much the black shark can sell, she just wants to see the end of the black shark.

"You guys, please go to Yajian, I am here to prepare." Xiao Guoguo, the steward, said that he did not object, and followed the young woman who led the way to the top of the tower.

This tower is very interesting. The five layers below are all rented out to cultivators for selling. And Xiao Guoguo and the others went all the way, and they saw that there were more than one hundred small houses on this floor.

In each room sits a cultivator, with some things in front of them, myriad, all kinds of things. Xiao Guoguo thinks that these should be their consignment items. These people should be cultivators who come here to hunt for treasure. The transaction is for Spirit Stone.

And the reason why the black tower provided them with this booth, I'm afraid it is a commission, no matter how much the transaction is made, they will definitely draw a part of the Spirit Stone as the booth fee.

Xiao Guoguo, they had nothing to do, so they went shopping all the way. The things in these cultivators are very messy. Some Xiao Guoguo don’t know it, just like picking up leaks. Xiao Guoguo turned around and felt It's quite interesting.

Compared with them, worry-free elders have much more experience. Not only are they shopping for things themselves, but they also give pointers to Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. They are very enthusiastic and let that lead the way. The woman was extremely surprised.

She also knows that some of the cultivators here specialize in fakes, and they pit some newbies who have just arrived here. With this old man by his side, these people were not deceived at all.

Five layers came down, Xiao Guoguo bought a lot of weird little things, and was going back to give it away. Of course, I also bought some Sea Beast inner cores, ready to go back and let the worry-free elders help. She spent the Spirit Stone shopping here at great generosity, but she surprised the surviving black tower Elder. The stingy person who didn't expect was still a rich master.

(End of this chapter)

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