
  Chapter 1603 Incubation

"fatty, thank you for bringing back our youngest daughter. We The couple once promised that the youngest of the clan who finds our youngest daughter is our son-in-law. Although you don’t often grow up in the clan, this promise is still effective! Of course, if you don’t want to, then forget it."

Patriarch did have this promise, but he also saw Fatty is really rare, thinking about rushing to win such a good son-in-law for his daughter.

"Yes! I am naturally willing!" Fatty said so, Xiao Guoguo really looked shamelessly.

'fatty, the major event of marriage, it is better to think clearly. You and an egg, you don't even know how hot this Oriole is, will it be a beauty, that's the decision? Do you know when she can hatch? 'Xiao Guoguo couldn't help but say this in the heart, I was afraid that fatty would be overwhelmed for a while.

'Master, I have been in the eggshell for so long, and I have long been afraid of loneliness. It would be nice to have a daughter-in-law now. As long as it is a colorful fire bird, I am willing. 'Little Fatty This requirement is too low, Xiao Guoguo has no choice.

'And I believe in fate, since I can meet Huo Ying, this is our fate. 'fatty continued, Xiao Guoguo didn't want to complain, but emphasized that it was the Spirit Beast egg she found!

Fatty hurriedly decided his marriage, Xiao Guoguo, the owner, has no say, and can only let him go. Xiao Guoguo thought, could it be that Fatty has been taking care of this Flamingo for so long? Is this just getting along with each other?

"It's just that the fire warbler is very weak now. If you want to hatch, you have to go to the hatching place of the colorful fire bird." Fatty said, patriarch nodded.

"The Flamingo has suffered over the years, and now it seems to be a little weak. Naturally, as father and mother, we have to take good care of her." The lady said so and changed back to a human form.

"What does the lady mean, are we here to deliver spiritual power to the Orioles?" Patriarch asked, the lady was nodded.


The fire warbler was taken away and it will take a while to hatch. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan entire group also live there because of the colorful fire bird family They were so hospitable that they couldn't refuse, because fatty had just arrived home and couldn't bear to leave.

For several months, patriarch and his wife lived in the incubation area and delivered spiritual power to the Spirit Beast eggs uninterruptedly. The spiritual power in the incubation area is very rich, plus this couple With his hard work, the incubation of the Spirit Beast egg became more and more smooth.

This makes Fatty very excited, and Xiao Guoguo and their entire group have nothing to do. They just wandered around here, but they met a lot of clansman with colorful fire bird.

They are warm and hospitable, especially when dealing with fattys. Xiao Guoguo watched several young girls blush at fatty.

'Are you regretting that your daughter-in-law chose too early? Xiao Guoguo asked with a smile, and the fatty was silent for a while.

'I still believe in fate. 'Fatty replied so, and refused to give up. What can Xiao Guoguo say, he just wants to be happy.

But I don’t know why, Xiao Guoguo found that fatty is indeed very popular with girls in the clan, so he became vain, and suddenly felt like he was choosing a daughter-in-law.

Xiao Guoguo only learned later that it was Captain, the big-mouthed guard, who told about the fatty. Patriarch’s son and already had the bloodline power, which is simply the glory of the colorful fire bird clan , Was also selected by Golden Tail Feather, how could it not be valued.

Fortunately, there is a Young Patriarch here, and he will stand by the fatty side when he is fine. This is his future brother-in-law, these mothers have no chance of fire bird!

Xiao Guoguo found it interesting after watching it for a few days, but didn't feel much later. They followed Young Patriarch to wander around on this plane and saw many local specialties of the year, especially all kinds of food, Xiao Guoguo prepared several copies of each to take away.

After three months of this, suddenly the Young Patriarch looked at the sky with excitement. Xiao Guoguo knew that he must have known some news. In all likelihood, it was about the little fire warbler. !

"The younger sister is coming out! Let's go back and have a look!" Huo Yu said so and took the lead to fly. Fatty wants to fly too, but he has to take a group of them.

However, in order to see her daughter-in-law fatty, she also flies extremely fast, following countless colorful fire bird clansman to see the little girl of the newly born patriarch family.

Xiao Guoguo saw the thunder and lightning fall, and knew that they would not be able to keep up with this tribulation thunder. When the fatty came out of the eggshell was nine Dao Tribulation thunders, I don’t know how many of these fire warblers are?

When they arrived, the eighth Dao Tribulation thunder just fell. Xiao Guoguo looked at the fire warbler lying on his face, and saw the patriarch and Mrs. patriarch wearing the tribulation thunder. Working hard.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Sure enough, the treatment is different from that of fatty!

fatty: "..." As expected, it was almost wiped out by Thunder Tribulation, which is abnormal!

The colorful fire birds flew up one after another, flying around the firebird in mid-air. This is the custom of the colorful fire bird family, and this ceremony seems to be for Pray.

Only at this time, the Flamingo, who had been sleeping late, suddenly moved, looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, moved towards them and walked slowly in this direction.

Fatty is very excited at this moment. He has been taking care of the Spirit Pet egg for so long day and night. He must have feelings. This little fellow must also have feelings for him! They are in love with each other!

Fatty walked out excitedly, and saw the pink and fluffy little Flamingo go around him. Fatty's half-spread wings were a bit embarrassed, and he looked at Flamingo with shock. At the feet of Chi Xuan.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." When the monster beast chooses the master, is it also a matter of face?

"Master!" Flamingo's voice is crisp, and she speaks like a fatty just born.

At this moment, the patriarch and Mrs. patriarch fell down and looked at this scene, very sad. This is the daughter they only found. How could they be taken away so easily, let alone recognizing Master!

"Huoying, come here quickly, don't mess around!" Patriarch said so, Huoying glanced at him and turned his head to ignore, very dissatisfied.

"Master!" Huo Ying said persistently, but Chi Xuan couldn't agree. He felt the murderous aura on the patriarch.

"I already have Spirit Beast, I can't take you anymore." Chi Xuan said that, Huoying tilted his head to think for a long time, and tears almost fell.

When fatty saw this scene, I felt very happy. He hugged Huo Oriole and asked: "Don't you remember me? I am a fatty big brother."

Fatty keeps on showing its presence. Unfortunately, the fire warbler simply didn't react. Instead, looking at Chi Xuan, he firmly wanted to recognize the Master. This made the patriarchs very anxious.

Mrs. patriarch hurriedly took the little Flamingo away, and the fatty also followed, and patriarch was thinking about how to get them to leave in order to be thoughtful and polite without letting her own The youngest daughter followed.

(End of this chapter)

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