
  Chapter 1602 Fire Oriole

"What's going on here?" Fatty asked, then patriarch sighed relieved again.

"It seems that your father did the right thing back then. He left this treasure to you, and let it blend into your eggshell to accompany you to grow up. This sacred relic looks like Recognizing Master. It recognizes you as the master." Patriarch looked at Fatty enviously. The luck of this youngster is really good.

"But, what exactly is this tail feather used for?" Fatty asked curiously, and everyone was very depressed. After doing it for a long time, this guy simply doesn't know the power of this tail feather!

"This tail feather legend is left by our Old Ancestor. It contains the powerful power of Old Ancestors, which can save our lives at critical moments! So it was passed to patriarch, because of patriarch We are always stronger."

Spreading wings and looking at fatty, this guy is really good luck. For so many years, this sacred relic didn't have any meaning of recognizing Master, and finally recognized it as a youngster as the master. This is a good thing that many people dare not dream of.

"What effect does this have on the clan?" Fatty asked guiltily. Speaking of which, I got this result after my own father was selfish once.

"That doesn’t make any difference. Isn’t it good if the tail feathers are not in us these years? However, since you have taken the sacred relic, you still have to bear the responsibility. Being a colorful fire bird needs you. At that time, you have to come forward to be worthy of this sacred relic on you."

As patriarch said, Fatty hurriedly nodded, as long as he can do it, he will do it! Moreover, he vaguely felt that the power of this tail feather must be very powerful. With this, his cultivation base will improve again if it is not possible.

Xiao Guoguo also didn't expect, they just came to pay back things, and even let the fatty get such benefits. No wonder everyone said that doing good deeds is very important.

"That's good, you are the hope of our family in the future, but you must pay attention to your own safety." Zhanwing patriarch glanced at Xiao Guoguo, as if he was not very satisfied with her master.

Xiao Guoguo is depressed, she is despised again. But having said that, Xiao Guoguo was only here for the sake of being fatty, and it doesn't matter what other people think. Therefore, Xiao Guoguo stood calmly and let patriarch look at it.

"By the way, I'm coming back this time, there is another very important thing."

Fatty said that as soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw a Spirit Beast egg appear. It's his pomp. At the moment the Spirit Beast egg appeared, suddenly the patriarch was dumbfounded and stood still.

Xiao Guoguo saw that this situation was not quite right, even if it was a Spirit Beast egg with a colorful fire bird, wouldn't it be so?

"Father, what's the matter with you?"

Young Patriarch asked, but was pushed away by patriarch, and then quickly came to the fatty, his hands trembling. Touched the egg.

"What's the matter?" Fatty is also puzzled, but there is his intended future wife, which should be handled with care.

"Huoyu, go call your mother!" Patriarch said, Young Patriarch didn't dare to delay, and went straight into it.

Xiao Guoguo saw this situation and could only wait to see what was going on. Waiting until a middle-aged woman came out, Xiao Guoguo saw the patriarch holding her with excitement and asked: "Madam, look, is this our child!"

Then, the smile of Mrs. patriarch, who was all smiles, suddenly froze. She looked at patriarch in disbelief, as if he was joking!

"Really, this Spirit Beast egg! Go and see for yourself!"

As patriarch said, the woman quickly stepped forward, looked at it carefully, and then He said with joy: "I think it is, it really looks like it! There was a mark we left on it at the beginning, we have to verify it, and we need it now!"

Xiao Guoguo is confused again, this Even Fatty didn't even know what was going on. Seeing that patriarch hurriedly dropped a drop of blood from his fingertips into the Spirit Beast egg, he saw that the egg shell began to emit rays of light, and then a flame mark appeared.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Does this colorful fire bird family still know to be an anti-counterfeiting mark?

Yes, this colorful fire bird has too many clansman, and Spirit Beast eggs look the same, so in order to distinguish one's own offspring, it is indeed necessary to make a mark on the eggshell. This time is all right, I found this egg’s family in a short time, so I don’t have to look for it too hard.

"It's really our egg!" Mrs. Patriarch was excited and directly transformed into a colorful fire bird. Although only half a meter high, she turned around the Spirit Beast egg twice before using her wings to turn it around. The Spirit Beast egg was picked up and protected.

"Wait, what's going on?" Young Patriarch was stupid. When did he have a younger sister!

"This matter is a long story, my wife and I are rude, please forgive me." That patriarch said so, walked in front of the fatty, and said with gratitude: "fatty, Thanks to you! We never thought that our eggs would be lost and regained. This is all your credit! We thank you!"

patriarch has been in tears, and they have been in tears over the past few years. The couple had trouble sleeping and eating. They never thought that two hundred years later, the lost egg would be recovered.

"What the hell is going on?" Xiao Guoguo asked the same.

"This is also a matter of hundreds of years ago. Back then, my wife lay two cub eggs at a time, one is the fire feather, the other is called the fire warbler, they are siblings. But then a human cultivator came from our colorful fire bird clan. He cheated our trust, took away our treasures and my Spirit Beast egg."

Xiao Guoguo is no wonder. No wonder the colorful fire bird clan hates human cultivator so much for a reason. And why this person stole the Spirit Beast egg, Xiao Guoguo also understood. This Spirit Beast egg, I'm afraid it is to let this patriarch let him go!

"For the safety of Huo Ying, we let him go, but since then this person has been lost and can't be found again. After that, we sent people to look for it, but there was no news. After searching for hundreds of years, who would have thought that he would come back!"

patriarch was holding his wife, and the Young Patriarch was also very unacceptable. Suddenly there was a younger sister. This is How does it feel? After that, should his goodies be given to younger sister?

Although this Young Patriarch is several hundred years old, it is a child temperament, not as mature as a fatty. This guy is already thinking about marrying a wife.

Fatty is very happy that this egg has found a relative, but a little depressed is that the daughter-in-law is afraid to run away. what should we do? Do you want to have a good talk with your future husband-in-law?

But what should I say? Let’s just say that your youngest daughter, Firebird, hasn’t been hatched yet, even though it’s still an egg, but we unilaterally set it up for life long ago?

Will you be beaten? fatty is considering this possibility.

As the new year is coming, Tiger Tooth congratulates everyone on a happy new year. I sincerely thank you all for your company and support for a year, thank you for your help.

(End of this chapter)

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