
  Chapter 1541 Senior Sister

"What is my Junior Sister? Xiao Guoguo is not only My Junior Sister is still your Martial Nephew! I care about your Martial Nephew, you should be happy." Han Meng said violently, and Old Ancestor gritted his teeth without a sword.

"If you care about me, I will be happier."

"Where are you uncomfortable? Are you injured?" Han Meng asked, no sword The Old Ancestor choked, then shook the head. He was really not injured or uncomfortable.

"Okay, I care about you now, I'll go see Junior Sister." Han Meng said he was going to run, Wujian Old Ancestor caught her again. She cares too perfunctory!

Han Meng stepped back and sighed helplessly: "Will you not catch me like this next time? After so many years, every time I have to teach me to catch my clothes from behind, I always How old it is. Next time you will grab it directly from the front and grab the clothes!"

Han Meng said, Wujian Old Ancestor look at Han Meng's shirt and chest... This seems like you can't grab it directly. He quickly looked away, thinking about his purpose of looking for Han Meng.

"From now on, you can no longer go to Xiao Guoguo."

"Why? Why can't I go?" Han Meng doesn't understand, why can't she go anymore Woolen cloth?

"Because... She and Chi Xuan reunited after a long time. Didn't you get an eyesore when you went?" Wujian Old Ancestor made an excuse to make Han Meng dumbfounded.

"They've only been apart for one day, so what counts as a long-lost reunion? Besides, do you know these things?" Han Meng looked at Wujian Old Ancestor with surprise, Wujian Old Ancestor blushed, rare. A bit shy.

"Why don't I understand, I haven't seen anything after I've lived for so many years." Wujian Old Ancestor felt his face hot and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing.

"You have lived for so many years, so you haven't married a daughter-in-law?" Han Meng covered his mouth and smiled, seeing Wujian Old Ancestor really want to pinch her face, what shame is this What's wrong, watching her smile so happily.

"In short, have you heard from Xiao Guoguo in the future." Wujian Old Ancestor suddenly made a paused expression, warning Han Meng so seriously.

"Your request is purely unreasonable. Why should I stay away from my Junior Sister?" Han Meng felt that Old Ancestor without a sword was very strange recently, and always said some weird things.

"No, you just obedient." Wujian Old Ancestor said so simply, Han Meng snorted, showing his attitude.

"Han Meng! If you are not obedient, I will throw you into the sword array tower, when will you pass the five layers and when will you be released!" Wujian Old Ancestor threatened, Han Meng is dumbfounded, his No way?

"You are clearly intimidating and enticing you to do this!" Han Meng's accusation made Wujian Old Ancestor think for a while, and then nodded and said: "Yes, I'm threatening and enticing, to you Public revenge."

Han Meng: "..." Why is this person's face getting thicker and thicker?

And just when Han Meng was about to blow his hair, Xiao Guoguo suddenly came over, knocked on the door and asked: "Martial Uncle, can I come in?"

Han Meng didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to come. Although she was not smart, she felt that something happened when she went out this time, and neither of them wanted to know about it.

"Come in." Wujian Old Ancestor replied solemnly, and at the same time let go of Han Meng's arm.

"Martial Uncle." Xiao Guoguo looked at Han Meng's calm face and was relieved, as Senior Sister hadn't been taught.

"What's the matter with you after you're looking for me like this?" Wujian Old Ancestor asked directly, and his attitude towards Xiao Guoguo was the same as before.

"Master said she wanted to see Martial Uncle." Xiao Guoguo said, Wujian Old Ancestor was taken aback, and at the same time somewhat surprised.

"Okay, Senior Sister, is her Divine Soul recuperating?" Wujian Old Ancestor stood up, his eyes lit up.

"Master is no longer a serious problem." Xiao Guoguo smiled and replied.

Xiao Guoguo took out the soul-gathering stone spirit, placed it on the solid wood tabletop, and took Han Meng's hand and walked out. Han Meng froze for a moment, and didn't want to go out. She wanted to see if this forged sword Old Ancestor was a who thing.

"Martial Uncle, let's go out first." Xiao Guoguo refused to let Han Meng inside, but walked out with Han Meng, and closed the door easily.

"Junior Sister, aren't you curious what they said?" Han Meng asked, and Xiao Guoguo shook his head.

Sometimes Han Meng feels that she really doesn't understand Xiao Guoguo anymore. She used to think that Junior Sister Xiao dare to do something, and the temperament is also straightforward. But now she finds that Junior Sister has become more and more stable recently, but more and more like Sect Master of Sword Sect, not like Junior Sister herself.

"Junior Sister, did something happen to you this time?" Han Meng asked again, looking at Xiao Guoguo with some worry.

"Senior Sister, Martial Uncle knows that I am a member of the spiritual family." Xiao Guoguo said, Han Meng still didn't understand. What is a spiritualist? Isn't she from Xiao Family?

"Junior Sister, I don't understand what you are saying lately. Why, you all have changed?" Han Meng asked, and Xiao Guoguo looked up at her.

"It's good if you don't understand it. If you understand it, it means that your troubles are getting more and more." Xiao Guoguo's answer did not satisfy Han Meng, she was still very upset.

"Just now Martial Uncle told me to keep me away from you. Is it because of the spiritual family? Does the spiritual family represent a big trouble?" Han Meng also guessed a little, just See Xiao Guoguo nodded to her.

"Martial Uncle is right, and he did it for your own good! Lingjia is a big trouble." Xiao Guoguo said so and hugged Han Meng. It can be seen that there is no sword. Old Ancestor really cares about Han Meng Senior Sister, and it is extra care and care.

"A joke! I am also a few thousand years old. Do you want him to tell me what to do and what not to do? He hasn't figured out his own affairs, pretending to be a sensible person! What else is for my own good, just take this sentence to intervene in my affairs!" Han Meng snorted, glanced at the closed door no longer paid attention to, but took Xiao Guoguo away.

Xiao Guoguo can only sigh when he sees this. Only if the two of them figure it out for themselves, others can't help. She really wanted to wake up Han Meng, but she was afraid that it would be counterproductive. After all, Li Senior Brother Jian had the influence before.

"Junior Brother." Xiao Ying laughed at Old Ancestor without sword in the room.

"Senior Sister, you are so cruel, where have you been all these years? Why don't you send me a message back! Do you know that we all miss you so much, we have looked for you! But In the end, the senior and junior brothers are gone, and now I am the only one left, Senior Sister, I feel very lonely."

No Sword Old Ancestor at the moment without any defense or camouflage, it looks like Just like a caring younger brother, he looked at Xiao Ying with dependence in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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