
  Chapter 1540 Reprimanding

Chi Xuan stood in the distance looking at Xiao Guoguo and Yuemu like this, I have to say that he is very unhappy in his heart. It was not jealousy, but guard against Yuemu. At this moment, Chi Xuan understood Yuemu's heart for Xiao Guoguo. Don't ask for anything in return, as long as she is good.

"Go in and talk." Seeing Xiao Tai, Lingshu and Han Meng all walk out, Wujian Old Ancestor said so.

Several people hurried into the house and set up a barrier. This is considered sighed in relief. Fortunately, this time went well. They also killed the Dark Night Pavilion Pavilion Lord. It was a Great Accomplishment merit. Xiao Tai and the others couldn't believe it when they heard it.

"Really so smooth? The dark night pavilion didn't pursue it?" Xiao Tai asked incredulously, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"It's all because Uncle Swordmaster is so good, he tore the void again and again, coupled with constant teleportation, and then came back smoothly, and I... just hide in the artificial space Yes.” Xiao Guoguo said, and everyone looked at Wujian Old Ancestor with admiration.

"This thing ends here, this dark night pavilion thing is over, tomorrow we will return to Sword Sect. No one is allowed to say anything about today, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

No Sword Old Ancestor So, everyone really feels a sense of killing. I don't know what's wrong. Normally, there is always a relaxed face. People who can face everything is suddenly so nervous, but everyone is shocked.

"Did something happen?" Lingshu asked worriedly, Xiao Guoguo hadn't spoken, and Wujian Old Ancestor stood up directly.

"Han Meng, come with me." Wujian Old Ancestor only said this sentence and turned and left. Han Meng was stunned. What did he call her at this time?

But Han Meng didn't dare to be in trouble at this time, and exchanged two glances with Xiao Guoguo. He wanted to get some information, but only saw Xiao Guoguo's helpless hand spread out, expressing his helplessness.

Han Meng fiercely took a look at Xiao Guoguo, this guy who couldn't help but has no sisterhood at all! Why is this Martial Uncle ancestor angry? Tell her a few words to make her mentally prepared.

The two left like this, leaving only a few people in the house. Xiao Tai looked at Xiao Guoguo, and wanted to ask what was going on, but Xiao Guoguo shook his head.

"Father, don't ask, you know everything is going well." Xiao Guoguo replied, Xiao Tai nodded, it seems that there is something wrong with Wujian Old Ancestor.

At this moment, Han Meng followed Wujian Old Ancestor into the house and saw Wujian Old Ancestor's face turned black. I didn't know what it was for, but I was in such a bad mood. Han Meng looked at him cautiously and moved a little bit into the room, but when Old Ancestor beat the table fiercely without a sword, Han Meng was startled.

"Your courage is really getting bigger and bigger!"

Facing the sudden voice and the endless reprimand, Han Meng patted hesitated and asked: "If you want to be angry, tell me first, where did I go wrong this time? I have a lot of courage. You know that."

"You still frivolous with me! Do you know? I know, what happened today!" Wujian Old Ancestor asked, Han Meng shook the head very obediently.

"I said I want to go together, and you said nothing to let me follow, how do I know what happened?" Han Meng defended this way. There is no sword Old Ancestor kind of play the lute for a cow, the feeling of head hitting the south wall.

"You! Say, if I hadn't heard you two secretly discuss going to Dark Night Pavilion, and stopped halfway, did you just follow her!"

Wujian Old Ancestor asked, Han Meng remembered. It turns out or for that you were angry about things in the morning? Speaking of which, she can’t be completely blamed for this matter, mainly because the guy Xiao Guoguo didn’t know to set up a barrier when discussing and conspiring, and this guy found out.

"We just said that, didn't we fail to make it? Didn't you let you stop it?" Han Meng still felt a little aggrieved in his heart.

"You are still wronged! You know that you didn't know it was because you didn't make it. If you made it, it doesn't matter whether you can come back today." Wujian Old Ancestor's face is getting darker and darker. , The more I think about it, the more I feel scared.

Han Meng listened to this, thought quietly for a while, and then asked: "Is it really that dangerous? Didn't you and Junior Sister also come back safely?"

"That's because I followed! Do you know, what kind of cultivation base is the Dark Night Pavilion Lord?" Wujian Old Ancestor asked, and Han Meng shook his head.

"I don't know! You really don't know!" Wujian Old Ancestor thought about it even more irritated, stood up, and walked around the room twice to express The anger in my heart.

"Do you know that the Pavilion Lord is a high level Immortal, and he almost came to Saint Realm!" Wujian Old Ancestor asked, Han Meng shook his head again: "If you follow I really can’t beat him with this statement. But don’t forget, at the beginning I just discussed with Junior Sister whether to go to the Dark Night Pavilion and check the news. I didn’t want to destroy them!

You said you were going, and then Yuemu came up with an idea and decided to destroy the dark night pavilion. This is a far cry from our initial goal. We just want to Going with fish in troubled waters and inquiring about the news, how can you meet the Pavilion Lord?"

Han Meng finished this passage, Wujian Old Ancestor was choked for a long time without saying a word, he didn't know himself How to answer her! They go to inquire about the news, how to inquire? She really didn't know that dark night pavilion was a fly that flew into it, and she could clearly see how many legs it had! What she thought was so easy!

"You know or not, we just killed the Dark Night Pavilion Lord and a powerful Divine Consciousness Attack came over! If it wasn't for my reaction to tear the void open, I would also release a trace of the demonic cultivator The aura has passed the test, and Xiao Guoguo and I don’t even think about coming back!"

Wujian Old Ancestor once again adjusted the paused mood, and the decision still needs to be aware of emotions and reason, and Han Meng must be conscious. To the seriousness of this matter. Don't think that your cultivation base is very high and you are always rampant.

"So dangerous! It seems that Guoguo is right. Maybe there is an expert behind the dark night pavilion. Is Junior Sister injured? I didn't rush out with you just now. Ask carefully, no, I have to go back and see."

Han Meng said he was leaving, Old Ancestor clenched the teeth without a sword, and he stretched out his hand directly and grabbed Han Meng back.

"She was not injured, she is very good! I was the one who shot, and I was the one who made the tore the void, and the one who traveled through time and space more than 20 times was still me. Don't you ask me if I was injured? Do you just miss your Junior Sister?"

Wujian Old Ancestor asked, Han Meng thought he was a bit unreasonable. Who is he and how could he be easily injured? However, if this is said so directly, it seems a bit too hurtful.

(End of this chapter)

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