
  Chapter 1511 Dispute

"Say, I'm waiting." Xiao Yu could not accept this The identity gap, in the past, he only regarded Shihen as the mother's subordinate, who would have thought that they were in this relationship.

There was a trace of embarrassment in Shi Hen's eyes, and he was very ashamed when he was so pressed. But in the end he owed them mother and son, no matter how Xiao Yu pressed him, he had to face it.

"If this matter is really speaking of which, you can't blame your father!"

Ms. Su suddenly rushed to say so and let the stone marks sighed in relief, but Xiao Qi I was very angry and felt very embarrassed in my heart. Up to now, the mother is still defending this person. He wanted to see what she could say!

"I met your father first. We were also a very loving couple, but your father was seriously injured and had to retreat. And at this time, Xiao Family Bully intolerably, they forced me to marry me."

Ms. Su’s words were something Xiao Yu said and never thought of. He never thought that there were such grievances among the previous generation. If so, wouldn't his mother already have him in her womb before she married into Xiao Family?

"At that time, in order to save you, I didn’t let the Xiao Family find out that I had to nodded and agreed, otherwise the lives of our mother and son would not be guaranteed. Only after your father left customs did I realize that I had already I entered Xiao Family and became Xiao Family’s wife. It was very heartache. But for the sake of my stability, he didn’t come to disturb us."

As Mrs. Su said this, Xiao Qun’s expression kept changing. But he knew in his heart that he was not qualified to judge his mother's choice, after all, she was the one who gave birth to him!

"He from the very beginning, is he a demonic cultivator?" Xiao Qu asked, and Mrs. Su nodded replied: "Yes, he is from the very beginning."

Mrs. Xiao's answer made Xiao Qi not expect it, and he felt very unbelievable. He couldn't help but ask: "Mother, why are you so confused? Don't you know what it is to be with the demonic cultivator? How can you choose this way? "

"It was your father who saved my life. I don't care who he is, I just recognized him." Mrs. Su said, Xiao Yu coldly smiled.

"No wonder, no wonder you will also become a demonic cultivator, you are all crazy!" Xiao Ju said this, but Madam Su had no regrets on her face.

"I'm not crazy, but you can't understand my thoughts. You grew up in Xiao Family and were trained to become a patriarch. Naturally, only Xiao Family is in your eyes. However, if you forget that I am also caught by Xiao Did the family kill you?"

Mrs. Su asked, Xiao Yu shut up, and then said: "That's because you became a demonic cultivator, and even killed father! I I’m asking you, did he kill father?"

Xiao Yu asked that, Mrs. Su slapped him and shouted, “Who is your father? Then Xiao An is just a villain. He forced me to plot against him, and I had no choice but to marry him! I did plot against him because you can become Xiao Family patriarch. This matter has nothing to do with others!"

this Slap can be regarded as understanding Xiao Yu. It turns out that Xiao An, the master of Xiao Family, was really killed by his own mother to plot against. It's no wonder that the three Xiao Family members killed her, but he still thought of revenge, and tried every means to bring her back to life.

Although Xiao Qun was originally a very ruthless person, he had always admired Xiao An and had father and son feelings. Suddenly hearing this answer, he still couldn't accept it. He is his mother, Mrs. Su, who loves him, but he also has feelings for Xiao An, so he is so entangled.

Xiao Yu didn't care what Madam Su thought, so he rushed out. Neither Madam Su nor the Shihen chased him out. They needed time to let Xiao Qi calm down.

"Don't worry, he will naturally understand our thoughts after a long time." Shi Hen said so, Madam Su looked depressed.

"He resents me very much in his heart, and I don't know if he will be obedient in the future." Madam Su said this, and Shihen laughed.

"Don't worry, we recently found a good thing. After eating it, we will change our temperament and become a real demonic cultivator. At that time, he will naturally come back to us." Shihen Taking out the demonic cultivator seeds, Mrs. Su was very surprised.

"If this is true, he doesn't know if he will hate us?" Madam Su said so and leaned on Shihen's body.

"No, he has been in Xiao Family for a long time. Give him some time and he will change." Shihen himself is a Demon Venerable, and naturally feels that Xiao Jiu has become a demonic cultivator, nothing at all. worst. Everyone is a cultivator, but the cultivation technique of cultivation is different, so why look down on the demonic cultivator.

"It's just a pity that I still didn't find the book you wanted." Madam Su said so, Shi Hen was a little bit decadent.

"Don't worry, I always feel that the owner of the Life and Death Sword, I am afraid that he knows the whereabouts of the spell." Shihen said so, Madam Su looked disappointed.

"You told me that Life and Death Sword is a very powerful magic weapon. It may even be a Divine Item. Now it has become the Life-Source Magical Treasure of others, which is really a shame." When Madam Su said so, Shi Hen was also heartbroken and regretful, but he still had to comfort Madam Su.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how powerful it is, it is nothing more than a magic weapon. As long as I find the inheritance left by that woman, I will definitely become more powerful. Now I am only one step away from distance to breakthrough Saint Realm , One step away."

Shi Hen said so, Mrs. Su nodded. Although they were forced to separate back then, they also discovered a big secret of Xiao Family. One of the Old Ancestor in Xiao Family actually broke through the Saint Realm cultivation base. And it seems to be the very powerful Sword Sect dísciple back then. Because of this, Mrs. Su and Shihen have been looking for the inheritance left by Xiao Ying in Xiao Family for these years, but they have not found it.

And all this, Xiao Qi didn't know, he didn't know that Shihen and Madam Su wanted to plant a demonic cultivator seed for him.


Xiao Guoguo walking outside with Han Meng is considered sighed in relief, and she has been under strict supervision in the past two months. Although she is a few hundred years old, she can't stand such control, but every time she sees Xiao Tai looking at her with eyes full of guilt and injury, Xiao Guoguo will always compromise.

"You have to hurry up, I promise to your father, I will send you back in two hours." Han Meng said, pu chi laughed, Xiao Guoguo couldn't help but slanted. She glanced.

"Senior Sister, you are so unkind for taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, do you know?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Han Meng was actually nodded.

"I know it naturally, but I really can't help it. Who told you to find your father now? I think it will take a while." Han Meng finished speaking, and tolerated I can't help laughing.

Han Meng knows very well that Xiao Guoguo has never said that he has no control, and he is used to being free. Now suddenly there is someone who is in such control. This girl has no hairs, which has surprised her. Up. Seeing that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan had to be secretive when they met, and even the help of her Senior Sister was really fun.

"Come on, who doesn't have anyone scared yet, hey, isn't that Old Ancestor without sword!" Xiao Guoguo shouted nervously, and Han Meng stood up straight.

How come, that guy didn't go to play outside the city today... No, even if I met him, why would I have a guilty conscience? He can't control her.

(End of this chapter)

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