
  Chapter 1510 Precautions

"I have no objection, but the treasure of Master is very powerful. It's a Divine Soul, so you have to be careful." Xiao Guoguo is really worried that Xiao Ying will be hurt by Xi Yuezhong again.

"Don't worry, I am the Artifact Refinement Master and I am the most proficient in magic weapons."

Xiao Ying said that, what else can Xiao Guoguo say. It's just that Xiao Ying suddenly appeared in this space. Fatty and Wangcai were a little uncomfortable. Only Mo Yu looked at Xiao Ying and didn't say anything. And Xiao Ying didn't seem to be interested in these Spirit Beasts at all, and just disappeared.

"Who is this, master?" Wang Cai asked, Xiao Guoguo laughed.

"This is my latest Master." Xiao Guoguo replied.

"You have one more Master? You really have enough Masters." Fatty has gotten used to it and not surprised, but found a place, holding the monster beast inner core and fell asleep .

Xiao Guoguo discovered that this time Fatty came back calmly and worked a lot. It seems that being caught this time made it suffer a deep blow, and has the idea of ​​shame. Recently, it has absorbed a lot of monster beast inner core. However, Xiao Guoguo is also happy as fatty. Anyway, it is his Spirit Beast, they are happy.

And Chi Xuan didn’t ask what Xiao Ying had said to Xiao Guoguo. He was just a little worried. In the future, the two would not be able to be free in the space. After all, there is an elder of Xiao Family here. .

Of course, Chi Xuan didn't realize that at that time, not only was he not free within the space, but Xiao Tai was waiting outside the space.

The marks on Xiao Guoguo's neck are too obvious, and she did not have time to change a dress, because Xiao Tai and Lingshu suddenly visited, Xiao Guoguo could only walk out of the space.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't understand, don't these two people take a break? Doesn't this person say that Xiaobie wins newlyweds? It's been so many years, why not have a honeymoon! It can be seen that the two parents are still very concerned about being a daughter.

"Guoguo, do you want to go out with Dad for a walk?" Xiao Tai asked, looking at Xiao Guoguo expectantly, what can Xiao Guoguo say, facing the detention for so many years Daddy, she can only agree.

It’s just that Xiao Guoguo never thought that from that day on, Xiao Tai’s attitude towards Chi Xuan was almost the same as that of anti-thief. No matter what method Chi Xuan uses, it is difficult for him to see Xiao Guoguo, because Xiao Guoguo's time is directly occupied by the combination of Xiao Tai husband and wife two people.

Anyway, Chi Xuan is still a bad name now. There is no other way except to please Xiao Tai. However, no matter what he does, it seems that Xiao Tai is not satisfied, just staring at him coldly.

little bastard, don’t think he doesn’t know what the mark on Guoguo’s neck is about. I only saw my daughter for a few days now, so I can’t let this little bastard get married right away!

Xiao Guoguo didn't see Xiao Tai's thoughts, but felt that Xiao Tai was trying to make up for her because of guilt.


The demonic cultivator is very remote. It is on a different plane from the cultivation world, and there is a gravel starry sky in the middle, just to reduce the contact between the two.

But in the past, it was okay. This method worked, but recently there are more and more demonic cultivators in the cultivation world, so naturally there are more and more high level demonic cultivators in the cultivation world.

Xiao Yu was sweating profusely, his meridian was broken, and dantian was broken. If ordinary people were injured, they would not be able to return to their original state. However, the dark night Demon Venerable Stone Mark spent countless thoughts for the sake of Xiao Ji. The continuous healing of more than a month has stabilized his injury, and even recovered seven or eight points.

This is not an easy task even for the demonic cultivator. It’s just because this stone mark does not hesitate to spend his own cultivation base in order to restore Xiao Yu, which allows him to recover so quickly. .

After two hours, Shihen stopped. Looking at Xiao Ji, he felt relieved when he looked better. And Madam Su looked at the father and son, and finally smiled in her eyes.

"Jiu'er, what do you think?" Shi Hen asked, and Xiao Qiu just opened his eyes lightly and glanced at him without answering anything.

Shi Hen understands that Xiao Ku hates him. In fact, he also knew that his status was not good and he could not let Xiao Yu live arbitrarily, and this acquiesced that he would stay in Xiao Family as a patriarch. However, having said that, he has done a lot of silently behind his back over the years.

"Xiao Qi, what are you doing like this!" Madam Su asked, her voice a little unhappy.

"Mother, why should I be like this, mother, are you really qualified to ask me this question? In order to save you, I knew that what I did was wrong, but I still did it, and even did not hesitate to follow Xiao Family turned against each other. But you told me that this person is my father, and I am not Xiao Family!"

After Xiao Yu has been stubborn for so long, this question has finally been asked. From the shock he knew at the beginning to the anger later, now he is much calmer, just wanting to know the reason. Why does mother want to do such a thing? This is where he is placed!

"Why! Just because he is your father, whether he is a demonic cultivator or a righteous cultivator, he is your father, and this cannot be changed!"

Su After the wife finished speaking, Fiercely coughed twice. She was eating spirit pill and marvelous medicine for more than a month, but her body was still very weak. I have to gasping for breath after two sentences.

"Okay, don't be angry." That Shihen persuaded him, but he also regretted it in his heart. I knew it was such a result. I shouldn't have left him in Xiao Family back then.

"He doesn't recognize his father as an unfilial son! I don't recognize his son!" Madam Su said, leaning on Shihen's body, and Xiao Ji felt angry and dazzling when she saw it.

"It doesn't matter if you don't recognize me, I am not necessarily your son! You are a good Xiao Family Mrs. Don’t do it, come to be a lady of a demonic cultivator, I don’t have yours either. Mother." Xiao Qi said that he was about to rush out, and was grabbed by the stone marks.

"It doesn't matter if you don't recognize me, I'm sorry, you should hate me. But your mother has been in Xiao Family for you for so many years, not less hardship, and even sacrificed to make you a patriarch Own, you are too much like this!" Shi Hen said, Xiao Ji looked at him.

"Who are you? Why on earth do you care about me like this! Since you feel so distressed, why do you ignore my mother in Xiao Family! Why do you never care about our mother and child!" Xiao Yu asked, Shi Hen didn't know how to answer.

Both he and Mrs. Su were wrong in the things back then, but this child, he did nothing wrong. So looking at Xiao Yu, Shi Hen felt distressed and hurt.

However, Shihen is a demonic cultivator in the end. He is very hard-hearted. If Xiao Yu was not injured, he would not be so tolerant. Treating his son, he always doesn't take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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