
  Chapter 1286 Distribution

According to the plan of Flying Immortal Sect, each daoist must bring a squad, of course , The number of squad is theoretically eight to ten. However, if you really can't find anyone, there are only two or three.

Now, because of the private arrangement of Lu Family, this Duoqiu daoist is only accompanied by a dísciple. This dísciple is very simple and honest, but the cultivation base is not high, it is just a Divine Transformation Stage.

And look at this person in charge, there are hundreds of people in the yard, only Duoqiu Daoist is not followed, and it is too unreasonable, so Xiao Guoguo and the two of them are assigned to him.

In fact, he didn't read the information of Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng carefully. The names of the two immediately attracted all the attention. It was the newly added dísciple before he gave it to Duoqiu daoist.

At least on the surface, Duoqiu Daoist is not too ugly here, his task is completed, and the manager is very happy.

"You guys prepare well, I tell you, this time I went out but was in war. You must know that you have to bear hardships and stand hard work. You are all the same for these materials. One person will get a copy!"

If you say so, Xiao Guoguo's brows are slightly raised. How does it look like Flying Immortal Sect is so listless? This is about to go to war, and there is no strong battle Qi atmosphere, from top to bottom are covered in dirt, dejected.

Is it really because of the long time spent in Great Sect, and the fighting spirit to go out for a fight? If this is the case, then Flying Immortal Sect is a decline from the inside out. Such a dísciple, such a state, is not a good thing for a small sect.

If there is no more character in the future, the Flying Immortal Sect will be reorganized and transformed. I am afraid that this Level 1 sect will decay sooner or later.

From this time on, Xiao Guoguo suddenly felt that Flying Immortal Sect was not terrifying. Even if it is guarded by the Old Ancestor with such a high cultivation base, this sect juniors’ disappointing is in vain. Can Old Ancestors survive forever?

"Usually when you laugh like this, it means nothing good." Han Meng sent a sound transmission to Xiao Guoguo, and Xiao Guoguo laughed.

"It’s not a good thing for them, but for us, it’s definitely a good thing." Xiao Guoguo said, Han Meng's mouth twitched, she felt like this Little Junior Sister Together, it's actually quite interesting.

Everyone took their supplies and returned to their tents. This temporary resettlement site was really shabby. But after all, it was a small sect with 30,000 people working together. If they don't live in a tent, they can't find a place for them to live in.

"This time the battle with different beasts is not a child's play, you have to be more careful, if you have the chance, try to save your lives." Duoqiu Daoist said, turning around and entering his tent. The honest men who looked at that way felt that something was wrong.

"I said brother, what's the matter with this daoist? Why is he downcast?"

The honest man asked Xiao Guoguo so, Xiao Guoguo looked at him and smiled Ask him: "Do you think that except for Duoqiu Daoist, no one else should be dejected?" The question of Xiao Guoguo made the honest man speechless. This, it seems that everyone is a bit lacking in fighting spirit.

"But, I think Duoqiu Daoist is especially, even more, protruding and frustrated!"

Xiao Guoguo thinks this is really the truth. Everyone is very frustrated, but there are really few people as frustrated as Duoqiu Daoist.

"It may be that you are in a bad mood, understand more, understand more." Xiao Guoguo said, the man smiled and waved his hand. What does he understand? He still has to listen to others.

"It's okay, it's okay, anyway, we're going to fight, so we can fight as soon as we go up!" The honest man walked away, carrying his hammer in his hand.

"Simple people are happier." Xiao Guoguo sighed, and went into the tent with Han Meng. That night, everyone was speechless until second day.

When the second day’s horn sounded, everyone went on a huge spaceship in batches. Sect Master Chi stood at the foot of the mountain to bid farewell, and did not even have the opportunity to say two words to comfort and encourage the disciplines, because this time the same Three Old Ancestors also went there, they were all anxious as if they were in a hurry.

Not all the five Old Ancestors in the Flying Immortal Sect were dispatched. This may be because Flying Immortal Sect only wanted to rob, and never thought of actually destroying the alien door. Otherwise, there should be five Old Ancestors together, and one Sect Master in the sect is enough.

"Go!" Lu Family Old Ancestor gave an order and 30,000 people set off. The disciples dare not say anything, because it looks like this Old Ancestor has a murderous aura, so be careful.

Li Family Old Ancestor and Du Family Old Ancestor are accompanied by a lottery. These two people are also drawn to accompany the battle. Du Family Old Ancestor simply didn't want to follow, but he was out of luck.

The remaining Chi family Old Ancestor and Zhou Family Old Ancestor can't retreat. After all, such a big thing has happened in sect, they have to react accordingly.

Xiao Guoguo set off with the army. This Flying Immortal Sect was really not close to the alien beast gate. The army moved a little bit slower. After flying for a full seven or eight days, it arrived on the territory of others.

The Alien Beast Gate is also a Great Sect. Facing the army of Flying Immortal Sect, there is no impossible reaction at all. This time they also sent 20,000 dísciples to fight.

Of course, they have a little less dísciple, but there are more Spirit Beasts, 20,000 dísciples, and one person carries a Spirit Beast... This is simply bullying.

"Is the strength of the alien beasts so hard?" Xiao Guoguo side Li Shitou asked, Li Shitou is the life of a simple and honest man, he is Li Family dísciple, but his brain is not very bright, so he is called Stone.

"Not necessarily, these people are already half of the soldiers and horses of the alien beast door. This alien beast door is not as good as Flying Immortal Sect, and the number of dísciples is much less than Flying Immortal Sect."

Han Meng opened his mouth to explain, the Duoqiu daoist who listened to him was stunned. Where did these news and dísciples come from? Why doesn't he know?

"Then they want to destroy us?" Li Shitou was a little shocked, but also a little worried.

"The alien beast door wants to fight more than Flying Immortal Sect. Look at their dísciple, each of them has a fierce light in their eyes, clearly looking forward to this battle. If they win, they will Take advantage of the victory, directly attack Flying Immortal Sect, and ask for huge benefits. If they lose...they don’t lose money, at worst will give us money and Spirit Beast as compensation."

Xiao Guoguo's words let Li Shitou even more I don't understand, there are so many doorways in this war?

"Then they are not afraid that our Flying Immortal Sect will kill them directly, and will kill one of them?"

These words made Xiao Guoguo smile and looked at Li Shitou. The look in the eyes is very complicated. Although this person is simple, but not kind, this is a cultivator.

"No, all the disciplines are killed. What is the purpose of Flying Immortal Sect for breaking down this alien gate? The battle between the sects is also purposeful. No one will eat and have nothing to do. Lose the life of dísciple and do such a boring thing."

Xiao Guoguo's explanation not only made Li Shitou suddenly realize, but also made this daoist suddenly realize. It turned out that both sides felt that they were profitable in this battle.

However, the real fuse of this war is still him.

(End of this chapter)

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