
  Chapter 1285 Sister and Brother

He knew in his heart that his Senior Sister was not a selfish person, and, The Senior Sister really wants to help him. However, they should not blame others on the matter.

"To be honest, it is indeed because of us that caused the disaster. If I had never been here, your life would not be disrupted.

So Senior Sister, Let me go this time. It’s good or bad, I’ll bear it myself, and that’s my life. Don’t force it, you can’t hurt them anymore."

Said Duoqiu Daoist They are Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng, including Tang Lao and Xiao Nuan. Speaking of these few people, the fat aunt can't say anything. Duoqiu Daoist is right in one sentence. They can't be so selfish and hurt others.

"Okay, then you go." The fat aunt had no choice but to turn her head and enter the house, until Duoqiu Daoist left, she never came out again.

At the same time, Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng are also bidding farewell to Mr. Tang. Among these people, only Elder Tang can suppress the aura, so Xiao Guoguo only told Elder Tang in his farewell this time.

"Are you really going to leave?" Old Tang was a little worried, but looking at Xiao Guoguo's expression, he also understood that this matter could not be persuaded.

"This thing must be done, if we can come back alive, we won't have to worry about Lu Family anymore!" Xiao Guoguo said, Tang Lao took a deep breath, and he probably understood it in his heart. Yes, what Xiao Guoguo is going to do this time!

"But have you ever thought about how dangerous this thing is? It really doesn't work. Let's go. It's better to get away from here than to risk mortal danger like this!" Tang said, Xiao Guoguo slightly smiled.

"My Senior Sister has an old saying that is right. If you have a fight, you can fight, if you can't fight, you can leave... What good things do you want? You can't get away if you fight!"

Xiao Guoguo said that, Tang Elder didn't know how to answer the conversation, and the parting atmosphere disappeared suddenly. Old Tang's expression was a bit tangled, and he didn't know how to express the depression and aggrievedness in his heart at this moment. Sure enough, every time he chatted with Xiao Guoguo, he always talked to the point where he couldn't continue.

"Let's go, don't tell Xiao Nuan, don't tell Cui Cui. Just say that I am closed, the two of them can't hide things in their hearts."

Xiao Guoguo After explaining this, turn around and leave together with Han Meng. And this time, Elder Tang never said goodbye. They set off taking advantage of the night and didn't want to be seen.

It’s just that Sect Master didn’t expect that Flying Immortal Sect disciples was not active at all in this battle. From the perspective of the disciples, this war is not a must, and the reason is even a bit funny. For a Lushan, why!

Disciples Everyone wants a good cultivation in the sect, but they don’t want to go out and give someone away. There is no benefit at all, but what else can they get except to make a name?

However, each mountain has a quota, and you have to go, and you have to go if you don't! Some peaks draw lots to determine the candidates, and some are even more straightforward and appoint them directly.

Of course, most of the designated dísciples are those with a weak cultivation base. This is also a cruel reality, and they have no choice but to resist. And at this time, cultivators who want to join Flying Immortal Sect have become cannon fodder. Sect even relaxes the conditions for recruiting dísciple, which is almost a cultivator.

Those cultivators didn't expect that they joined sect, and they hadn't finished expressing their joy. Then something like this happened, and they were sent to the battlefield! This is simply cheating!

Of course, among the participating dísciples, there are also ambitious people who want to make contributions, but they are few after all. Most dísciples are still reluctant to go and try to shirk their excuses.

"You said that you are new to fly up, you want to join Flying Immortal Sect as a dísciple?" The steward looked at Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng, and felt happy. They just came up when they needed someone. coming!

"Yes, we are all newly ascended!" Xiao Guoguo disguised as a man after changing his face, while Han Meng concealed his beauty and turned into a plain-looking woman.

"You go and test the cultivation base." The manager said, Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng started testing the cultivation base. They want to fish in troubled waters this time, and they also want to take care of Duoqiu Daoist. .

"They are all Level 1 fairy Early-Stage, not bad. Lu Renjia, Lu Renyi, you two. These are siblings?" The steward thinks it's strange that there are two siblings that soar at the same time. !

"No, the two of us are brothers and sisters!" Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, this is Han Meng's request, she has to declare it.

The manager's brow twitched, isn't that a meaning?

"Aiya, it's a pity." The manager murmured, Xiao Guoguo asked, "What did you say about the manager?"

"Ah, nothing. I mean, Now my Flying Immortal Sect is fighting the alien beast gate. According to the rules laid down above, you siblings...Bah, brother and sister, you have to participate, are you willing?" The manager asked kindly, even though he has already Quite a lot of people.

"Yes! We do!" Xiao Guoguo said with surprise on his face.

In charge: "..." Two fools came up here, right?

He gave them a chance, as long as he said that he was unwilling, we are not familiar with the place of life, and the cultivation base is shallow, that's fine, he raised his hand to let them pass. Hehe, these two fools rushed over there.

"What about you, are you willing?" The steward asked Han Meng, but Han Meng didn't say anything, but was nodded.

"Okay, then you go. Take this identity token to report!" The steward was upset, and he drove the two away directly, without even confirming their identities. .

"Look, I would say that the tube is the loosest now and it is the easiest to get in." Xiao Guoguo said proudly, and Han Meng glanced at her.

"Lu Renjia, Lu Renyi!"

No matter how Han Meng didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo said that the name has connotations, which means it! What's this name! Is it worthy of her?

"What's the matter? I think it sounds nice, easy to remember, and catchy!" Xiao Guoguo said with a look of pride.

Han Meng: "..." What is there to be proud of!

But now it’s too late to regret. No matter where they are along the way, as long as they report their names, they will always get a wave of strange, surprised, and sympathetic eyes. This is what Xiao Guoguo did.

"We are here, keep our emotions." Xiao Guoguo said, walking into the courtyard with a small face with light, and there were hundreds of people in line, everyone watching them.

"We are here to report, we are going to join the war!" Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone looked at their eyes with sympathy, this look is a newcomer, look at that excited.

"Lu Renjia, Lu Renyi?" The man named looked up at them with a faint smile on his face.

"Yes, we are brothers and sisters, not siblings!" Xiao Guoguo repeated it again, everyone just thought this man had a bad brain!

The old man who called him thought so too. He looked at the two of them and then at the team. He pointed his finger lightly and said, "You follow him."

Xiao Guoguo look, oops, very good, acquaintance! Duoqiu Daoist stood alone at this moment. Compared with other Daoist, there was an attendant behind him, which was too pitiful.

"Okay!" Xiao Guoguo walked over without the slightest hesitation, his face full of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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