
  Chapter 1281 Escaping

Old Ye was still at a stalemate with Xiao Guoguo and the others, but suddenly he was at a loss The pain in the middle made him crawl on the ground, no good, this is the punishment of the master!

This Old Ye was worried that something might happen, but now suddenly suffered from this heartache, naturally he didn't dare to neglect, and swayed to the Lu patriarch peak, knowing that something must have happened.

The sudden change made everyone didn't expect, and they even felt a little regretful. Why did this confrontation suddenly end!

And at this time, Hall Master Li still wanted to send these people away with good words, but they seemed to have negotiated, and they all shook their heads.

"We want to see Sect Master! Don't let us see Sect Master, we won't leave here!" said Mr. Tang, Hall Master Li was embarrassed.

Things that were already resolved, suddenly changed like this, which made Hall Master Li a headache. However, this is not his affliction after all, whoever provokes is responsible, then Lu Family and Sect Master will have a headache.

Xiao Guoguo saw Old Ye leave so embarrassed, his heart settled down, he wanted to get things done. If so, this Lu Family would be afraid that there would be no time to trouble them for a while. The more righteous they are, the more they are able to wash away the suspicion.

Now this is their breathing time. In fact, they need a little time, and this little time.

Lu Family Old Ancestor slapped Old Ye on the chest. Old Ye didn't dare to resist at all. He lay on his stomach in shock. He didn't expect, Bai Lao and Lu Shan died!

"It's them, it must be them!" Old Ye was subconsciously about to push out the responsibility for the matter.

"Who! You said they are who!" Lu Family Old Ancestor naturally couldn't let go of any clues.

"It's the people in those small towns, Young Master chased them for the two women! But they are back now safe and sound, but Young Master and Bai Lao are dead! This must be theirs. The trap!"

The originally angry Lu Family Old Ancestor became even more angry. This is to say that his son was greedy and lustful, and he was confused by two women, which caused the murder !

"You said, what the hell is going on!" Lu Family Old Ancestor asked angrily, Old Ye heart shivered with cold.

At this time, Old Ye remembered, that group of people are sect now, how could they be the one who killed Young Master? But when things reached this point, he didn't dare to hide it. It would be best for this group of people to draw away the anger of Lu Family Old Ancestor.

So Old Ye took the Mozhu that Lushan killed back then, how he wanted to kill Duoqiu daoist, how he angered everyone in the town, and finally because his subordinates said there were beauties, he took Bai Lao to chase after him. The things that went there are told.

Lu Family Old Ancestor I can’t believe that Lu Shan is so stupid and overbearing! He knew that Lu Shan was lustful, and he also found a lot of beauties for him. Normally, he turned a blind eye on such a thing. Unexpectedly, he killed same sect and died for this!

"Where are those people now!" Lu Family Old Ancestor gritted his teeth and asked, wishing to kill now.

"Yes, in the Discipline Hall." Old Ye replied with an ugly face.

"You mean they are in the precepts hall now! They are in the sect!" Lu Family asked with a sneer.

"Yes, they came back today. They said they were wronged and came back to appeal."

Lu Family Old Ancestor froze for a while, he really wanted to slap to death This Old Ye! They are all back, what else can it have to do with Lu Shan's death!

But now Lu Family Old Ancestor has no reason, so what about anger! He doesn't care who it is, as long as someone bears his anger!

"Go and kill them! Even if people weren't killed by them, they are inseparable from them!"

Lu Family Old Ancestor said that, the second master of Lu Family twitched his lips, this old fogey's heart is really boundless. Normally, he claims to be a highly respected person, and now he wants to kill an innocent person for an ineffective son. It's utterly slapped in the face.

Of course, the second master Lu Family will not stop him at this time. After all, the anger in Lu Family Old Ancestor's heart needs to be sent out.

"I will go now!" Old Ye wanted to redeem the merits, but Lu Family Old Ancestor did not give him this opportunity.

"Second, you go!" Lu Family Old Ancestor is worried about Old Ye now, so naturally he won't let him do it.

"Yes, father!" The second master of Lu Family was eager to have a chance to perform at this time, so naturally he would not care if the other party was wronged.

It’s just that when the murderous-looking man of Lu Family arrived at the precept hall, Hall Master Li smiled and told him: "People have gone to Sect Master."

As soon as the second master Lu Family heard that he had gone to Sect Master, he could only touch the tip of his nose silently and went back. This pool Sect Master, he cannot afford to offend.

"Where did you find Sect Master? They are so courageous! Okay, let them live first, and then take care of them later! I'm going to meet some old friends, and I want to avenge your big brother! "

Xiao Guoguo, they are just idlers to Lu Family Old Ancestor, so there is no time to entangle them with them now! What they have to do is to destroy the alien beast door.

However, Lu Family Old Ancestor also knew very well in his heart that it is not easy to do this. Not everyone in sect is in harmony with the Lu Family, and their Old Ancestors are also competing with each other, so it is better to find someone to form an alliance first.

Although the heartache was unbearable, he wanted to go to the alien beast door to kill now, but he still held it back. He wants to plan, it's a small sect, not a person, it won't help if he kills it!


Listening to Don’s talk about the entire process of development, even Chi Sect Master couldn’t turn black and white in full view. He dignified a small sect Sect Master still disdain Do it.

It's just that he has a slight headache. If it's another family's business, Lu Family... It's really a headache. That Lu Family Old Ancestor was originally unreasonable, self-proclaimed just and selfless, but in fact he was a stubborn master.

But even so, he has to reassure these people. After all, the people in the town are following. If he, a Sect Master, doesn't show some attitude, he will be criticized.

"This matter, I must give you an explanation. No matter who it is, which sect, and people of which force, you can't mess around in front of our Flying Immortal Sect! You are all of us Flying Immortal Sect people!"

After hearing this, everyone sighed in relief and praised Chi Sect Master. Anyway, with Chi Sect Master's words, they feel that they will be able to live in peace in the days to come.

"With the words of Sect Master, we are relieved." Someone said with a smile, obviously it was very soothing.

And Chi Sect Master also feels depressed in his heart. Why is this Lu Family's attitude so arrogant? It is clear that they are causing trouble. Where is the confidence still clamoring?

Is it because Lu Family dísciple thinks their Lu Family is great, can they walk unhindered in Flying Immortal Sect? Does this put people from other families in the eyes?

(End of this chapter)

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