
  Chapter 1280 It is a misunderstanding Guoguo began to whispered: "I really don't understand. Some people are so deliberately trying to accuse us of crimes. What are they for? Are these black clothed persons' identities shameless?"

Xiao Guoguo Said, Hall Master Li was terrified. Is this still trying to tear his face and ruin the reputation of Flying Immortal Sect?

But Hall Master Li thought about it again, and it was true that it was said in the past. They were just trying to survive, and they were pressed into a hurry. Could it be that they are being plotted against, can they still wait honestly? Of course we have to fight back and find a way to survive!

"What did you say!" Old Ye asked, pointing to Xiao Guoguo's nose, Xiao Guoguo was very calm.

"Could it be that the senior knows those black clothed persons? Otherwise, why come to meddling. If this senior feels inappropriate, then we will not leave. We will ask the Old Ancestors of Flying Immortal Sect to comment! "

Xiao Guoguo's words were very bold, and Hall Master Li felt that Xiao Guoguo did a beautiful job, and only Old Ancestors were effective in dealing with this Old Ye.

"You have such a thick-skinned face. Do you think the Old Ancestors of Flying Immortal Sect are the ones you can see if you want to meet?" The Old Ye sneered, but had to constrain a little.

What about this Lushan, they don’t normally talk too much, they all know that Lushan can’t support the wall with mud, but Lu Family Old Ancestor doesn’t know! If this is really understood, Lu Family Old Ancestor feels that his face is dull, and they will inevitably be punished.

"Why can't I see it? Could it be that my Sword Sect dísciple just didn't do anything wrong with your Flying Immortal Sect!" Han Meng once again stated his identity, which made Old Ye very depressed, so why did another Sword Sect come out? .

And at this time, the Aquamarine directly threw the two people carrying on its back, and then turned and ran. At that moment, it really used the fastest speed in its life, as if it was running for its life!

"Hey? What is this?" Before dísciple, the alien door dísciple wearing black animal skins, he was grabbed by the old man next to him and took a few steps back.

"Not good, this must be a trap!" As the old man said so, the middle-aged male dísciple also raised his heart and looked at the two unconscious men on the ground. It seemed like flying. Immortal Sect people!

"These are the people of Flying Immortal Sect! Why are they still here? Ancestor Master, let's kill it easily, anyway, our two sects have hatred!"

" Don't mess around!" The old man disagreed.

But the middle-aged man's voice only fell, and I saw a huge Spirit Beast rushing up at the side, and swallowed the unconscious Bai Lao with just one bite.

Everyone: "..." Hey, this rhythm is not right! They are still discussing whether or not to kill these two people. Why did Spirit Beast suddenly move first?

The ability of the alien beast door to control Spirit Beast is absolutely powerful, and it is really rare that such people do not listen to the master's instructions and act without authorization. Therefore, the old man was also slightly taken aback.

And with this slight effort, he missed many things. For example, the Lu Family Old Ancestor of Flying Immortal Sect suddenly opened his eyes. He just felt that he had lost his dialogue. control.

At this moment, he didn't think about the life and death of Old Bai, whether he betrayed him, but about Lu Shan. Is there something wrong with that only son? After all, Mr. Bai protects him personally.

In the next moment, after only two or three breaths, Lu Family Old Ancestor's mind was aching, and his heart was shocked and angry. An accident happened to his son!

At the moment, Elder of the alien beast door was also very depressed, staring at the man who suddenly twitched, but the two men who died after breathing, finally understood what was wrong.

This is arrogance! This is definitely blaming and planting!

The monster beast just now is the secret mastermind, but I don’t know whose dísciple is this youngster? Thinking like this, I saw the illusory shadow of an old man appeared, and the angry expression seemed to tear everyone here! The old man looked at them with cold eyes, and said bitterly: "Different Beast Gate!"

"Misunderstanding! This is all a misunderstanding!" That Elder couldn't argue.

"Misunderstanding?" Lu Family Old Ancestor looked at this group of people, and felt the breath of Old White again. Look at their side monster beasts and coldly smiled. What a misunderstanding is this!

While thinking about this, I saw that another Spirit Beast that had been quiet just now seemed to wake up suddenly, rushed towards Lushan’s corpse, took a sharp bite, and there was only one left on the ground. Pitted.

Everyone: "..." This misunderstanding cannot be solved.

"Weird Beast Gate, you kill my direct descendant, I want to destroy your sect!" Lu Family Old Ancestor looked ruthless, and then disappeared into the air.

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't understand what happened to these two Spirit Beasts! This is simply to cooperate with others on purpose. Is this a spy?

"Elder, what can I do?" Another dísciple asked, they really couldn't argue.

"Hehe, how? It's time to fight! I can really fear that they won't succeed!" Elder replied very coolly, while looking into the distance.

They were framed this time, although he still doesn't know why Spirit Beast suddenly lost his mind, but this person is very brilliant, so it is normal.

After much deliberation, I can’t figure out who did such a thing? If their alien beasts fight with Flying Immortal Sect, who will benefit the most?

"Back to sect!" Elder wants to go back quickly. He has to report this matter to sect, so he should prepare early.

However, he still feels a little excited vaguely. If there is a sect battle, there will always be a profitable side, but behind them is the monster beast world, they may not necessarily lose!

Even if you lose, at worst, pack your things and go to the monster beast. People from Flying Immortal Sect don't dare to go in! But if they win, how much benefit can they get!

The news went back. There were many excited people and few frustrated people. One or two couldn't wait for Flying Immortal Sect to come over. It turned out to be a fierce and combative sect.

At this moment, Lu Family Old Ancestor suddenly opened his eyes, fiercely slapped his favorite table to pieces. The dísciple guarding the surroundings did not dare to speak. For many years, I have not seen Lu Family Old Ancestor become so angry.

"Lushan!" Lu Family Old Ancestor roared, and then spewed out a violent mouthful of blood, which was obviously stimulated by the sight just now. That was his only son!

Although he has many descendants under his name, this Lu Shan is the only child who was born out of his parents. His wife left him behind! Who could have imagined that he tried so hard to protect him, but he still encountered an accident, which would have cost him half his life!

"Father, what's the matter?" Another middle-aged man walked in. It was the second son of Lu Family Old Ancestor.

"Your big brother was killed!" Lu Family Old Ancestor clenched the teeth as he said, biting his lips, the hatred is so powerful.

As soon as the second master Lu Family heard this news, his heart suddenly became ecstatic. Lu Shan was the biggest obstacle to his fight for the Position of Patriarch. It's gone now, it's really very good.

However, he dared not show the slightest bit on his face, just a look of shock, and then a look of anger and sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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