
  Chapter 1236 Sword intent upgrade

What Xiao Guoguo is dancing is just the simplest Sword Art change composition The sword technique.

But she has more and more side sword qi, and under the leadership of sword intent, it keeps increasing. From the first few hundred to the later thousands, the bronze sword intent led the sword qi and danced with Xiao Guoguo.

The red-clothed man couldn't help but swallowed, with a very clear grunt, which made the surrounding black clothed man look at him, wondering what happened?

How do they know that when the red-clothed man saw Xiao Guoguo's sword qi dancing with him, he was so shocked.

This is clearly the second stage of sword intent. Why did it come to Xiao Guoguo and it is now realized?

The sword intent exists to lead the sword qi... But the bronze sword intent can’t do this. At this stage, the sword qi can only attack directly.

However, after the sword intent is upgraded to the silver sword intent, the sword qi will dance with it. It can be said that although the sword cultivator is a person, the sword intent created has the effect of a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, which can attack enemies in different directions at the same time.

Every sword qi is a sword and a sword cultivator. This is the real horror of the sword cultivator!

He has reached the current cultivation base, but still can't do this, Xiao Guoguo, how did she do it? !

The red-clothed man really wants to follow Xiao Guoguo, follow her, and admire her. But he looked at the black clothed persons behind him. He couldn't walk away or get rid of this group! The red-clothed man was expressionless, but he felt so regretful that he would not bring them out if he knew it.

Moreover, if Xiao Guoguo reaches the top, the highest stage of sword intent is the golden sword meaning, then, one person holds ten thousand swords, when the time comes is the real invincible in the whole world...... But, Can she get there?

The thunder and lightning fell violently, but Xiao Guoguo ignored it, but continued to dance his sword without hesitation at all. This makes everyone feel scared, so can Transcending Tribulation really survive?

"No! It can't be like this!" Master Li Dan shouted, knowing that Xiao Guoguo couldn't hear him, but he couldn't help but worry.

When Chi Xuan left, he didn't say anything. When he arrived at Xiao Guoguo, he was worried about whether this student could succeed in Transcending Tribulation? !

However, everyone didn't expect. Xiao Guoguo continued to dance his sword without looking back, but there were three thousand sword qi violently moved towards the sky. They were to block the tribulation thunder. .

The red-clothed man seemed to have expected this result a long time ago, with a look of excitement! Sure enough, the bronze sword intent that took the lead was broken!

This is the first broken sword intent. If Xiao Guoguo can persist, and can persist three times, then the bronze sword intent will be transformed into a silver sword intent!

"Come on, you must hold on!" The red-clothed man is a sword cultivator. Now Xiao Guoguo's eyes are no longer the senior's suggestion to Junior, but Junior's respect for senior. And the heart of worship.

They are sword cultivators, and their character is upright and not false. They just judge heroes according to the level of sword intent and the level of sword dao! He admired Xiao Guoguo so much, there was nothing wrong with it.

Everyone sees this, fiercely's sighed in relief, who would have thought that there are others who do Transcending Tribulation like this.

Looking back at the proud face of the red-clothed man, everyone is very envious. Sure enough, this is how the sword cultivator does Transcending Tribulation! They are different from the general cultivator in that the method of Transcending Tribulation is also very different.

Xiao Guoguo keeps dancing long sword, Divine Consciousness seems to have been isolated from the outside world, completely immersed in his own world and his own Sword Art.

When Transcending Tribulation, I realized that sword dao is not what Xiao Guoguo wants to do, but unconsciously entered this realm. Moreover, Xiao Guoguo knew in his heart that even if he carried two more Dao Tribulation thunders, it would be fine, and she would not kill her.

When she made a bold decision with confidence, the sword intent did not disappoint her, but with the sword qi, it directly blocked the tribulation thunder. Only the sword intent was broken, Xiao Guoguo danced the long sword again, and a new sword intent was born.

Xiao Guoguo never saw the sword intent, so naturally he never noticed its change. Now that the original copper color of the sword intent has become a little lighter, this discovery makes the red-clothed man feel excited!

The second tribulation thunder fell, the bronze sword intent shattered again, and the red-clothed man fiercely waved his fist. It was really good!

Everyone is puzzled. Is this cheering for Xiao Guoguo? How come it doesn't look like the same thing!

And when the bronze sword intent broke for the third time, the red-clothed man let out a long sigh. He really envied Xiao Guoguo's luck. She unexpectedly completed the sword intent upgrade that was not necessarily successful many times!

Looking at the silver sword intent that appeared again, although it seemed that it was only a difference in color, the red-clothed man knew that all this would be different.

Xiao Guoguo didn't notice it, she only felt that her side sword qi was getting more and more, and the spiritual power in her body was consumed a lot. But Xiao Guoguo is not afraid, her spiritual power is sufficient, she just wants to see where she can go.

The red-clothed man also watched, Xiao Guoguo danced his long sword, and the sword qi was quickly produced. Hundreds, several thousand, surrounded her.

Every time a thunder and lightning falls, a part of it is consumed, which makes the red-clothed man feel very pity. If it weren't for this part of consumption, perhaps Xiao Guoguo would have 10,000 sword qi around him now!

This is also a pursuit of the sword cultivator. One thousand sword qi and ten thousand sword qi are dividing lines. His current limit is 6,000 sword qi, which is far away from 10,000.

Don’t think that you only need to work hard for four thousand more sword qis. Each additional one will be very difficult, and it will take time to settle and accumulate.

Now, Xiao Guoguo, who is not at all distressed, uses thousands of sword qi to resist the tribulation thunder, which is so heartwarming.

But then again, if Xiao Guoguo is not like this, he can't get out of the tribulation thunder either!

And with the dance of Xiao Guoguo's Sword Art, three Dao Tribulation thunders did not fall. At this time, everyone's hearts were also raised. Whether they succeeded depends on the final struggle.

Xiao Guoguo's sword qi densely packed guards her in it, and every sword qi is covered with thunder and lightning.

It seems to be because in Transcending Tribulation, thunder and lightning can be seen everywhere. During the process of giving birth, these sword qi will inevitably bring out part of the thunder and lightning in the body, and at the same time absorb part of the surrounding area and become Like this.

Everyone feels timid, if they really fight against Xiao Guoguo, this sword qi looks like this, what chance do they have to survive?

No one has an answer in their hearts, because they don't know how powerful this Thunder Sword Qi is?

Until the last Dao Tribulation thunder, Xiao Guoguo stopped abruptly, the spiritual power in her body is now only half left, dantian stabilized, new mountains and rivers have formed, a new world Has been produced, and she...tired.

(End of this chapter)

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