
  Chapter 1235 is found.

The soul who is watching Transcending Tribulation moves in her heart, she feels someone is coming , Looking back, sure enough, dozens of people were moving towards them and rushing towards them.

Lingshu instantly increased her vigilance. She didn't allow anyone to make trouble during Xiao Guoguo Transcending Tribulation. Although this Transcending Tribulation was a bit big, what did it matter to them?

"Meeting the lord! It's too late to come down, please forgive me!" The white clothed woman approached the Lingshu's plea, but Lingshu expressions all did not move, staring at them.

"Didn't I tell you to let you go first?" Lingshu asked, his hands clenched unconsciously, and something went wrong, there must be a reason.

"When we return to the meeting host, we have followed the meeting host’s instructions and have already left. However, there is news from the headquarters that the host is coming. He heard that the meeting host is missing and was very angry and made me Waiting here to guard the blockade, don't leave a step."

The woman said so, looking at Lingshu with envy in her eyes. Sure enough, in the eyes of the master, only Huizhu is so special and worth the effort.

Lingshu's back stiffened after hearing this. What she should have guessed, that she disappeared for so many years, will inevitably arouse his suspicion. Fortunately, the cultivation base rose sharply this time, otherwise it would be difficult to justify it.

"I see, after reading this little Fellow Daoist Transcending Tribulation, we will leave."

Lingshu said so, the green clothes froze for a moment and looked far away. It turns out that Xiao Guoguo is soaring!

How could it be her! When this woman met last time, the cultivation base was not enough, but now it suddenly rises!

She didn't dare to ask Lingshu, so she could only put this doubt in the heart, thinking that it was different here. Going in once and gaining such a great harvest, she just didn't know how to meet the Lord.

"Subordinates obey!" The woman and everyone stood respectfully by Lingshu's side, not daring to say anything, looking at the scene in front of her, she felt very shocked.

It’s just that they don’t understand why these Spirit Beast Transcending Tribulation cause such a big disturbance? Lingshu did not speak, and they did not dare to speak. Lingshu had absolute authority in front of them.

Lingshu wanted to ask everyone not to disclose what happened today. However, looking at the men of the red-clothed men and the men of Jin Mao, she did not do so.

Because unless she kills everyone here today, it's hard not to reveal it. It’s just that I hope Xiao Guoguo can go far after his ascension, so that no one can see it.

Golden Retriever didn't expect, and he was found so quickly, but he was still upset, but there was no way. Before he came out this time, he hadn't had time to talk to the boss and the others, and he seemed to be going back soon. And Wenwen looked at these people, thinking about Xiao Guoguo's future road, I'm afraid it will be more difficult.

Ling Old Yun ancestors are one step behind this group, but they see Xiao Guoguo is in Transcending Tribulation, sighed in relief. What terrifying thing happened originally thought, didn't expect Xiao Guoguo in Transcending Tribulation.

But, to be honest, this Xiao Guoguo Transcending Tribulation is also terrifying enough. How could this be such a Transcending Tribulation? She was with a few Spirit Beasts, and the movement was a bit bigger.

"Hey, it seems that I am a disciple and grandson, I am leaving too." When Master Li Dan sighed, Old Yun Zu Ling smiled and patted his shoulder.

"You should be happy! This is a good thing. Both of your disciples and grandchildren have soared. It is so glorious!" Ling Old Yun said this, not knowing that his two disciplines were also It may fly up at any time, and there will be a time when he will be sentimental in the future.

"Senior, this makes sense, I should be happy." Master Li Dan said, looking at Xiao Guoguo, only feeling very proud.

Xiao Guoguo can feel that the tribulation thunder has become stronger and stronger, and the lightning introduced into the body has increased, and each of the seven Nascent Souls is surrounded by lightning.

In this scene, Xiao Guoguo wants to laugh. What's the matter? It's funny to see how these guys are trying to fight to the end.

It seems that because of the existence of spiritual power vortex, the seven Nascent Souls refused to admit defeat. But it continues to absorb.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the air, she felt that maybe her tribulation thunder was running out, after all, the time between the last few Dao Tribulation thunders would be longer. And now, two days and two nights have passed. It is the first time for her to Transcending Tribulation for such a long time. Mother sees it, but I don’t know how to worry!

Wenwen in the heart clearly counted, Xiao Guoguo still has ten Dao Tribulation thunders, and the sky has started to become brighter. The boss doesn't know what to do this time. Should he continue to sit or stand up and carry it?

Everyone is actually very worried. After all, two days have passed. Even if Xiao Guoguo has spiritual power in his body, how much is left? And they knew in their hearts that the last few Dao Tribulation thunders were the most powerful. Can they carry it?

Sure enough, they saw Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes and stood up slowly. Although he was embarrassed, he stood firm and did not appear to be seriously injured.

Lingshu slowly clenched his hands, took a deep breath. In her mind, if it doesn't work, she will have to help her daughter's Transcending Tribulation succeed if she fights her life.

But Xiao Guoguo turned his head and smiled faintly at everyone, that smile was very pure. When everyone saw this smile, they seemed to understand that Xiao Guoguo did not have to worry about it.

Originally thought Xiao Guoguo's spiritual power was exhausted, but she still took out the golden long sword and danced slowly.

For Sword Art, they don't understand well, after all, they are cultivator, not sword cultivator.

However, one person understood. He had watched Xiao Guoguo fight, but it was the first time to watch Xiao Guoguo dance sword. This feeling... how to put it... the red-clothed man felt that Xiao Guoguo's sword dance made him feel terrified.

This is just a cultivator in the ascension period, even if the ascension is successful, it is only a fairy level 1. Such a profound Sword Art, such a varied Sword Art, where did she come from?

The red-clothed man used the word comprehend. There is nothing wrong with it. For the sword cultivator, the existence of the sword manual can indeed enable them to learn Sword Art faster, but if they only learn moves, then for him, the road of the sword cultivator is over.

What they have to learn is to comprehend, what they want to learn is comprehend and creation, go find their own sword dao! But how old this Xiao Guoguo is, he has such comprehend ability! She, Sword Art, is fighting against her, and she will definitely lose!

Although his cultivation base is higher than others, his comprehend for Sword Art is far behind. This made the red-clothed man look at Xiao Guoguo's eyes brightly, really wanting to learn from his teacher.

However, people don't necessarily admire themselves! This is really sad.

Everyone can't understand, they think this time is different from the past.

In the past, Xiao Guoguo used Sword Art to carry Thunder Tribulation, she just stood quietly, and then violently used sword qi to resist when Thunder Tribulation fell, but this time, she danced the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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