
  Chapter 1222 Lingyue

"This is my master, Lingyue."

Bai Ye suddenly stood in front and said this. Xiao Guoguo saw that among the flowers, a woman was sleeping. She was covered with a crystal-like cover, the same material as the stone on the roof.

"This is... one of the two Old Ancestors of the Ling Family?" Ling Shu suddenly thought of the name on the genealogy! She couldn't believe it, she just walked into the sleeping place of one of the second ancestors of the Ling family.

"Yes, she is the younger sister of Old Patriarch." Baiye didn't hide anything from them.

Xiao Guoguo didn't have any feelings after hearing this conversation. Except that this sleeping woman is very beautiful, she doesn't know anything else.

For the spiritual family, Xiao Guoguo knows too little, she only knows that she has the spiritual family bloodline.

"It is said that this Old Ancestor has fallen, so now it is..." Lingshu felt that what he knew might be only part of the facts.

"My master did not fall, but fell asleep." Bai Ye said very plainly, Xiao Guoguo looked at the woman, and it really didn't look like she had passed away.

"Why are there tombstones outside?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Bai Ye looked back at her.

"That's what the master meant. She said that although she is still alive, she only treats herself as dead." Bai Ye's words are so painful, Xiao Guoguo can hear it even if he is heartless. The sense of desolation.

"In other words, she didn't want to wake up because she was lying here?" Xiao Guoguo said, and Bai Ye shook his head.

"Not so. Although the master herself wants to fall asleep, she does have a problem with her body. She wants to wake up, which is almost impossible."

While speaking, looking at Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo's heart felt hairy. What does she mean by that? Its owner fell asleep and has nothing to do with him, right?

"My master is the most powerful genius of the Ling Family, and Ling Feng, the older brother of the Old Ancestor of the Ling Family, is also incomparable! Back then, Mo Yu and I were trained by the Ling Family's sufferer untold hardships After they came out, they became the contract between the two Spirit Beasts. I also hope that they can lead the spiritual family to glory."

Bai Ye's words carry reminiscences, and Xiao Guoguo never interrupted. This Spirit Beast was probably lonely for a long time, and I couldn't help but want to talk when I saw them.

"It’s just that, I didn’t expect Xi Yuezhong’s existence to be leaked out, attracting a plot against someone with a heart! Back then, the owner was taken advantage of... once opposed to Old Patriarch, which led to the later Things.

Because the master felt that she had been used by others to lead to the defeat of the spiritual family, and the Old Master was injured. She was sorry for the spiritual family, so the injury did not get better. In the end, I could only work hard to bring the master there. Here, she fell asleep."

When Bai Ye said so, Xiao Guoguo was stunned. What conflicts happened between the siblings back then? It's no wonder that Mo Yu was not allowed to enter. This Old Ancestor thought he had resentment and guilt towards her brother back then?

"What happened back then?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, but Bai Ye kept silent.

"I let you in today, not only because you are the spiritual dísciple, but also because I want to ask you to find a way to save the master! Especially you, the master of Xiyuezhong!"

When Bai Ye said so, Xiao Guoguo wanted to sigh. You, a high level monster beast, can build such a powerful and unique sleeping place, which is much stronger than the others!

You can't help but count on me... Isn't that a bit too much?

"I'm the Divine Transformation Stage."

Xiao Guoguo couldn't help saying that she couldn't afford to promise that she couldn't make it. This is better than revitalizing the spiritual family. My father rescued such a task, but it was much harder!

"Your cultivation base can be improved." Bai Ye said that he took out a bead in his hand, which exudes five-color rays of light.

"What is this?" Xiao Guoguo asked puzzledly, looking like a treasure.

"The spiritual power beads contain a lot of spiritual power. If you absorb all of it, you should be able to fly up immediately."

Bai Ye’s words made Xiao Guoguo stupid Now... there is such a good thing in this world? ! Is this what the red-clothed men said, can enhance the treasure of the cultivation base?

"Just this one? Two of us came in." When Xiao Guoguo asked, Bai Ye's face twitched, she was really greedy!

"There is another small one here." Bai Yexin reluctantly took out the other one, and Xiao Guoguo grabbed the two beads without hesitation.

"Let's talk about it, what do I need to do." Xiao Guoguo promised much more happily this time. In fact, she had to agree, but she complained a little bit to show that she was not easy. Who could have imagined that there are still good things, she will naturally not refuse.

Knowing that this Old Ancestor is still alive, Xiao Guoguo doesn't know how happy he is! She thought, if the Old Ancestor of Lingjia wakes up, then her burden will be much lighter!

This is also a powerful Old Ancestor, if she really wakes up, she will be walk unhindered in the future! In addition, the powerful enemy of the Ling family does not know who it is. If there is a powerful Old Ancestor by their side, they will be much safer.

So no matter how you look at it, saving this Lingyue Old Ancestor is a business that will never lose money. How could she not agree? No matter how difficult it is, no matter how hard it is, she has to agree.

"You have to enter the ancestral land of the spirit family and find something!" Bai Ye said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him, nodded.

"Yes, no problem! Tell me first, where is the ancestral land?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Bai Ye rolled the eyes.

"The ancestral land is in your heart." Bai Ye's answer made Xiao Guoguo stunned.

In my mind? It's kidding!

"Are you saying, in the heart of describing meaning, or... you don't even know where it is?" Xiao Guoguo felt that most of this guy doesn't know where the ancestral land is, right?

"The ancestral land is in your heart, and your heart will lead you to the ancestral land." Bai Ye replied very positively.

"Then let me ask one more question, do you have a map?"


"Is there a guide?"


Xiao Guoguo: "..." In the heart of what a shit, you simply don't know anything, so I found such a fool to fool her, right?

"Big brother, this is too difficult! How do you let me find it?"

Xiao Guoguo asked helplessly, Bai Ye thought for a while, and went to sleep Next to Lingyue, she took out a bracelet from her side box.

"I tell you, it's useless to give me more good things!" Xiao Guoguo said affirmatively, and firmly refused.

"This is the bracelet that the master values ​​most. The master once said that there are clues to the ancestral land in this bracelet."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he grabbed Xiao Guoguo's hand directly. , Put on the colorful gemstone bracelet.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Don't come here to buy and sell so strongly!

There are so many gems in this bracelet, it is too conspicuous, it is obviously ostentatious. However, thinking that she is a family member of Lingyue, if Lingyue wakes up, she can push all these bad things out, Xiao Guoguo can only be nodded.

"Well, I will try my best... No, I must try my best! The problem is, you have to tell me, in case I find that ancestral land, if I have good luck, what should I look for? Save you master, right?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Bai Ye smiled.

"When the time comes, you will know."

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This guy must be revenge on her.

(End of this chapter)

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