
  Chapter 1221 Contradictions

In Xiao Guoguo's mind, divine light flashed, thinking of this Moyu since entering From here, it was hiding in Tibet and didn't dare to take action. Could it be because of this man?

Or their relationship is not harmonious. Is this Mo Yu acting like this because he is afraid that his identity will be exposed? Thinking about it this way, it seems that it can be explained! Xiao Guoguo is very curious, what is the relationship between these two people!

"Bai Ye, you are still so impulsive. You almost hurt the patriarch of the Ling Family just now." Mo Yu said so, the white clothed man was taken aback, and looked at Xiao Guoguo for a while.

"Mo Yu, are you kidding me! She is the patriarch of the spiritual family?" The white clothed man looked disbelief, his voice increased unconsciously, and the coldness on his face showed signs of collapse.

"Yes, she is a patriarch of the righteous patriarch." Mo Yu said so, without saving any face for the white clothed man.

And the white clothed man looked at Xiao Guoguo's eyes deeper and more incredible. Such an unreliable, such a low-cultivation base patriarch, are you kidding me!

"Wait, Mo Yu, you are really sure, I am the patriarch of the spiritual family!" Xiao Guoguo also asked with a dazed expression, feeling that he was pitted.

"Xi Yuezhong is in your hands, and you have recognized you as the master, and you are the patriarch of the Ling Family." Mo Yu said so, the white clothed man became even more uncertain.

"Xi Yuezhong recognizes her as her master!" the white clothed man asked, looking like he wanted to kill Xiao Guoguo.

"Although Xiyuezhong is in my hands, it is because among the people who entered there at the time, I have the bloodline of the spirit family on my body! This does not mean anything!"

Xiao Guoguo took the Xiyue Clock not only to improve the cultivation base, but also to add a Life Protecting Talisman, but also because he knew his family and was a little excited.

Xiao Guoguo didn't know who he was since he was a child. At that time, he suddenly knew that his mother was the spiritual family, so he was naturally very happy. At that time, Xi Yuezhong was taken over, and he also made up his mind to protect this treasure in the future, and one day it might be possible to return to the spiritual home.

Now she doesn't know if there is any spiritual family outside, but mother is obviously more suitable to be a spiritual family patriarch than herself.

Mother has responsibility and affection for the spiritual family. This Xiyue clock is more secure for her. She just wants to be a comfortable cultivator, as for patriarch or something... Although the Ling family population is very simple, she is not sure if she can be competent. Just like Sword Sect Sect Master, in the eyes of Xiao Guoguo, it is also a heavy responsibility.

"I think now that I have found my mother, I should give Xi Yuezhong to her." Xiao Guoguo said, causing Mo Yu to give her a sideways look.

"What do you think Xiyue Clock is? Give it to whomever you want? It's a Divine Item... It recognizes the Master, do you think you can give it to others casually?"

When Mo Yu was angry, Xiao Guoguo was actually very scared. Looking at the gloomy white clothed man, Xiao Guoguo was silent for a moment.

"Xi Yuezhong, who gave it to her!" asked the white clothed man, Mo Yu laughed.

"Naturally it is the Old Ancestor, my Old Master." Mo Yu said so, Xiao Guoguo suddenly seemed to understand something.

No wonder the old man gave Moyu the egg to himself, no wonder he knows so much about the spiritual family, it turns out that its identity is not simple.

"In the first battle, Old Master fell. I was seriously injured and I was recuperating in the spirit egg. When I woke up, Old Master was gone. I followed the new master to find the whereabouts of the spirit family dísciple.

This one is my new master. She is also the current master of Xi Yuezhong. The Bloodline Power on her body is extremely powerful. She is the best candidate for the patriarch of the spiritual family! She is the spiritual family Hope!"

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Why doesn't she know that she is so great!

When Mo Yu said so, the white clothed man's face eased a little, but he was still reluctant to look at Xiao Guoguo's eyes.

And Lingshu's face is excited, very proud. Although she is Xiao Guoguo's mother, there is a difference in respect and inferiority. Lingshu without the slightest hesitation bowed to Xiao Guoguo and said: "dísciple Lingshu, pay respects to patriarch!"

" Mother, follow along and join in the fun." Xiao Guoguo hurriedly helped Lingshu up, isn't this making trouble.

"Guoguo, rest assured, I will take good care of you! It doesn't matter whether you can revitalize the spiritual family or not, your safety is what First Layer wants."

Lingshu said that this is a selfish intention to be a mother. Xiao Guoguo looked at the expectant gaze in his mother's eyes, excited gaze, and couldn't say anything when she refused.

Sure enough, the standard for treating relatives to relatives is different. She did not welcome Xiao Han's arrival at all, nor did she feel that Xiao Family was worthy of her expectation and responsibility.

But for Lingshu, she couldn't help but refuse. After all, this woman had worked hard for her back then.

"Since Xi Yuezhong is in her hands, she is the patriarch of the spiritual family, and she is naturally eligible to enter here. However, you better not enter Mo Yu. You know what happened back then, I I'm afraid that the owner would not want to see you enter here."

As Bai Ye said so, Mo Yu bitterly laughed helplessly. It’s really hard to tell who was right and who was wrong.

"Well, I don’t need to go in, but I ask you to take care of them. Don’t forget, you and I are Spirit Beast of the spirit family after all!" Mo Yu said, Bai Ye nodded . Xiao Guoguo froze for a moment, this man is also a Spirit Beast?

"There is also Bai Ye. The Old Master thing that year was also a last resort."

Mo Yu said, but Bai Ye never responded, turning around and carrying Xiao Guoguo is gone.

Xiao Guoguo looked at these two guys, there must be many stories between them! He was very curious in his heart, but Xiao Guoguo knew that he couldn't ask now, he could only give Mo Yu a soothing look, and then walked in.

Xiao Guoguo originally thought that she could shed the burden of the spiritual family, who would have thought to say it, and finally she became a patriarch. Just looking at Mother's happy look, she couldn't refuse at all.

Bai Ye walked in front, Xiao Guoguo looked at its back, really didn't expect this to be a Spirit Beast. Why does it like to walk in human form? This is completely different from Mo Yu.

Bai Ye walked over, put his hand on the huge door, and Xiao Guoguo saw the door slowly open. Xiao Guoguo looked inside, and was shocked by the scenery in front of him.

There is life everywhere in it, which simply does not fit the style of an ancient tomb. All around are planted with plants. Xiao Guoguo doesn't recognize these plants. They exude a rich Wood Spiritual Force, which fills up the entire great hall.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't know how these plants survived and what they rely on to grow so vigorously. However, Xiao Guoguo understands that if you want to do this, it must be not simple.

On the contrary, the roof of the great hall is covered with crystals...or it may not be crystals, because Xiao Guoguo can feel that the energy on these energy blocks makes people feel scared.

These energy blocks gathered together to form a rays of light, shining in the middle of the great hall, making it look like daylight. Xiao Guoguo took a deep breath, the spiritual power here is too abundant.

With so many plants and such a generous Wood Spiritual Force, Xiao Guoguo is puzzled. Why is this spiritual power only magnified here?

(End of this chapter)

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