
  Chapter 1218 Lingshu

Hearing Xiao Guoguo’s question, Black Butterfly’s heart also lifted, look With Xiao Guoguo, mildly laughed.

"I recognized you on auction." Black Butterfly looked at Xiao Guoguo tenderly, and then said: "My people have been following Xiao Han, and they were the first to contact him after they found him here. The person here is you, so I found Xiao Han and found you from his memory!"

Black Butterfly dare not say how happy she was at the time, she didn’t 't expect, I just followed a Xiao Han, and found Xiao Guoguo along the way.

This is simply the best reward for her. Over the years, she searched all these planes, but the child who hadn't been found, just appeared in front of her.

"So, did you follow me to enter here?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Black Butterfly nodded.

How can she rest assured that she enters here alone, she is here to protect her! It doesn't matter what task or treasure is found.

Although she also knows that there are fragments of the clan emblem here, there may be something related to the spiritual family. However, this is simply not important to her, and no treasure is not as important as Xiao Guoguo's safety!

Xiao Guoguo finally understands why the black butterflies are protecting her all this way, and why she always feels looking at her kindly, this is the so-called blood thicker than water!

"You...why did you put me down?" Xiao Guoguo gritted his teeth and asked this question. Heidi's face turned pale, and he opened his mouth to say something, but didn't know where to start.

"Do you...know your identity?" Heidi asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"Then you should know who your father is?" Black Butterfly asked again, looking at Xiao Guoguo a little nervously, Xiao Guoguo nodded again.

"The space he left for me, I have opened it. The Divine Soul he left has also told me a lot about you." Xiao Guoguo said, looking at Black Butterfly , I saw the happy and gentle rays of light on her face.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Is this the power of love? My parents, my parents, really have a literary atmosphere.

"My name, do you know my name?" Black Butterfly looked at Xiao Guoguo and asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded, and shook his head again. The name he knew before must be fake.

"My name is Lingshu. I am the Lingshu dísciple, and your father I did not tell him my true identity! Because for the Lingshu dísciple, you can only trust your own people, not your own Tell others about your surname and first name, unless it is your relative, bloodline relative!"

Lingshu said so, Xiao Guoguo nodded, she can understand this.

After all, it’s not easy for this spiritual family to live and avoid hunting and killing. I don’t know if they have been hiding for many years. If someone knows their identity, who can be sure that the other party will not betray them? ?

"Back then, I started cultivation, but because I am Dual Spiritual Roots, the spiritual power of the plane is not rich, so it has been slow. As time goes by, my father and mother are gone , I was left alone. At that time, I was lonely."

Lingshu's story is actually very simple. She was just a small cultivator back then, with a low cultivation base and alone, but she had to shoulder the secrets of the entire spiritual family. It was a bit pitiful to think about it.

Back then, the plane of Earth was opened, and a handsome, gentle man with a high cultivation base appeared. He suddenly became tempted by you. Who can hold it!

So, Lingshu finally accepted Xiao Guoguo's father, the Xiao Family who seems very reliable. Of course, at that time, she would never have thought that the cultivation world was so cruel, and Xiao Family was so ruthless.

"I only wanted to leave a descendant for the spirit family. If you are a Great Family dísciple, they will better protect you!" Lingshu said so, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

"I thought it was love between you?" It didn't come to hit the child's heart so much.

"We are naturally emotional, I just said, choosing your father, I have multiple considerations." Lingshu's face blushed, discussing this issue with her child, she A bit sorry.

"Everyone is an adult, don't be shy, I am curious, I father him, do you know your plan?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, Ling Shu's face suddenly turned pale.

"I want to tell him when you are of age. Who would have thought that the Xiao Family found us! They threatened your father, using my and your life, he had to go. My secret is so unspoken."

Xiao Guoguo believed Lingshu's words. This mother looks strong, but when she mentions father, she is very gentle, no different from ordinary women.

"Then I and you, how did you get separated?" Xiao Guoguo felt that she turned out to be the bloodline of the spiritual family, even if it was for the family, Lingshu would not throw her away... it's not about feelings , But judging from general logic.

"Xiao Family people...no words!" Every time Lingshu thinks about this, she feels piercing pain!

"They are going to kill us? cut weeds and eliminate the roots?" Xiao Guoguo guessed, Lingshu nodded.

"They lied to your father, they want to erase our existence, they think we are not worthy of Xiao Family! Bah, my spiritual family bloodline is noble, who is not worthy of whom!"

Lingshu's imposing manner change at the moment, Xiao Guoguo agrees very much. Yeah, who is not worthy of anyone in the end!

"They chased me, my cultivation base was too low, and you were too young at that time. I was afraid that you would ruin their plot against, so I put you at the entrance of the orphanage. They led them away. They thought I was dead, so they left, but they didn’t know that my spiritual family wouldn’t die easily!" Lingshu said it was simple, but Xiao Guoguo could I feel that she was also nine deaths and still alive at the time.

"Then are you trapped in the eggshell?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Lingshu shook his head, she didn't.

"That's not true. I was rescued." Lingshu was silent for a while, as if she didn't want Xiao Guoguo to know who was the one who saved her.

Lingshu did not say, Xiao Guoguo did not ask. She feels that there are some things that she is not easy to ask, but this is just another part of Lingshu's life. They have been separated for so many years, it is not easy to see each other again.

"I have been trapped for one hundred and forty years before I can enter Earth again, but when I went to find you, there was already a monster beast and a cultivator, everything seemed strange , I can't find you..."

When Ling Shu said this, he covered his face and started crying, with a broken heart.

Xiao Guoguo stretched out his hand and slowly patted her back to see her injury. Fortunately, the wound did not open again.

"Don't cry, I know you didn't go back to find me." Xiao Guoguo said, some sorry, after all, although they are mother and daughter, they are separated by hundreds of years.

"You are willing to believe me! Do you know that I don't want you? I can't find you. I haven't found you for hundreds of years. I'm almost desperate!"

Lingshu took Xiao Guoguo's hand, crying like a child, and the guilt and longing in her heart made her look very helpless.

And the white clothed man who was observing secretly shook his head, this story is really tortuous.

(End of this chapter)

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