
  Chapter 1217 Mother and Daughter

Xiao Guoguo was slightly taken aback, wondering why Heidi looked at her like this. That look is very kind.

And at this moment, the array suddenly disappeared, and they were still in the original small room.

"Congratulations, you passed the test." A voice came, Xiao Guoguo suddenly raised his head, watching a man approaching in the distance. The man has a smile on his face, long flowing hair, a white clothed look, and a jade complexion... Overall, he looks pretty good.

But no matter how good he looks, Xiao Guoguo looks at each other at the moment, with murderous aura overflowing in his eyes.

Congratulations! Didn't they see it almost dead? Seeing the man walking out, Xiao Guoguo couldn't help gritting his teeth.

The man was taken aback for a moment. Obviously he didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to have such an expression. For an instant, it was a bit embarrassing. But can he say that this is the rule? Rules are not for breaking, but for inheritance.

"Don't look at me like that, I know you can't die! This test is just to confirm your identity!" The man said, Xiao Guoguo would charge ahead and hit someone if he didn't hold the black butterfly. . Behave!

"What is inability to die? Explain to me, what should we do if we die? Will you pay?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the man was speechless for a moment.

"Well, you are the spiritual dísciple, naturally you can't die." The man said awkwardly, Xiao Guoguo sneered.

"The spiritual family dísciple is just a little better than others in resilience, not that it will not die, you don’t even know this! Moreover, the recovery ability of the spiritual family dísciple is also different from person to person... …Wait, you are talking about us?"

Xiao Guoguo looked at the other side's nodded, then looked at the black butterfly in his arms, now looking at himself with a wry smile.

"She is also a spiritual family dísciple?" Xiao Guoguo confirmed once again, is this senior also his own?

"Yes, don't you know? Why do you think that big tree let you in?" The man is frowned, this girl is so slow, is it really okay?

"Hehe, senior, hello, my name is Xiao Guoguo, don't you know who it is? How should I call it?" Xiao Guoguo looked at Black Butterfly, becoming more enthusiastic. In any case, everyone is our own, and there are not many spiritual dísciples left!

Xiao Guoguo always felt that the burden on his shoulders was too heavy before, but now suddenly realized that there are others like her. It feels...like half of the 800-meter run, and suddenly realized that it turned out to be Relay race... It feels like such a surprise!

"I..." Heidi doesn't know what to say, hesitating.

"Senior, it's okay. We are all a family. If you need help in the future, please speak up." Xiao Guoguo was very excited, wondering if the burden on him might be transferred out.

The white clothed man looked at the two with a silent face. Anyway, it is only responsible for supervision and assessment. It does not need to care about the grievances between the two people, nor can it interrupt.

"I...I belong to you..." Black Butterfly couldn't say it, but Xiao Guoguo had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Black Butterfly slowly took off the mask on his face, Xiao Guoguo was so scared that he couldn't speak.

This is impossible. With such a small mask, half of her face was covered, and she didn't recognize it!

Such an unrealistic bridge that happened on TV actually happened to yourself? Xiao Guoguo only feels ironic, very ironic.

This black butterfly man is still in Xiao Guoguo's arms, Xiao Guoguo already feels his whole body is stiff.

Seeing Xiao Guoguo's expression like this, Black Butterfly's face was full of bitterness. He gently wiped off the makeup on his face with the veil. At this moment, Xiao Guoguo suddenly realized.

"This makeup is really a great invention, and the effect is almost the same as plastic surgery." Xiao Guoguo sneered said, and felt a little bit hurtful in his attitude, a little annoyed in his heart.

"Guoguo, I'm sorry." After Black Butterfly said this, the tears in his eyes fell. Xiao Guoguo looked at it, and couldn't bear it.

"Don't cry, this is still hurting, it will affect the wound for a while, and it will hurt again." Xiao Guoguo thought so, and hurriedly took out another medicine from the storage bag to stop it. It hurts, no matter whether Black Butterfly is willing or not, he just stuffed it into his mouth.

Black Butterfly: "..." The medicine pill is a bit big, and almost choked after swallowing it.

The white clothed man looked at this scene in front of him and rolled his eyes helplessly. Is this man really capable? These two spiritual dísciples are so strange how they look.

"I refined it myself, it may be a bit too big." Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, and took out the spiritual spring water for Black Butterfly to drink.

"You can pill concocting! My Guoguo is really amazing." Heidi said, her eyes were shining, and Xiao Guoguo felt sorry for the pride in her eyes.

"Actually, I only know how to pill concocting, and nothing else works." Xiao Guoguo said shyly, and Black Butterfly smiled happily.

"It doesn't matter, what you are will not, you are also my...daughter! You are my pride!" Heidi couldn't help tears, but this is her lost treasure.

"Wait. You are a mother and daughter!" The white clothed man also didn't expect. This section is great. Is this the first time a mother and daughter meet?

"None of your business! It's okay to cut in. Didn't you see that we are acknowledging relatives here?" Xiao Guoguo said, making the man pale with anger.

"hmph! Who wants to watch it!" The man said, turning around and disappearing, and Heidi smiled happily.

Xiao Guoguo is sorry, this is when I saw my mother... But now she is injured. Xiao Guoguo felt very sad when he thought of this. Why did she get hurt the first time we met.

"You, this injury, is it okay? I mean, you will recover from this injury, right?" Xiao Guoguo said, a little worried.

"It won't die, it may take a while." Black Butterfly said so, Xiao Guoguo hurriedly asked again.

"How long will it take? I mean how long will it take to raise it!" Xiao Guoguo didn't know whether Black Butterfly was the same as himself.

"Seven or eight days." Heidi said, looking at Xiao Guoguo frowned.

Black Butterfly wanted to reach out to smooth out Xiao Guoguo's brows, but did not dare to act rashly. This was the daughter she finally found.

"Is it so slow?" Xiao Guoguo is very worried. She only needs one day, but Black Butterfly takes so long.

"The Bloodline Power of each spiritual family dísciple is different, some are powerful, some are a little bit worse, you know, we are not immortal, but we will not die easily."

Black When Butterfly said this, there was a murderous aura radiating from her body, and it was obvious that she had thought of something bad.

"When did you...recognize me?" Xiao Guoguo changed the subject. Although I don't want to talk about it, I have to figure it out, right?

Why did you save her so many times? Why did you leave her behind? These have to be figured out.

She wants a home very much, but she is not a person who can easily forgive, and she does not want to be hurt again. At this moment Xiao Guoguo was a little confused, and missed Chi Xuan very much in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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