
  Chapter 1197 The highest bidder wins

Everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo, and they were all dissatisfied with Xiao Guoguo. manner. Especially the Old Ancestor of the pool house, is even more unconscious, and he is alive and wanting to make trouble!

"You are using us as thugs! This is obviously taking advantage of us!" Old Ancestor from the Chi family said with a look of anger.

"Don't worry, we simply didn't see you in our eyes, let alone take advantage of you." Xiao Guoguo without the slightest hesitation counterattacked, and did not save any face to Chi's Old Ancestor and let you be fine. Brush presence!

"You are the dísciple of Flying Immortal Sect, you treat sect senior like this, and you have no respect and you are not inferior. It seems that you don't want to be a sect disciple anymore!" Old Ancestor of the Chi family said viciously, Xiao Guoguo But smiled.

"A person like you is not worthy of my respect! Whether I leave Flying Immortal Sect or not is not your decision, but myself, the decision!" Xiao Guoguo said, everyone Look at her.

I don't know why, Xiao Guoguo like this makes people feel so handsome. Although it sounds crazy, no one thinks she is pretentious. They think what Xiao Guoguo said is very imposing manner.

And the Old Ancestor of the Chi family was shocked by Xiao Guoguo's imposing manner. He always felt that there must be something, he didn't know.

Xiao Guoguo glanced at Chi's Old Ancestor contemptuously, what Old Ancestor is, but tyrannically abused power on this Level 2 plane. What is the status and seniority compared to her.

Not to mention that she is a member of the Xiao Family, the spiritual family's affairs, just say that she is the identity of the future Sword Sect Sect Master, and it is not comparable to his branch sect Old Ancestor! If it is more than status and status, she is really not afraid, not timid.

Yes, she just swelled, she just looked down on the Old Ancestor of the Chi family, and despised him to death.

"You want to go in? Yes, I know how to go in, and I can tell you!" Xiao Guoguo said, walking out, and everyone looked at her in surprise. She actually knew how to get in!

"Who are you kidding, what do you know? Hehe." Old Ancestor of Chi's family finally eased up, and wanted to continue to trouble Xiao Guoguo.

"If you don't believe it, don't listen, don't watch it, don't delay everyone from entering this treasure." Xiao Guoguo said, everyone is nodded, yes, it makes sense.

"Shut up!" The red-clothed man gave the order even more. The Old Ancestor of the Chi family was not convinced by this sentence and had to hold back. Xiao Guoguo looked and smiled, she knew that so many experts were there, it was not the turn of this Old Ancestor to take charge.

"Come on, Wenwen, you walk in and show it to everyone."

In a word from Xiao Guoguo, everyone was surprised, so walk in directly? This is a joke! Wenwen stood up and walked in front of everyone. Everyone looked at Wenwen with anticipation in their eyes.

Wenwen didn't look at anyone, walked directly in front of the barrier, and then slowly stretched out his hand to touch the barrier. The moment the barrier was touched, fiercely shook, but it only shook.

Then, they saw Wenwen's hand passing through...People followed in!

This barrier is not too thick, Wenwen really walked over with one foot, as if it were not difficult at all. This makes everyone very puzzled, what happened just now? How did this woman get in? They didn't see it clearly!

"This is impossible! How is this possible?" said Old Ancestor of the Water Sect show with a stupid expression on his face.

"Only what you can't think of, no one else can't do it!"

Xiao Guoguo said, with a heartbreak, everyone felt that they were completely despised. They attacked the barrier that couldn't be opened after exhausting their efforts for two days, and they walked in directly! Is there such a big difference between this person and person?

"How did you do it?" the red-clothed man couldn't help but asked, Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"Do you want to know? Do you all want to know?" Xiao Guoguo asked, his face was ugly, and no one said anything.

Nonsense, who doesn't want to know! But the key is will you tell us? However, if she didn't tell them that she wanted to take people in, there would be no door!

The people of several teams were subconsciously about to surround Xiao Guoguo and his group, and dare not let them all go. Xiao Guoguo laughed, she knew it would be the result.

They know the way to get in, it's useless, this group of people won't let them in. If one of them can't get in, they will all be used by the other to threaten them.

"Don't worry, I didn't say not to tell you." Xiao Guoguo's words changed everyone's attitude again. Will you tell them?

"Why are you willing to tell us? Don't worry, you won't be able to help in vain. We will exchange such valuable news with equal value!"

Golden Retriever directly made the decision to help the boss and be a worthy and professional ethical trust. The boss has performed so much, not to make money!

"Hehe, this Young Master is a sensible person. You give me money and I give news. It's as simple as that. The sooner you know, the sooner you can get in."

Xiao Guoguo yelled, everyone was stunned, you look at me, I look at you, it seems that this condition can be accepted!

"I have one million high grade Spirit Stone! I buy this news!" Jin Mao directly set the price at one million high grade Spirit Stone.

You know, that is a high grade Spirit Stone, and it is not a concept with a middle grade Spirit Stone. The price given by Golden Retriever is not low.

"I pay 1.5 million!" the red-clothed man continued, not feeling sorry for the money at all, naturally the things inside are more important.

"I pay two million, I want to be the first to know." Huizhu Heidi is even more generous, and he doesn't hesitate to give the money.

"I will give three million. Rich is willful, no one should snatch me." Jin Mao silently raised the price, and Xiao Guoguo wanted to give him a big hug.

And Chi Xuan took a look at the golden retriever, this product cooperates with Xiao Guoguo, it's a tacit understanding! Chi Xuan had recognized the golden hair a long time ago. It was really the yellow hair. It was so easy to recognize.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour of bidding, Xiao Guoguo got the highest price. Of course, Golden Retriever was not the first to learn about the solution, but the black clothed female Black Butterfly, who did not hesitate to give a high price of five million high grade Spirit Stone.

These five million high grade Spirit Stones are equivalent to fifty million middle grade Spirit Stones!

Xiao Guoguo can't believe it, one news can sell so much money! And the ancestor of Xian Old Yun was also stupid, he also didn't expect, this news is so valuable, he feels sour and regretful. How could he didn't expect and still make money like this!

The last one who got the solution was the old Ancestor group of Chi family. There is really no rich and imposing of others. They had all the money they had on hand, and it was only more than one million high grade Spirit Stone. This person is really incomparable.

Originally, the Old Ancestor of the Chi family thought that the red-clothed man was with them and would share the news, but they had no intention of this at all. So, as a last resort, they took out the Spirit Stone by themselves.

"Pure mind? Are you lying to us?" Old Ancestor of Chi's family couldn't believe it, it turned out to be this way, such a tricky way!

(End of this chapter)

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