
  Chapter 1196 Entry Method

The ancestor of Old Yun is too miserable, Ling Old Yun’s ancestor capital Can't bear to look at it. He doesn't know whether the situation happening to Xian Old Yun's ancestor is good or bad.

"It's gone, it's really gone!" Xian Old Yun's ancestor looked surprised, and looked at his arm, leaving only a burnt mark.

Although this trace is painful, it is really much better than the previous pattern! This shows that he is no longer a demonic cultivator, and the slave relationship with that Earth Demon has been cancelled!

At the same time, under a huge abyss, a huge body moved, and his whole body was covered with black demonic energy. At this moment, the demonic energy gradually dissipated, revealing him.

And a pattern on his arm disappeared, which puzzled the giant.

There are at least a few hundred such patterns on his two arms. This one that disappeared suddenly did not arouse much attention from him. The giant just glanced at it, and fell asleep again. The black demonic energy wrapped the giant in it, and disappeared again in silhouette.

The idle Old Yun ancestor here waited for a while, there was no movement, and the excitement in his heart can be imagined. He broke free, but was not discovered by Earth Demon! This is really very good!

"From today, I am really free! I...I am no longer the slave of Earth Demon!" Xian Old Yun screamed happily, it turned out to be as crazy as a youngster .

"Does this modification of Divine Consciousness affect personality?" Xiao Guoguo thinks Divine Consciousness is really a magical thing.

"Don't study these anymore, no matter whether it will affect it, you promised me that you will not do such a thing easily in the future." Chi Xuan has lingering fears about Xiao Guoguo's adventure this time and dare not let it go. She continued to think about anything in this regard.

"I see. You are so long-winded, you will grow old soon!" Xiao Guoguo said, nodding Chi Xuan's brow.

"Do you think I am old?" Chi Xuan is a little worried. Although he is in the cultivation world, it is definitely a youngster, but in front of Xiao Guoguo, he always feels lack of confidence.

"No, no, not at all, age does not mean anything! The most important thing for people is to have a young heart!"

Xiao Guoguo thought, sleep by himself After six hundred years, if it is really counted, no one is younger than anyone else! This can be regarded as a retreat for myself.

The two of them said so, smiling at each other, tacitly, and this stimulated the ancestor of Xian Old Yun. Don't sprinkle dog food everywhere.

"Cough cough, the way to get in is actually very simple." Xian Old Yun's ancestor is in a good mood and is naturally willing to help.

Xiao Guoguo looked back at Xian Old Yun ancestor after hearing this, now he is much more normal.

"If you want to get in, there is only one way, and that is to have no distracting thoughts. In other words, you have to deceive the barrier, you are a pure person, no malicious person."

The ancestor of Xian Old Yun was finished, Xiao Guoguo was stunned, looked at Chi Xuan, and then looked at the ancestor of Xian Old Yun.

"Do you think you believe it?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Xian Old Yun ancestors spread their hands.

"I don't believe it myself, and I'm not a pure person. No one went in to hunt for treasure. So, I haven't entered yet." Xian Old Yun Zu said. Xiao Guoguo took a deep breath, hehe, what you said is so reasonable.

"Then you can't get in, how do you know that you can get in like this?" Xiao Guoguo felt even more absurd.

"Because I have seen other people go in." Xian Old Yun Zu sighed and looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

"That piece of you...that person gave it to you!" Xiao Guoguo instantly understood.

"Yes, that piece of mine was given to me by that person, but unfortunately the array inside was too powerful, he couldn't resist it, and didn't come out." Xian Old Yun remembered the past. Somewhat embarrassing in my heart.

"That person...who is it?" Xiao Guoguo was a little curious, who would help Xian Old Yun ancestors to go inside and investigate.

"My little discipline, he is also a pure-hearted person, I want to come now, should not use him!"

Xian Old Yun ancestor said, clutching his chest , His face was pale, and the regret and pain in this heart almost swallowed him. This is simply incredible.

In the past when he was a demonic cultivator, he never felt that he owed anyone. Now he is no longer a demonic cultivator, but his conscience has begun to condemn what he has done before. This feeling is really bad!

Xiao Guoguo looked at him and said nothing. This person is always responsible for what he has done. This Xian Old Yun ancestor has removed the magic root, I don't know if it is good or not.

"That's why your dísciple has a pure character, everyone is pure?"

Ling Old Yun said this, feeling a little sad in his heart. He couldn't believe that the standard of Old Yun's ancestors' discipline was for this!

"no! That's not the case! I haven't entered here at that time. I accepted them because I really regarded them as a discipline. I am a demonic cultivator, but I have never looked at them. It’s a demonic cultivator."

Xian Old Yun said that he had never entered the demonic path when he received the discipline. At that time, he still felt very sorry for the disciplines.

"In this case, it seems we can only try it." Xiao Guoguo said, looking at Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan nodded.

"However, this method, I think, can help us in any way." Xiao Guoguo began to think about how to sell this news at a good price.


On the second day, when everyone started to attack the barrier again, Xiao Guoguo's performance was very calm, and everyone on Xiao Guoguo side also performed very calmly.

They never participated in the attack on the barrier, instead they sat in place and just watched. Of course, their behavior caused a lot of dissatisfaction!

"Do you just look at it like this? Will you open the door by yourself when you look at the barrier?" someone asked with a scornful face.

"That's right, this is obviously to be lazy!" Someone said that, with all kinds of jealousy in his heart, he didn't want to attack the barrier, and wanted to rest.

"Hey, the old saying is good, smart people are good at using their brains. We are mental workers, and there is a fundamental difference from you cultivators who only know hands-on." Xiao Guoguo said, Everyone was stunned, what did these words mean!

Are they despised? Their dignified ascension stage fairy was actually despised by a small Divine Transformation Stage! Also, what is a mental worker?

"If you don't do it, don't go in!" Xiao Guoguo laughed when someone refused to accept the threat.

"You count as a ball! We rock paper scissors, such a serious decision, no matter where you are a villain, it doesn't count!" Xiao Guoguo said righteously.

Everyone: "..." You still have the face to mention rock, paper, scissors! Thinking about it now, they seem to have been cheated, and they are obviously thugs!

(End of this chapter)

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