
  Chapter 1194 Unraveling

"Impossible! How can Heart Demon unravel! For so many years, I try After so many ways, I can't solve it!" Xian Old Yun Zu said, Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"Heart Demon is actually a hurdle that can't be crossed. I can help you cross it. Isn't it all right?"

Xian Old Yun thinks Xiao Guoguo's body With the flashing effect and the good spirit of the suit, he couldn't help but want to believe it. Xian Old Yun Zu shook his head quickly, this woman is simply scheming, how could she be a good person?

What just appeared must be an illusion! What's even more ridiculous is that he almost let the illusion be deceived, just a little bit nodded to agree.

"Can you help me cross this hurdle? Can you help me find her back?" Xian Old Yun Zu asked, and Xiao Guoguo laughed.

"You have to tell me who she is first, a man or a woman?" Xiao Guoguo's words made Old Yun Zu Ling almost vomit blood. Man or woman? Does this issue still need to be doubted?

"Of course it is a woman!" Xian Old Yun's ancestor was extremely angry. This Xiao Guoguo is absolutely deliberate.

"Junior Brother, your Heart Demon was born because of a woman! You were planted on the love letter?!"

Ling Old Yun's ancestor looked shocked The expression, the skepticism and the small eyes of disbelief, it seems that you also have a woman problem? This made Xian Old Yun's heart feel the crit from Senior Brother.

"Why, I don't look good, so I can't like women?" Xian Old Yun asked with gritted teeth.

"No, I didn't mean it. You don't look like a major event. Your cultivation base is very high." Old Yun Zu Ling was very guilty, and he didn't dare to look at Old Yun Zu's eyes.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Sure enough, everyone is quite sure about the unsatisfactory appearance, right?

"Back then, I and Fang Junior Sister were a couple! If it weren’t for me to be in danger later, whereabouts unknown, how could she marry Senior Brother Zhao! If it wasn’t for my low cultivation base, what would she do? Will forget me so soon! I want to stand out and defeat Senior Brother Zhao, am I wrong?"

Xian Old Yun still has an aggrieved face when talking about the past. And Ling Old Yun's ancestors are all surprised, Junior Brother and Fang Junior Sister? When did this happen!

"But Junior Brother, whereabouts unknown for more than a hundred years, it's normal for this person to change his mind. It's understandable." Ling Old Yun's ancestor couldn't help but want to tell the truth.

"We are a cultivator, is it a hundred years long? Is it long!" Old Yun Zu Xian looked sad, and Old Yun Zu Ling would not stimulate him.

"Then if you forget her, wouldn’t it not be painful?" Xiao Guoguo said, Old Yun stunned, forgetting Fang Junior Sister, forgetting all this, thinking he didn’t want to ?

"How to forget! Heart Demon has taken root and cannot be forgotten!" Xian Old Yun shook his head bitterly.

"As long as your Divine Consciousness and the memory of Fang Junior Sister are destroyed, Heart Demon will naturally be gone." Xiao Guoguo's proposal was too scary, and Old Yun's ancestor widened. With eyes closed, is this method really reliable?

"Are you sure? Really do it?" Xian Old Yun ancestor himself felt unsure.

Xiao Guoguo looked at each other calmly, laughed, and said: "Of course...I'm not sure, I think it doesn't matter if I try it anyway, it doesn't matter."

Yun Zu: "..." It doesn't matter to you, he matters! He didn't want to try it casually.

"Look at your current situation, what else can you hesitate about? Could it be worse?" Xiao Guoguo then lobbied, which gave the ancestor of Xian Old Yun a sense of approval.

Yeah, can it be worse than it is now? What's more, now that he has fallen into the hands of others, he is not sure whether he will live or die in the future, why not give it a try?

"What am I going to give?" Xian Old Yun's ancestor has deeply understood the rules of the cultivation world. No one can reap without sowing, and Xiao Guoguo will not help him in vain.

"I want to enter the barrier to take a look, I think you should know how to do it."

Hearing this, Old Yun ancestor's eyelids drooped, pondering for a while, nodded, and said : "Yes, I do know it. I have studied this treasure for more than 300 years and checked a lot of things."

Take advantage of it.

"Money is something outside of the body, the magic weapon, so is the Spirit Stone. Compared with these, real freedom is more precious, isn't it?"

Xiao Guoguo’s advice, Let Xian Old Yun opened his eyes and said, "Yes, you are right. I have been a demonic cultivator for so many years, and I want to experience the feeling of becoming a cultivator again! I am willing to do this with you. Deal!"

With a promise from the ancestor of Xian Old Yun, Xiao Guoguo is relieved, she knows that the ancestor of Xian Old Yun is not simple.

"Then let's start now, what else do you wish? If you haven't completed it, you can explain it now. Although we can't guarantee to help you achieve it, at least we can listen to it."

Xiao Guoguo After saying that, the eyelids of Xian Old Yun's ancestor also trembled. Why do you feel that she is so unreliable! Now ask this, can he really live?

"Should we think about it again..." Before Xian Old Yun's ancestor's words were finished, Xiao Guoguo laughed and punched him, and Xian Old Yun's ancestor fell into darkness.

"Why is this?" Ling Old Yun Zu felt that he couldn't understand the situation in front of him.

"Keeping quiet is the key to success."

Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, Ling Old Yun Zu touched your nose, somewhat sorry, and walked far away at the same time . He understands the rules. Some things are the secrets of the cultivator. You can't ask or read them.

And Xiao Guoguo watched Ling Old Yun's ancestor walk away, and this pulled out the Divine Consciousness. Chi Xuan looked at his eyes with a deep look. He didn't know how Xiao Guoguo did it, and when he did it!

But now, when things are halfway through, he can't speak, for fear of distracting Xiao Guoguo, the consequences will be serious. However, after this time, he and her have to have a good talk,

The Divine Consciousness in Xiao Guoguo's hands is a big ball, slowly turning into the shape of a saber, and then directly entering Within the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Old Yun ancestor.

Divine Consciousness Attack everyone knows, but it is an attack with the pressure released by Divine Consciousness. And like Xiao Guoguo, directly integrating one's Divine Consciousness into the other's Sea of ​​Consciousness, this is the real terrifying, the real danger.

Chi Xuan clenched his fists and kept himself silent, but his heart was beating so fast that he was extremely nervous. He found that he still knew too little about Xiao Guoguo.

And now Xiao Guoguo also closed his eyes and glanced at the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Xian Old Yun ancestor. Sure enough, it was shrouded in black clouds, and there was no light inside.

Moreover, a big tree composed of black demonic energy is right in the middle of the stone sea. Xiao Guoguo saw it and sweated for himself, didn't expect, the situation is so complicated.

And the big black tree seemed to feel the Divine Consciousness from the outside, as if being stimulated immediately, it began to twitch its branches crazily, moved towards all directions and attacked, trying to threaten it. Complete eradication.

Xiao Guoguo's Divine Consciousness dodges from left to right, dare not to take it lightly, if the black Divine Consciousness is really caught, her loss will be great.

Xiao Guoguo only feels fortunate that her Divine Consciousness has become very flexible after such a long time of tempering. Even if she is in the ocean, she is not stage fright.

However, how can this big black tree be pulled up by the roots? Xiao Guoguo's Divine Consciousness dodges while considering this issue.

(End of this chapter)

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