
  Chapter 1193 The Golden Retriever

Ling Old Yun Ancestor for so many years, I have never seen anything, no scenes I've seen it, but when he saw that his Junior Brother turned out to be like this, he couldn't accept it.

"Xianyun, shut up!"

Ling Old Yun Zu took out the majesty of being a Senior Brother, but Xiao Guoguo just glanced at the old man gently, this It is estimated that I will be slapped in the face!

"You just shut up! For so many years, I have endured enough and scolded me all day long! Why do you think you are, but you are Ling Cloud Sect A dog, if you give you a branch sect, you don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth!"

A passage from the ancestor of Xian Old Yun, everyone has read it, this kind of cannibalism, internal tears They are still very interested in the forced scenes. Even if it is an important time for treasure hunting, it hasn't delayed their enthusiasm for watching the show.

"Xianyun, how did you become like this? Even if we are not a Master, we are senior and junior brothers who have been with us for many years! How did you become like this!"

Ling Old Yun's ancestor did not understand this. Looking at Xian Old Yun's ancestor, he felt very sorry. He saw the demonic energy radiating from Xian Old Yun's ancestor, and he was even more frightened.

"You think I am Junior Brother, that is your own stupidity, what is my business? Do you want me to be moved by your stupidity?" Xian Old Yun ancestor looked like a broken jar, Don't care to offend anyone.

"Okay, it's almost done, people are getting older and are not in good health. After a while, you have overstimulated, and Ling Old Yun's ancestor has another problem. You will pay us for our battle strength!"

Xiao Guoguo said, directly handing over the old ancestor of Xian Old Yun to the fatty and let it watch.

Fatty is very speechless, its dignified monster beast, colorful fire bird, king of the sky, when did it become a guard? These guys, they all looked at, really want to throw the three on the back!

But, it is willing, Xiao Guoguo can't bear it, these are all people who need it, how can it be thrown away!

Everyone has no time to care about Xiao Guoguo's intentions, but the Old Ancestor of Thousand Mountain Sect hasn't seen it. The fatty on his back is their sect's disciple.

"Let's discuss now how to get in and who will go in first!" The red-clothed man from Cloud Sect looked at several teams. They are now divided into four teams, or, the first thing he has to do now is to find someone to form an alliance.

"Who will go in first? Naturally, they will go in first." Golden Retriever side Anjiu said, obviously looking for trouble.

"Then how to judge who is powerful? Do you want us to fight again?" The black butterfly meeting master of the auction asked, his body was full of murderous aura.

Xiao Guoguo looked at this group of people, very helpless, after only saying a few words, can he start a fight? This is stronger than the battle strength of the aunt at the vegetable market, and it makes people's brains hurt.

"I think no matter what treasure it is, it's not worth your life! Instead of fighting here, you might as well go in and take a look, maybe there is nothing in it."

Xiao Guoguo In a word, all the people from all walks of life were stunned. Listening to these words, why are you so heartbroken!

However, I have to admit that what people say makes sense! What if they fight to the death outside, and there is nothing in it? Isn't that a loss?

Thinking of this possibility, everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo simultaneously, as if looking at her this way, they could see that the answer was the same.

"What do you say, we listen to you." Jin Mao said with flying brows, Xiao Guoguo didn't expect that he would suggest that.

"Otherwise, we choose an ancient and most credible method... Rock Paper Scissors, what do you think?" Xiao Guoguo asked uncertainly.

Everyone: "..." Are you sure that rock-paper-scissors is an ancient and most credible method?

"I agree." The Golden Retriever raised his hand first. The boss said that no matter how unreliable, he has to support him spiritually.

"You are crazy!" The red-clothed man felt that the golden retriever was deliberate! They agreed definitely because they were deliberately disgusting.

"I agree too." The black butterfly meeting master of auction also agreed, with a smile on his face.

Everyone: "..." Do you guys have a bottom line for disgusting each other?

Xiao Guoguo is stupid, she didn't expect, will everyone agree, she just said casually.

Therefore, the four teams really used this method to determine the order of entry, and Xiao Guoguo and his team were the first.

"You cheated, you must have cheated!" The people at Cloud Sect disagreed at first. What kind of thing is this!

"I didn't cheat. Or, do it again?" Xiao Guoguo suggested so, and the red-clothed man was stunned.

This seems to be a bit bullying. Moreover, they are immortals, they can be subtle, but with such a low cultivation base, this girl may not be subtle! The red-clothed man was very depressed, so he pinched his nose to admit it.

Xiao Guoguo laughed, the sample, knowing that you will be subtle, deliberately used fake moves.

To play rock, paper, scissors, you must not only have strength, but also use your brain to win.

Xiao Guoguo They were the first to enter, but no one opposed it. Besides, Xiao Guoguo's current strength is considered strong among several teams, so everyone did not really smash them.

And Ling Old Yun ancestors have not understood until now, why were they the first to enter? Suddenly the character exploded.

"How do you get in this barrier?" The few teams that finally stopped fighting did not think of this question. The barrier seems to be not simple, how do they get in?

Everyone is thinking about the way to enter, but after a few attempts, nothing has changed. No matter if you use a spiritual power attack or a power attack, you still can't break this protective barrier.

No matter if your cultivation base is high or your cultivation base is low, sorry, this barrier just doesn't let you in.

"Otherwise, let's attack and try it together?" The man from Cloud Sect suggested so, and he was very annoyed by this barrier. What level of relic is this, dare to be so mad. He is a sword cultivator, and he can't break it!

"I think it's okay." The Black Butterfly Club Master felt the same way. She tried it too, but it didn't work.

Now that we have said that, in order to show our sincerity, everyone really started to work together... However, this barrier seems to be an enhanced version, but there is no response.

The crowd was bored and began to think hard, Xiao Guoguo didn't worry, and meditated on the spot. Now this situation is very embarrassing. They stopped fighting and couldn't get in.

After a long time, Xiao Guoguo, Chi Xuan and Ling Old Yun ancestor got up, and they left with Xian Old Yun ancestor. Everyone saw it, but no one stopped them, and they couldn't control the traitors when they dealt with them.

"What are you taking me here for?" Old Yun Zu Xian didn't want to talk, he didn't have anything to say.

"Your Heart Demon, if I can help you out, what do you think?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Old Yun ancestor Xian was completely stunned, this is impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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