
  Chapter 1179 Forcing

Xiao Guoguo took a look at Qingyun daoist, this product was fully demonstrated to them What is death!

"I said, if you don't die, you won't die. It's almost done. You are not afraid that he will be happy, come over and shave you?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Qingyun daoist suddenly remembered, yes Ah, it is very possible.

"You are courting death!" Sure enough, Old Feng's ancestor got up and killed Qingyun Daoist.

"The Old Ancestor, I advise you to don't be impatient. The rescue is just behind. Now that you have consumed spiritual power, you will regret it for a while."

With a light and fluttering sentence from Wenwen, that angry Old Feng ancestor paused, after thinking about it, he flicked his sleeves, forget it.

Wait until the people from Sect come, and then find them to settle the accounts, anyway, they can't leave now! Angrily Old Feng's ancestor thought so, Xiao Guoguo was relieved.

It's because the two parties met as soon as they met, and they got a chance to breathe. The key now is how to find the right time to escape.

Time flies quickly, only hearing a whistling sound from a distance, Xiao Guoguo looked up, and black clothed persons rushed to this side quickly. At the front of the team was a man wearing a golden mask and a huge red robe, slowly falling down.

"Elder!" A group of black clothed persons one-knee kneels, obviously showing respect to this man.

"What's going on!" The man asked, turning around to look at Chi Xuan and the ancestors of Old Feng. These two people are among these two people, with the highest cultivation base.

"Sword cultivator?" The man's eyes moved away from that angry Old Feng ancestor, instead he looked at Chi Xuan, very interested.

Chi Xuan didn't say anything, but raised his sword. Looking at the opponent sharply, he felt a strong pressure from the opponent.

"Yes, it's a pity, I'm still a bit younger." The man said, looking at the angry Old Feng ancestor.

"You are a demonic cultivator, how dare you be arrogant with me!" the man asked, the ancestral eyes of the angry Old Feng on the opposite side suddenly widened, and he couldn't believe what he said.

"What nonsense are you talking about! When did I become a demonic cultivator!" That angry Old Feng ancestor was very angry, and he couldn't bear such a big crime down!

Especially there are a few Thousand Mountain Sect dísciples around here. At this moment, they looked at their eyes with fear. Sometimes the lethality of words is the greatest!

Xiao Guoguo also looked at that angry Old Feng ancestor with suspicion, and couldn't understand in his heart, what the man said was wrong!

If he is a demonic cultivator, he should use black magic power. Why does this angry Old Feng ancestor use spiritual power!

"Are you not, you know it by yourself. I definitely can't keep a cultivator like you." The man said, he shot it directly, and it was a killing move.

Xiao Guoguo was stunned, this guy, he finished cleaning up this angry Old Feng ancestor, is he about to clean up them!

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan. Chi Xuan gave her a soothing look. Chi Xuan is always watching the changes in the scene.

When Xiao Guoguo looked at the man, he always felt that this man was very strange, and he felt both righteous and evil.

If he is not the righteous cultivator, why should he kill the demonic cultivator? If he is a righteous cultivator, why is he so evil? This doesn't make sense!

And that angry Old Feng ancestor obviously didn't expect, the man shot such a very ruthless! Especially since this man has a very high cultivation base, he is not an opponent. If he didn't guess wrong, this man should be the level 3 cultivation base of the fairy.

This is terrible! Anger Old Feng ancestor now only hopes that the reinforcement of sect will come soon, otherwise he is afraid that he will be damaged here!

"Are you still reluctant to do it? If that's the case, you can only go to death!" The man said so, the long sword in his hand danced quickly, which turned out to be a sword cultivator.

Xiao Guoguo froze, are there so many sword cultivators these years?

However, before Xiao Guoguo thought to understand, he saw that Old Feng ancestor was injured all over, and he was obviously not his opponent.

Angrily Old Feng's ancestor's expression of grievance, when he will not make a move, he has no power to fight back at all.

"You are pushing me so, do you think I will give up? I am not a demonic cultivator, no!" The angry Old Feng ancestor shouted with a crazy look on his face.

"Look, it's still stiff. Just your temper, but it's really too big. It's not good for your health."

The man said, holding the hand The long sword danced again, Xiao Guoguo could see that the man's Sword Art had been tempered to this level.

The opponent’s Sword Art trick is not so brilliant, and the long sword in his hand is not Immortal Artifact, but because there is a cultivation base, sword qi and sword intent, it makes him stand in the sword. Dao’s height is quite higher than her and Chi Xuan.

And that angry Old Feng ancestor, the support he is looking forward to still hasn't arrived. It seems that the distance is not very long. Xiao Guoguo always feels that this man’s words are untrustworthy, and this angry Old Feng ancestor is really a demonic cultivator, why bother to carry it like this? It's unworthy to die for it.

"You are too weak, I can squeeze to death with one hand if I am weak. There is no need for a rubbish like you to exist!" The man said so, his ancestral face was about to crack. Up.

"ahhhh! You are bully intolerably! bullly intolerably!" Anger Old Feng ancestor shouted so, his hair flew, Xiao Guoguo secretly said a bad sound, because she saw it, angered Old Feng ancestor's feet The black rays of light shone fiercely.

Everyone can see that this angry Old Feng ancestor is clearly the entanglement of Heart Demon, and he fell directly into the demonic path at this moment!

"Look, let me just say, you are a demonic cultivator." The man calm and composed said so, looking at the angry Old Feng ancestor surrounded by black demonic energy.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This is too much, it is clear that you forced people into the demonic path! How can you speak so arrogantly!

"I am not! No!" Anger Old Feng ancestor roared angrily, and then looked at the black demonic energy on his body, it was crazy, he actually became a demonic cultivator.

"It's all you, it's all you killed! I want to kill you!" Anger Old Feng ancestor shouted, Xiao Guoguo felt a little sympathetic to him.

Although this angry Old Feng ancestor must have been entangled with Heart Demon for a long time, they also tried to get rid of Heart Demon and be a good cultivator.

As a result, this man seized this opportunity and directly forced others to become a demonic cultivator! There is no need to save this time at all. This angry Old Feng ancestor must hate the other party to death.

"Hehe, why bother, I just help you, let you choose according to your inner feelings. Look at you, isn't this more comfortable?" The man said, laughed, laughed Muffled, it sounds very nice.

Chi Xuan stood beside Xiao Guoguo and looked at each other, always feeling that this person is very dangerous. Chi Xuan even on his body, there is always a feeling of seeing Xiao Han.

At this moment, a group of cultivators appeared in midair, Xiao Guoguo looked back, hehe, many people came this time, not only the dísciple of Thousand Mountain Sect, but also the dísciple of Water Sect, even Those who follow Thousand Mountain Sect, this is lively.

However, you did not show up when your Old Ancestor was bullied. Now he has become a demonic cultivator and you are here. Is it a bit late?

(End of this chapter)

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