
  Chapter 1178 Debunking

At this time, Thousand Mountain Sect’s angry Old Feng ancestor finally rushed arrive. Seeing that his most proud eldest disciple was beaten like this, he roared, took the person off, and hugged him in his arms.

"Master, you finally came!" When Liu Daoist said this, tears fell. He has never suffered such grievances when he grows up.

"Don't worry, your hatred, Master will give you back!" Angrily Old Feng Zu said, rushed up, and directly placed Liu Daoist on the ground.

Then Liu Daoist is stunned, Master, don't do this, he is not dead yet, he is just injured, he can't just throw it here! If they were picked up by this group of them, they would suffer a great loss!

Sure enough, without Xiao Guoguo saying anything, Su Tuo daoist walked over and picked up the daoist who was seriously injured and abandoned by the Master.

Xiao Guoguo didn't say anything, and Chi Xuan quietly stepped back, revealing the black clothed man.

All the ancestors of the angry Old Feng saw just now, it was this man wearing a black clothed suit and a mask. He swung a knife at his discipline and beat him to death!

"Take your life!" Anger Old Fengzu said, the magic weapon in his hand has been thrown out.

Yes, it was just thrown out. The magic weapon of this Old Ancestor is really peculiar. It turned out to be two metal rings. It's just that the two rings are one larger and the other smaller, and all of them are sharp jagged teeth. If they are touched, they will probably lose flesh.

Moreover, these two rings still cooperate with each other, they can fly around, hit, and cooperate with each other, and their lethality is very powerful.

"You are their backstage? It doesn't seem to be a big deal!" The black clothed man said so, he actually fought with the angry Old Feng ancestor, which shocked everyone.

They didn't expect, such a simple method actually worked! They were originally surrounded, but now they are fighting.

Chi Xuan stood there, simply did not move. However, he still maintained a defensive posture, protecting everyone behind him.

The black clothed person and the angry Old Feng ancestor fought very seriously. They fought back and forth, but after a while, both of them were injured. Although they were all minor injuries, they were still shed blood.

"Who are you guys anyway?!" the black clothed man asked, looking at Chi Xuan and Anger Old Feng ancestors, it was obviously inappropriate for him to deal with them one by one.

"You are who again!" Angrily asked Old Feng ancestor, not stage fright at all.

"You don't have the right to know!" The black clothed person finished speaking, and threw an object in his hand into the air. A whistling stinged everyone's ears.

Xiao Guoguo is strange, every one of them likes to throw things in the air for help! Today this matter is getting more and more complicated. It is not easy for them to survive in the cracks.

And that angry Old Feng ancestor is obviously not stage fright, they will call people, and they can't suffer! I also took out a contact item from my arms and threw it directly out.

The dazzling rays of light, Xiao Guoguo closed his eyes again, what's so special... You can't change a magic weapon that doesn't hurt your eyes!

In an instant, the atmosphere solidified a bit. At this time, the ancestor of Anger Old Feng saw Chi Xuan and a few people, and then fiercely glared.

The current powerful enemies are not suitable for distracting them. In any case, Chi Xuan and the others are all Great Sect people, and they still have room for relaxation. However, these black clothed persons are not that simple.

Good ruins, how come these black clothed persons come in? Their cultivation base profound, their behavior was strange, and he felt an unusual atmosphere.

When the two sides confronted each other, Xiao Guoguo gave Chi Xuan a wink. At this time, it seems more appropriate for them to run first, right? Now is a good time for them to escape.

Xiao Guoguo means that not only Chi Xuan understands, but the rest of the people also understand. A few people tacitly begin to move slowly, and the black clothed man looks at it, his eyes slightly Squint, no blocking.

In his opinion, this group of people is a group. If they abandon their companions and run away, it will only benefit him!

However, if the black clothed person ignores it, the ancestor of the angry Old Feng can't ignore it.

He looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan and they wanted to leave, so they quit! He was slapped by the black clothed person in this face. He can't be slapped by these people anymore, right?

"You stop me! Where do you want to run!" The angry Old Feng ancestor stopped everyone in an instant.

"This senior, it’s not right for you to say that. We are not running, we are going to call people! Look at the situation now, we obviously suffer." Qingyun Daoist said so, then Angrily Old Feng Zu almost vomited blood out of anger.

What kind of bastard is this, here is a serious mess for him. They went to find someone, and they wished him to die here! It's good to think, this time it's dead here, and he has to let them be buried!

"I said, you are really stupid! It was you who took my disciplines away! Say, where are they!" Angrily asked Old Feng Zu, this time that The black clothed person has come to understand, they are not in the same group!

"Wait! You are not together!" the black clothed person asked, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled.

"Who told you that we are together?" Xiao Guoguo's words made the man almost vomit blood. He was misled by them and caused this difficult enemy to provoke!

"You guys, it's great! No matter who you are, none of you are allowed to leave!" The man suddenly changed his mind and played them like fools, of course he couldn't spare them.

"Don't be mad, you treat us as soft persimmons! Tell you, if you move us, you will wait to be chased and killed by Ling Cloud Sect for a lifetime!" Qingyun daoist had no choice but to report his family. It's really the black clothed person and the angry Old Feng group, he can't beat either of them.

"You are Ling Cloud Sect dísciple!" Anger Old Feng Zu asked, frowning fiercely.

"The teacher is the ancestor of Ling Old Yun!" Qingyun daoist observed the other's face after speaking, hoping that Master's face would be effective.

"Really? Are you Lingyun's discipline?" The angry Old Feng ancestor asked with surprise on his face.

"Really, really, really!" Qingyun Daoist felt that the Master could save his life at the critical moment.

"haha, it's really very good, then I will kill you and make the old man suffer for a lifetime! hahaha!"

Xiao Guoguo: "..."Excessive force , The plot turned too fast.

Qingyun daoist didn't expect anyhow, it turned out to be such a result, took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger. There is something wrong with it, what do you show so happy to have grudges!

"Senior, the enemy should be settled and not settled. You are someone who has been ascended, and you are so careless. If you are so narrow-minded, you can't handle it during Transcending Tribulation, and Heart Demon will be overwhelmed. It's not dead."

So Qingyun daoist said, the face of the angry Old Feng ancestor was ugly as if it were covered by black clouds. Qingyun daoist saw the heart startled, No way, did he guess right? !

Happy holiday everyone, (*^__^*)

(End of this chapter)

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