
  Chapter 1126 Hurt each other

What are the meanings, why is there a kind of Cui Sect Master? What do they mean by having a close friendship with Chi Xuan? Sect Master Tang couldn't understand it, but Xiao Guoguo could see clearly. This guy was obviously afraid that Ling Cloud Sect would steal his business.

"After we separated, we followed Wenwen and Qingyun Daoist to stay here temporarily, didn't expect Sect Master Tang to be hospitable and hospitable, as if we were our own people."

A passage from Xiao Guoguo is to make Sect Master Cui feel at ease. Naturally, she will not forget her friends. They are friends in need. This feeling is different, let alone Cui Ziran's involvement.

"Temporary? Is that enough? I heard the news of Li Dan Master. I was in a hurry. You are looking for a place to cultivation. Why don't you go to my Pure Feather Sect! The environment of our Pure Feather Sect? Why not use Cloud Sect?"

Cui Sect Master asked directly, listening to Sect Master Tang was very helpless. Is this an environmental problem?

"No, the Senior Brother and I lived here very well, and I will go back to your place again." Xiao Guoguo didn't want to leave her small courtyard.

"Really don't think about it? The scenery of our Pure Feather Sect is the best in the whole continent!" Cui Sect Master still persisted in persuading the two.

Sect Master Tang: "..." What's the matter? This is robbing people in front of him. Is there any moral bottom line that is the same as Sect Master?

"Everyone, let's go back to sect. I'll let someone prepare some fresh fruits and melons." Sect Master Tang hurriedly invited everyone to leave. There are so many dísciples, and it’s not easy to use him. The means of robbing him, hum hmph!

"Okay, okay, what kind of melons are there?" Cui Sect Master turned his head and asked very enthusiastically.

Sect Master Tang: "..." For a while, I don't know what to say about it.

If it weren't for the good breath and level, this Sect Master Tang couldn't help but wonder, is this Cui Sect Master fake?

Cui Sect Master and Sect Master Tang belong to the same generation of dísciple. When they became famous, they were not the same. When Sect Master Tang was mentioned, Cui Sect Master was inevitably mentioned. Therefore, the two I know each other since I was young.

However, because of their different personalities, there is not much intersection in these two people normally. Besides, the interests of sect are involved. When meeting each other, they have to beware of each other. It is not easy to get along with each other. There is no thought of making friends.

It's like Cui Sect Master suddenly came home today. Sect Master Tang was muttering in his heart. Do you really understand, why is he here? Is it really just to take these two Fellow Daoists away?

Sect Master Tang didn't understand, so he hurriedly called Qingyun daoist and Wenwen to come over. The relationship between Qingyun daoist and Cui Sect Master is very good.

Sometimes Sect Master Tang is very envious of this Qingyun Daoist, just because they are senior and junior brothers, but because of their different identities, they naturally assume different responsibilities.

He is responsible for work extremely hard, Junior Brother is responsible for eating and drinking merrily.

They are the same age and the cultivation base is the same, but because he became the Sect Master, he restricted a lot of things instead, and Qingyun, he lived more freely and casually.

Thinking about it this way, why did he start to envy Qingyun Daoist?

The same sect disciple, both of which are Master’s disciplines, just because he became a Sect Master, he has more on his back. As for Junior Brother, it is used to pierce the heart.

Qingyun eats his cultivation, Qingyun cultivation handles sect things, Qingyun goes out to play, he sits in sect!

Thinking about it this way, is it a bit hard for him to be a Sect Master?

Sect Master Tang suddenly understood, why Cui Sect Master likes to come out and play? It seems to be enough for this Sect Master.

"Brother Cui? Why did you come suddenly without giving me a message!"

Qingyun daoist asked, greeted the back of Patted Cui Sect Master, very excited . The two are indeed good friends. Otherwise, because of Cui Sect Master's news, this Qingyun daoist gave Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo their stand.

"I came in a hurry, and I didn't have time to tell you, are you despising me?" Cui Sect Master asked, Qingyun Daoist hurriedly shook his head.

"How is it possible? It's too late to welcome! I'll go to my yard and sit."

Qingyun daoist sat next door to Cui Sect Master and was also guessing, this time What is he here for? Is it really pure to see him?

Is impossible, if he came to see himself, how could he appear here in Senior Brother Sect Head? It seems... It turned out to be here to see Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo?

"Wenwen has become a daoist? Congratulations!" Cui Sect Master saw Wenwen's spiritual power fluctuate at the first glance, and it turned out to be a soaring period.

"Thank you! Secret Realm is rich in spiritual power, and it happened to be a breakthrough." Wenwen said with a smile, and Cui Sect Master was stunned.

"Wenwen, you lied to me! That Secret Realm, I have never been in, where is it so powerful. In more than ten years, you can break through the two-tiered cultivation base? This is impossible!"

Cui Sect Master feels that he has been hit hard, this article must be a lie to him! He is impossible because of selling the Spirit Pill and missed the opportunity to raise the two-tiered cultivation base.

Wenwen: "..." If I know that I lied to you, just silently persuade myself to believe it. Why can't I think about it so much, I have to say it.

"Everyone has their own chance."

In a word, Cui Sect Master wondered if he had missed something, and he was in a bad mood. At this time, you have to find a good friend to empathize with you.

"Qingyun, you can't beat Wenwen even more in the past. If you don't work hard, you won't have the chance to stand up in your life! You are a Master, but you can't beat your own discipline, don't you feel ashamed? "

Cui Sect Master said seriously, Sect Master Tang was taken aback for a moment, um...have these two people broken? Don’t you be afraid of friends doing this?

The Qingyun daoist who was about to eat a fruit, suddenly felt the spiritual crit from his little friend Cui Sect Master, and was in a bad mood. He was afraid that he would really not be able to beat Wenwen in this life.

Seeing Qingyun daoist's face as if stepping on shit, Cui Sect Master's heart calmed down. He has always believed that true friends are those who can withstand mutual harm.

Xiao Guoguo looked at this scene, really didn't want to say anything, just these two people, how did they get into the ascendant daoist?

Just this mind, just this careful look, just this habit of cheating friends at any time... Should she study hard?

"Cui Sect Master doesn't seem to know yet. Wenwen is no longer the discipline of Qingyun Daoist, but is now Junior Sister. So it is normal to fail to defeat Junior Sister and it is not a shame."


Xiao Guoguo followed and hit a person when he's down. Anyway, she is not a daoist in the ascension stage, she can use her lowly cultivation base to despise them.

"What! Really? hahaha...No, I mean, congratulations to Wenwen." Cui Sect Master looked at Qingyun Daoist's face and didn't dare to continue teasing.

(End of this chapter)

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