
  Chapter 1125 Finding the door

"What the hell is this Spirit Beast body?" Sect Master Tang was curious Asked

"A colorful fire bird."

"Colorful flowers and birds? Really or fake, it doesn't look like it at all." Sect Master Tang told Xiao Guoguo this time Very approving, because she also felt that she didn't look like it at all.

At this moment, the faty got his wish and became the focus of the audience. The rays of light shined on it, which was very dazzling, and it was impossible to focus.

For a few minutes, the fatty continued to spin and tweet in the air, and then stopped abruptly. The rays of light gradually disappeared, and the fatty body appeared.

The huge body, colorful feathers, especially the three tail feathers, like fire, reflecting the red rays of light, very beautiful.

"It's... it's really a colorful fire bird!"

Sect Master Tang didn't expect such a chubby, hairy fatty, it turned out to be like this! Sure enough, Transcending Tribulation is the best choice for Spirit Beast to grow.

"gu gu gu...I have feathers after all!" came a fatty proud voice.

Sect Master Tang: "..." What kind of sound is this gu gu gu! Your image is too ruined!

Xiao Guoguo doesn't matter. It doesn't care about the image itself, and she doesn't want to be nosy.

"Master, come up, I'll take you for a walk!" Fatty yelled so, the huge wings flapped, and the surrounding trees were a little unsupportable, and they collapsed.

"Come down, don't scream." Xiao Guoguo ordered this, but fatty was not obedient, waving his wings directly, and flew away.

"What does this mean?" Sect Master Tang asked Xiao Guoguo puzzledly.

"Going out!" Xiao Guoguo was not angry at all.

"Hehe. He has a very lively personality." What can Sect Master Tang say, it is indeed an extraordinary cultivator, and the Spirit Beast he carries is so extraordinary.

However, it didn't take long for Fatty to run back quickly, and several monster beasts followed.

"If you see it, the colorful fire bird is good to go out and play."

Xiao Guoguo's words, Sect Master Tang simply can't refute it. It seems to make sense.

In the end, the several monster beasts that were chasing were all slapped by the salamander. The salamander level is too high, even if these birds have wings, they are not their opponents at all.

Because of fatty's contribution, Ling Cloud Sect has many more flying mounts.

At this moment, in front of the mountain gate, a man looked at the main peak of Ling Cloud Sect, with a pleasant surprise in his heart. Finally found it. Can you see Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan this time?

"Cui Sect Master, we Sect Master went out just now, shall I take the senior over?" a Ling Cloud Sect dísciple asked. , The attitude is respectful, the person is not someone else, it is the Cui Sect Master of Pure Feather Sect.

"That's good." Cui Sect Master is very casual, not too embarrassed.


Xiao Guoguo has caught so many monster beasts, and the whole sect knows about it. The main reason is that each mountain urgently mobilizes dísciple to escort the monster beast back.

Although these monster beasts were beaten to the death, and there is no ability to resist, but at any rate, there are still many people to feel at ease. It is said that the Spirit Beast Garden is full, and they are looking for a place to house these monster beasts.

"Your sect food is good! Are these monster beasts sent to the kitchen?" Cui Sect Master asked. The dísciple accompanied by Cloud Sect had sweat on his forehead.

The Sect Master of Pure Feather Sect is as difficult as the legend. Seeing so many monster beasts, is it the only thing that comes to mind first?

"Hehe, Cui Sect Master laughed, these are all Spirit Beast captured by sect." As dísciple said so, Cui Sect Master shook his head.

"no no no, you are wrong, you are still young and can’t settle accounts, let me make it clear to you. The one that can be tamed is Spirit Beast, which is not tame. It is the monster beast. Is the disobedient monster beast, do you sect still raise it for nothing?"

dísciple: "..." What should I do if you think what he said is very reasonable?

There are so many monster beasts. They sect to raise it. It is indeed a bit difficult. However, this matter is not something he should ask, nor can he ask.

"What the senior said." Dísciple thinks, let's just let it go, after all, it's a senior expert.

"Little child’s family, don’t blame you for not thinking carefully, you don’t know the difficulty of being a Sect Master.

Me and you Master, you have to live your life carefully. Otherwise, there are so many sect disciple sciples, and the daily cost is an unimaginable figure. Our conscientious work and hard work are all you can’t see."

Cui Sect Master shook his head while shaking his head. Next to the education, dísciple couldn't help but praised himself a lot, and the accompanying dísciple almost couldn't help but complain.

His Master is hardworking and conscientious, he admits it! But, why is Choi Sect Master so embarrassed to talk like this? Is there a Sect Master like him who goes out alone and plays everywhere?

"I'm here." I saw the crowd, and accompanied the dísciple sighed in relief. This is considered to have arrived. If the person is handed over to the Master, he will even complete the task.

Sect Master Tang also didn't expect that Cui Sect Master would suddenly appear in front of him. The two hadn't seen each other for many years. Today, he came alone. Is there anything wrong with him?

"Two Fellow Daoists, I still have something to deal with, so I will leave first." Sect Master Tang said goodbye to Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

"Be busy, and work together next time." Xiao Guoguo's attitude towards customers is still very friendly.

But, she watched Sect Master Tang leave, and then...hey, she saw an acquaintance.

"Cui Sect Master, why did Sect Master come suddenly today, is there something..."

Before Sect Master Tang finished speaking, I saw Cui Sect Master himself He flew over and fell directly in front of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

"Two Fellow Daoists, make me easy to find!"

Cui Sect Master sighed and everyone was taken aback. Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, this guy will find it here, and Sect Master Tang didn't expect, Cui Sect Master didn't come to him.

"You know?" Sect Master Tang touched his nose silently, and he came back again.

"This is natural, come, come, Sect Master Tang, let me introduce to you, these two are my Life and Death Friends, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan." Cui Sect Master slapped him with a slap in the face. On Chi Xuan's shoulder.

Sect Master Tang: "..." Why are you so awkward! Whose turf is this in the end! Use your introduction!

"Cui Sect Master, these two are my VIP guests of Cloud Sect, you don’t have to be so polite."

Sect Master Tang’s face is very unnatural, but, after all The Sect Master of the two sects can't get rid of their faces because of these small things.

"Really? When did it happen?" Cui Sect Master looked at Sect Master Tang with a pair of suspicious eyes.

Sect Master Tang: "..." I'll go, be polite to you, you are serious!

(End of this chapter)

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